Nuclear deal between Iran, world powers - has been reached

Here s the full text of the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

14 days gives them plenty of time to move their nuke materials onto hiding.
Real sweet deal for Iran.

Those materials can be located from space. They send out radiation that is identifiable. You live in a fantasy world.
It is a fantasy to assume that this isn't going to be a constant problem. Eventually Iran will be using the media to convince the world that the United States is being evil for trying to keep them from having their nukes. Eventually they'll get their nukes with the blessing of the United Nations.....and then Israel will be forced to attack them, Saudi Arabia will have to get their own and so-forth.

You liberals all assume that everyone will be good and do what they promised. Obama doesn't even know what his own administration is doing. How is he going to make sure that Iran does what they're supposed to?

You fucking idiots are so damned stupid.

With or without a treaty it would be a problem. This delays any possible major problems, is therefore worth the effort.
I thought you were smarter than this.

All this does is end sanctions..and legitimizes their nuke program. Before Iran had neither. The only reason Obama did this was as a favor to Valarie Jarrett.
Here s the full text of the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

14 days gives them plenty of time to move their nuke materials onto hiding.
Real sweet deal for Iran.

Those materials can be located from space. They send out radiation that is identifiable. You live in a fantasy world.
It is a fantasy to assume that this isn't going to be a constant problem. Eventually Iran will be using the media to convince the world that the United States is being evil for trying to keep them from having their nukes. Eventually they'll get their nukes with the blessing of the United Nations.....and then Israel will be forced to attack them, Saudi Arabia will have to get their own and so-forth.

You liberals all assume that everyone will be good and do what they promised. Obama doesn't even know what his own administration is doing. How is he going to make sure that Iran does what they're supposed to?

You fucking idiots are so damned stupid.

With or without a treaty it would be a problem. This delays any possible major problems, is therefore worth the effort.
I thought you were smarter than this.

All this does is end sanctions..and legitimizes their nuke program. Before Iran had neither. The only reason Obama did this was as a favor to Valarie Jarrett.

Yeah Stat! Mud thought you were smarter than this.
Are you blowing smoke out of your ass? Please show a link showing that Obama made an agreement with Syria to eliminate the use of chemical weapons a few years ago. Your own article that you posted is very clear that Syria violated the Chemical Weapons Convention.......not some deal made with Obama. Syria broke International law, that was entered into force in 1997....long before Obama became President.

Are you fucking retarded?

Obama welcomes Syria chemical weapons deal - Al Jazeera English

"Obama said the accord was made possible "in part" by what he called his credible threat to use force against Syria as punishment for its alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians last month that according to American estimates killed about 1,400 people."

What is not clear about that?

And apparently, there are a few sane humans in the media who recognize what I've stated:

Obama Must Avoid Making Same Mistakes He Did With Syria
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You are missing the point, but then again, you always do.
An Iran that is constantly starving is more than likely to do everything possible to get a weapon. An Iran where at least enough money is flowing to feed it's own people is likely to not do this.You crazy-assed neocons will never, ever learn.Torah does not teach us Jews to annihilate other peoples.
And you are simply too fucking stupid to realize that with a deal this complex and with mechanism to verify that Iran is complying that nothing can happen too quickly, and if Iran does not comply, we can still bomb Iran out of existence, if must be. But that should be the LAST option, not the first. This is where you idiotic neocons fail miserably, every single time. BTW, thanks for the massive fuck-up in Iraq that cost us up to 10 Trillion. Now, that was some fine neocon thinking in action. You fucking morons, set half the world in flames, set our economy 20 years back, and act like nothing happened.Go fuck yourself, you moron.

I can see that I've clearly hit a nerve given you're angry, foaming at the mouth bile nonsense, all rage and no facts. BTW moron, the jews' history includes instances of wiping out entire peoples, go research it idiot.

