Nuclear deal between Iran, world powers - has been reached

The only reason Obama went to the trouble to work out this deal is a favor to Valarie Jarrett. It is an attempt to marginalize Israel. If Israel bombs Iran's illegal nuke sites they will be labeled as criminals. Obama will promptly condemn them and pull all aid.

Obama fully supports Israel's right to defend itself. Just because Obama doesn't kowtow to Natahuyu's every whim and goes to war with Iran, doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel.

Obama We Are Fully Supportive of Israel s Right to Defend Itself - ABC News
It is so awesome Obama has China and Russia's economic problems in mind....fantastic deal for them to be able to sell both arms and now Uranium!!
Iran's own Uranium mines are running out - PROBLEM SOLVED - GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!
Well, if I remember right Persia (or Iran ) had not attacked any other country since Dareios and Xerxes, about 2500 years ago.

How about the USA? Ah, besides, I forgot. It's not your country at all. You robbed it.
Well, if I remember right Persia (or Iran ) had not attacked any other country since Dareios and Xerxes, about 2500 years ago.

How about the USA? Ah, besides, I forgot. It's not your country at all. You robbed it.

And the dumbest post of the day goes to...........

Obama, the reincarnation of 20th century British Prime Minister Chamberlain who kissed Nazi asses, obviously never learned from history.

There is no way to make a deal or compromise with a mortal enemy, other than their total and utter destruction, breaking their spirit, destroying their will to fight, and thereby earning their drudging respect and then with wise economic choices, turn them into a solid and unwavering ally like Japan and Germany.

But then, ideologues have never been known for their brains.

If Obama had the brains and courage to do what Harry Truman did to Japan and Germany, the world would be a better place.
Well, if I remember right Persia (or Iran ) had not attacked any other country since Dareios and Xerxes, about 2500 years ago.

How about the USA? Ah, besides, I forgot. It's not your country at all. You robbed it.

And the dumbest post of the day goes to...........


Disprove it.
Iran does their attacks by proxy


By the way, this would of course again be something completely unacceptable for the USA.
Obama, the reincarnation of 20th century British Prime Minister Chamberlain who kissed Nazi asses, obviously never learned from history.

There is no way to make a deal or compromise with a mortal enemy, other than their total and utter destruction, breaking their spirit, destroying their will to fight, and thereby earning their drudging respect and then with wise economic choices, turn them into a solid and unwavering ally like Japan and Germany.

But then, ideologues have never been known for their brains.

If Obama had the brains and courage to do what Harry Truman did to Japan and Germany, the world would be a better place.

Well, this time you obviously don't have the Soviet Union doing the Job for you in the first place.
Obama, the reincarnation of 20th century British Prime Minister Chamberlain who kissed Nazi asses, obviously never learned from history.

There is no way to make a deal or compromise with a mortal enemy, other than their total and utter destruction, breaking their spirit, destroying their will to fight, and thereby earning their drudging respect and then with wise economic choices, turn them into a solid and unwavering ally like Japan and Germany.

But then, ideologues have never been known for their brains.

If Obama had the brains and courage to do what Harry Truman did to Japan and Germany, the world would be a better place.

Well, this time you obviously don't have the Soviet Union doing the Job for you in the first place.

So, you think WWII was won by the Soviet Union?

Where are they now?
So, you think WWII was won by the Soviet Union?

Where are they now?

Yes. Regarding Germany. But that is a long story.

More important question: where will you be in 50 years?

See, I'm getting around professionally quite a bit the last 30 years or so.
I saw besides the USA also Russia, and in Asia mainly India and China for the bigger players. Besides a few dozen other countries, but it's not about details.
This is like watching children or general people developing over time on periodical occasions.

My general impression is that of a declining US, whilst the other countries are virtually blossoming.
Russia a bit slower, but they shed this fucking ideology the last, so it's not surprising.