Second, with iran the size of half the US, THERE IS NO WAY TO SUCCESSFULLY VERIFY all of its sites, many of which are HIDDEN.

Third, you are an asshole for making so many wrong assumptions; I was AGAINST the iraq war and wanted to see IRAN attacked, who has been the real threat for 30 years.

Given how unintelligent you are, and that I always had heard jews were smart, it proves that no group has a monopoly on geniuses and idiots - you're living proof. But you keep raging on little monkey, like most far left turds - you do a nice job proving my case for me.
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Those materials can be located from space. They send out radiation that is identifiable. You live in a fantasy world.

I can see why I've stayed out of the forum main section for a while, too many unbelievably stupid fucking people here: idiot makes a nonsense claim, then states other people are delusional. Shit for brains, your knowledge of nuclear materials could fit in a thimble. Buried, underground, hidden sites cannot "be located from space," where the fuck do you come up with this stuff, idiot?
It is a fantasy to assume that this isn't going to be a constant problem. Eventually Iran will be using the media to convince the world that the United States is being evil for trying to keep them from having their nukes. Eventually they'll get their nukes with the blessing of the United Nations.....and then Israel will be forced to attack them, Saudi Arabia will have to get their own and so-forth.

You liberals all assume that everyone will be good and do what they promised. Obama doesn't even know what his own administration is doing. How is he going to make sure that Iran does what they're supposed to?

You fucking idiots are so damned stupid.

You're just scratching the surface here...I am beginning to think leftists were put on this earth for the sole purpose of fucking things up to give rightwingers something to do, like fixing their fuckups.
As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

No sane Israel supporter could possibly support this deal, which places hundreds of billions of dollars in Iran's hands. What do you think Iran will do with that money?

You are missing the point, but then again, you always do.
An Iran that is constantly starving is more than likely to do everything possible to get a weapon. An Iran where at least enough money is flowing to feed it's own people is likely to not do this.

You crazy-assed neocons will never, ever learn.

Torah does not teach us Jews to annihilate other peoples.

And you are simply too fucking stupid to realize that with a deal this complex and with mechanism to verify that Iran is complying that nothing can happen too quickly, and if Iran does not comply, we can still bomb Iran out of existence, if must be. But that should be the LAST option, not the first. This is where you idiotic neocons fail miserably, every single time. BTW, thanks for the massive fuck-up in Iraq that cost us up to 10 Trillion. Now, that was some fine neocon thinking in action. You fucking morons, set half the world in flames, set our economy 20 years back, and act like nothing happened.

Go fuck yourself, you moron.

Jews are not annihilating other people. Jews are defending themselves against those who want to wipe them off the earth.
The Koran teaches to annihilate Jews and Christians
We have proof that Iran supports terrorism.
They will continue to use that extra money to support terrorism and conventional weapons, not feed their people.
This treaty is just as wrong as it was for Bush to go to war with Iraq.
Those materials can be located from space. They send out radiation that is identifiable. You live in a fantasy world.

I can see why I've stayed out of the forum main section for a while, too many unbelievably stupid fucking people here: idiot makes a nonsense claim, then states other people are delusional. Shit for brains, your knowledge of nuclear materials could fit in a thimble. Buried, underground, hidden sites cannot "be located from space," where the fuck do you come up with this stuff, idiot?

He doesn't know about them hiding nuclear centrifuges inside a mountain just a few years back or so in 2006 or 2007 and then calls me living in a fantasy world. :)
Americans had little faith in Russia complying with nuke treaties yet it was still worth giving it a whirl. And in the end, russia did comply with the terms of the treaty. The same is true here with Iran. Let's give it a whirl.

Really? Do facts interest you, dimwit?

U.S. Weighing Punishments for Russia s Nuclear Violations - Bloomberg View

Russian Invasion Breaks Budapest Memorandum May Prompt NATO Action

Hey dumshit,

57%, destroyed by treaty.

Wikipedia › wiki › Russia_and_weapons...
Mobile-friendly - In addition to nuclear weapons, Russia declared an arsenal of 39,967 tons of chemical weapons in 1997, of which 57% have been destroyed. ... to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, with Russia the successor to the ...
A nuke deal with the Charles Manson family allowing them to have nukes.
That is so Obama.

I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Obama Touts Iran Deal Says Inspectors Will Have Access to Key Facilities - Katie Pavlich
Some key parts of the deal according to the President:
-Iran will not produce weapons grade plutonium or highly enriched uranium
-Iran will remove 2/3 of its centerfuges
-Iran won't use advanced centerfuges
-Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors for the next 15 years
-Iran will get rid of 98 percent of it's enriched uranium stock pile
-Nothing in the deal extends past 15 years

Obama said that if Iran doesn't hold up its end of the deal, sanctions can be snapped back. Critics argue "snapping back" sanctions is impossible and takes a panel and time to happen

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:

Just a little reminder here.
President Obama - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
The liars are in both parties.
Are you blowing smoke out of your ass? Please show a link showing that Obama made an agreement with Syria to eliminate the use of chemical weapons a few years ago. Your own article that you posted is very clear that Syria violated the Chemical Weapons Convention.......not some deal made with Obama. Syria broke International law, that was entered into force in 1997....long before Obama became President.

Are you fucking retarded?

Obama welcomes Syria chemical weapons deal - Al Jazeera English

You are the fucking retard.....this deal was made after Syria violated the international law you quoted in your previous quote. Talk about Stupid.

Here, I used your own quote and made it bigger for you to read....if you are even able to read, idiot.

"Obama said the accord was made possible "in part" by what he called his credible threat to use force against Syria as punishment for its alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians last month that according to American estimates killed about 1,400 people."

What is not clear about that?

It's pretty clear to me, apparently it is not clear to you said Obama had made the deal several years ago, and the deal you were talking about was a deal that was made in 1997 and Obama was not part of it.

And apparently, there are a few sane humans in the media who recognize what I've stated:

Obama Must Avoid Making Same Mistakes He Did With Syria

Don't try to weasel out of what you tied an article with a link that was talking about Syria violating international law and said Obama made the deal "a few years ago". The deal you are now posting about was made a few days ago.......not "a few years ago"!

Try and get your postings accurate before you put them down and make an ass of yourself.....ooops, too late.
I can see why I've stayed out of the forum main section for a while,

For a while? You've been extinct for a long time.......six years and all you've managed to come up with is 3000 posts......maybe it's because you really haven't had much to say about your recalcitrant party that now has a trainload of clowns trying to take Obama's place.......I seriously doubt that the majority of people are as dumb as you and those that think like you.
So the other thread about this topic was killed by informed republicans that know exactly what the "treaty" is.....

The Dembulbs jumped ship hoping to draw in more mice for Pied Piper POTUS
It is a fantasy to assume that this isn't going to be a constant problem. Eventually Iran will be using the media to convince the world that the United States is being evil for trying to keep them from having their nukes. Eventually they'll get their nukes with the blessing of the United Nations.....and then Israel will be forced to attack them, Saudi Arabia will have to get their own and so-forth.

You liberals all assume that everyone will be good and do what they promised. Obama doesn't even know what his own administration is doing. How is he going to make sure that Iran does what they're supposed to?

You fucking idiots are so damned stupid.

You're just scratching the surface here...I am beginning to think leftists were put on this earth for the sole purpose of fucking things up to give rightwingers something to do, like fixing their fuckups.'ve been iin a coma too long. It's the Republicans - ala George W Bush - that fucked things up. And because of the obstinate Republicans in Congress, it took Obama longer to get the nation back on it's feet again.......but he was able to do it in spite of the idiots you all sent to Washington. Try to listen to real news instead of just Faux News and maybe you'll find out what is really going on in the world.