And it is moving fast. In the seventies we laughed at Japanese cars in Germany. In the nineties they almost killed our car industry.
Today the fastest super computer of the world is located in China. A chinese one.
Keep in mind, if someone overtakes you and stays faster than you, you will not be able to catch him, no matter what good ol' times you had.

What you have is an overstretched military empire. Economically, you just pay in fresh printed Dollars because you don't have much else to offer. Wich becomes more and more problematic because you cannnot cover them with goods and services anymore.

You know, we here in Europe still have a common knowledge about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. We here were actually part of it. Today it is called Italy and completely irrelevant.
It is history repeating. Only faster.
57%, destroyed by treaty.Wikipedia › wiki › Russia_and_weapons...
Mobile-friendly - In addition to nuclear weapons, Russia declared an arsenal of 39,967 tons of chemical weapons in 1997, of which 57% have been destroyed. ... to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, with Russia the successor to the ...

Scumbag, did russia not break the '87 treaty? Did they not break their word in the Budapest memorandum? Did assad use chemical weapons after agreeing not to?

Deflect all you want chimp, but those things did happen.
Try and get your postings accurate before you put them down and make an ass of yourself.....ooops, too late.

You're a lying c-nt. I said the syrian agreement was to remove all of syria's chemical weapons and not use them again, which is what assad did - yet obama the weak did nothing about it. Your strawmen BS about the CW treaty from 2 decades ago is typical deflective nonsense by the mentally weak.
Here....educate yourself, although it may be too late for someone as dumb as you. America has always done better under Democratic presidents.......they're the ones that have to clean up the fuckups the Republicans leave behind.

Awesome, more fake statistics from the fraudulent obama administration, not surprisingly stupid people like you lap them up like the yapping, unintelligent poodles you are.

Just as accurate as obama's claim about "deporting more people than any prior president;" sure, after the asshole changed the way the were counted by including those turned away at the border. Just accept you're not bright, and need leaders like obama to tell you how to chew your food and swallow. Maybe if you're lucky, your hero obama might even start doing that for you.
Well, if I remember right Persia (or Iran ) had not attacked any other country since Dareios and Xerxes, about 2500 years ago.

This is a bannable statement at some of the forums I belong to, it's that fucking stupid. Do you really want to announce to the whole forum how little brains you have using a neon sign and fireworks?
Your right - I haven't read every post today - but I am pretty sure yours was the dumbest.

He won that award for the month of July, and we're only halfway through. I cannot imagine anyone beating it, but then again there's a lot of incredibly fucking stupid people in my ignore box...
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:

Just a little reminder here.
President Obama - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
The liars are in both parties.

You're an idiot. The plans that some people wanted to keep didn't come up to the lowest plan provided by Obamacare....that's why they couldn't keep them.
Too bad some of them were too stupid to realize they were getting a much better deal and were whining they wanted to keep their worthless plans. Talk about stupid.

Employers dropped their plans, 6 million lost theirs and will continue to do so in 2017 when it goes into the full effect.
I also don't know of any low income person that can afford to pay out of pocket deductibles starting at 3,000.00 and up.

You can say whatever you want.......the truth is, people are now better off with Obamacare. Some, like you, will continue to deny it and whine. Get some cheese.

Far too often before the Affordable Care Act came into effect, health insurance did not provide peace of mind - it provided anxiety, panic, and dread. Up to 129 million Americans - that's nearly one in two people - could be discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, or for that matter pregnancy or even something as ridiculous as acne.

And for the rest of Americans, they knew that coming down with any illness could mark them with that scarlet letter, where they could be unable to get affordable coverage, be trapped in a job, or even be dropped from their coverage because they got sick and have nowhere to turn. As the Vice President said in a speech to this morning, every family was one job loss or one illness away from seeing the worst of the insurance system - "There but for the grace of God."

Health Coverage Before the ACA And Why All Americans Are Better Off Now Insurance News Net

I'm not better off.
We now have to pay a deductible when we didn't have to before.
That is very hard to do on fixed incomes.

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