Here....educate yourself, although it may be too late for someone as dumb as you. America has always done better under Democratic presidents.......they're the ones that have to clean up the fuckups the Republicans leave behind.

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation

Bush vs. Obama: Unemployment Rate

Bush vs. Obama: Corporate Profits

Bush vs. Obama on the Economy In 3 Simple Charts UPDATED

America Is Definitely Better Off Under Obama - US News
I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:

Just a little reminder here.
President Obama - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
The liars are in both parties.

You're an idiot. The plans that some people wanted to keep didn't come up to the lowest plan provided by Obamacare....that's why they couldn't keep them.
Too bad some of them were too stupid to realize they were getting a much better deal and were whining they wanted to keep their worthless plans. Talk about stupid.
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:

Just a little reminder here.
President Obama - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
The liars are in both parties.

You're an idiot. The plans that some people wanted to keep didn't come up to the lowest plan provided by Obamacare....that's why they couldn't keep them.
Too bad some of them were too stupid to realize they were getting a much better deal and were whining they wanted to keep their worthless plans. Talk about stupid.

Employers dropped their plans, 6 million lost theirs and will continue to do so in 2017 when it goes into the full effect.
I also don't know of any low income person that can afford to pay out of pocket deductibles starting at 3,000.00 and up.
I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:
What does an agreement Clinton made with N. Korea have to do with Bush?
Bush fucked up a lot of things that were working just fine before him.
And aren't you practically admitting that agreements are only as good as the word of the parties involved.
Agreements have requirements for both sides. If one side is too stupid to recognize it and goes and breaks a deal....they face the consequences. If Iran is that stupid that it doesn't recognize the consequences, that isn't the fault of Obama. What is it you Republicans want to make sure Iran doesn't make a nuclear bomb....have another war? How well did that work with Iraq? Now we have ISIS as a result of, to further answer your question......there are no 100% guarantees that Iran will keep the deal, but it is better than sacrificing another 4000+ Americans....unless you and your party members want to volunteer to go do the fighting.
And this stupid argument that Fox News isn't real news is bullshit. That's a byproduct of brainwashing.......not objective thinking.
Faux News is just a "say what they want to hear" entertainment station. You're not getting the facts, so apparently you are one of the ones that are happy to hear what you want to hear regardless of whether it is true or not.
How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:

Just a little reminder here.
President Obama - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
The liars are in both parties.

You're an idiot. The plans that some people wanted to keep didn't come up to the lowest plan provided by Obamacare....that's why they couldn't keep them.
Too bad some of them were too stupid to realize they were getting a much better deal and were whining they wanted to keep their worthless plans. Talk about stupid.

Employers dropped their plans, 6 million lost theirs and will continue to do so in 2017 when it goes into the full effect.
I also don't know of any low income person that can afford to pay out of pocket deductibles starting at 3,000.00 and up.

You can say whatever you want.......the truth is, people are now better off with Obamacare. Some, like you, will continue to deny it and whine. Get some cheese.

Far too often before the Affordable Care Act came into effect, health insurance did not provide peace of mind - it provided anxiety, panic, and dread. Up to 129 million Americans - that's nearly one in two people - could be discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, or for that matter pregnancy or even something as ridiculous as acne.

And for the rest of Americans, they knew that coming down with any illness could mark them with that scarlet letter, where they could be unable to get affordable coverage, be trapped in a job, or even be dropped from their coverage because they got sick and have nowhere to turn. As the Vice President said in a speech to this morning, every family was one job loss or one illness away from seeing the worst of the insurance system - "There but for the grace of God."

Health Coverage Before the ACA And Why All Americans Are Better Off Now Insurance News Net
The only reason Obama went to the trouble to work out this deal is a favor to Valarie Jarrett. It is an attempt to marginalize Israel. If Israel bombs Iran's illegal nuke sites they will be labeled as criminals. Obama will promptly condemn them and pull all aid.

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