Nuclear deal between Iran, world powers - has been reached

The piece of shit in the WH is doing to Israel what he promised Farrakhan and Wright he's do after ruining the US. Another 18 months of his treason may be more than we can recover from.

According to you all nitwits.....America should have been in the toilet a long time ago.......instead, America is doing better than most countries. Time to change you all's tune.
Iran letter

350 Members signed this.................stating that new legislation would be required to stop sanctions...............
and they pointed out Iran's history of abuse and support of terror in the region with it..........

Of course Obama played the bully I'LL VETO deal

Chamberlan would be proud of Obama and the Dems today.................

The Idiots cheer as the Idiot in chief cuts a deal with a country that has refused to honor any deal made in decades................and has sent our men in the military to the grave yard..................most of our KIA's in these Wars were via IED's.................and the advanced IED's, and supplies came from Iran...............

Hope you people choke on your stupidity.....................Cut a deal with a country that has sent many of our men home in body bags...............

A nuke deal with the Charles Manson family allowing them to have nukes.
That is so Obama.

I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Obama Touts Iran Deal Says Inspectors Will Have Access to Key Facilities - Katie Pavlich
Some key parts of the deal according to the President:
-Iran will not produce weapons grade plutonium or highly enriched uranium
-Iran will remove 2/3 of its centerfuges
-Iran won't use advanced centerfuges
-Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors for the next 15 years
-Iran will get rid of 98 percent of it's enriched uranium stock pile
-Nothing in the deal extends past 15 years

Obama said that if Iran doesn't hold up its end of the deal, sanctions can be snapped back. Critics argue "snapping back" sanctions is impossible and takes a panel and time to happen

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.'s doing great.

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
Good job to all involved and making this one less thing we need to worry about in the future. Hopefully the next president can worry about helping Americans get back on their feet instead of beating war drums against another country. Glad this was finally done and cements Obama's legacy as a decent to good president. Horrible on race relations but if I say so myself a hell of a lot better on foreign relations than ANY republican would have been.
A nuke deal with the Charles Manson family allowing them to have nukes.
That is so Obama.

I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Obama Touts Iran Deal Says Inspectors Will Have Access to Key Facilities - Katie Pavlich
Some key parts of the deal according to the President:
-Iran will not produce weapons grade plutonium or highly enriched uranium
-Iran will remove 2/3 of its centerfuges
-Iran won't use advanced centerfuges
-Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors for the next 15 years
-Iran will get rid of 98 percent of it's enriched uranium stock pile
-Nothing in the deal extends past 15 years

Obama said that if Iran doesn't hold up its end of the deal, sanctions can be snapped back. Critics argue "snapping back" sanctions is impossible and takes a panel and time to happen

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.

How come conservatives know everything? They all claimed the United States was going to go to hell in a basket when Obamacare was we are....Obamacare doing quite well......and we're not in hell. How do you know that Iran has no intention of honoring any deal? I'm sure they don't want the sanctions....but then, you know best....:badgrin:
Obamacare is doing you have Obamacare?
Of course.

Why is every politician in Washington asking to be exempt from it?
Because they have their own, and it's very good.

Last I heard it was supposed to cover 30 million people.....but only has 6 million people signed up.....and only a small percentage paid their premiums once they got the bill.
I can't help it that you get erroneous information....when you only watch Faux News and they don't tell you the truth that's what you come up with. That seems like a personal problem. And, post a link about your second lie....which you either made up yourself or got it from Faux News, too.

Since September 2013, more than 10 million individuals in the United States have signed up for health insuranceunder the Affordable Care Act according to a survey conducted by the Urban Institute. Of those 10 million people, almost 70 percent used federal or health insurance exchange sites, known as marketplaces, to purchase plans. The total number of uninsured Americans dropped from 17.7 percent to 12.4 percent this year, which indicates that Obamacare is working to lower the number of people who lack insurance.
2015 OEP Enrollment Numbers -'s doing great.
Yeah, it sorry that it didn't come out the way you conservatives wanted it to....must suck to have so many failures in such a short time.

But less than 10 months after major media outlets were hosting debates with headlines like "Is the Affordable Care Act Beyond Repair?", Obama's signature accomplishment is succeeding beyond all reasonable expectation.
The Obamacare train keeps not wrecking - Vox

BTW, Bill Clinton said in 1994 that N. Korea had signed an agreement with him that would begin to cut back and disassemble their nuke program.

Now N. Korea is a nuclear power.
Yeah.....and we had Doofus G W Bush in between for 8 years......remember?

Why do you people trust Democrats repeatedly....even though they're proven liars???
The only liars are the Republicans.......and there are so many gullible people like you, who even though given the facts, continue to believe the lie. I think you just want to believe it so bad, you don't care if your own mind tells you it can't be....:badgrin:
You all don't know the details yet, and still you are bellyaching like small children.

Have you ever considered researching information like real adults and then discussing it, instead?

That could be a refreshing change of pace for you....

ANY action other than attacking and destroying the current diseased, cancerous terrorist regime of iran is a waste of time.
The population of Iran is young and liberal while their leadership is old and stoically, religiously, conservative.


is on our side..... Yes it is!

WRONG. The basij which keep the current system in place are comprised of young men from age 17 to 45.

Without a military attack, iran's current scumbag regime/system is not going anywhere anytime soon, and that will lead to many more people murdered for years to come, all so that c-nts like john kerry and the EU ministers can stay at 5-star hotels, eat fine meals, keep their ugly faces on the newspaper covers, and obama can extol how wonderful and smart he is. Just fucking tragic.
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Know-nothing neo-con goobers said the same thing about Reagan's nuclear arms treaty with Russia.

And it just so turns out that russia has broken several treaties just in the past year.

The deal isn't rooted in trust; it's rooted in verifications.

Which iran has never allowed in earnest.

Anyone who thinks this nonsense framework will last 2 years without iran breaking it is delusional.
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The piece of shit in the WH is doing to Israel what he promised Farrakhan and Wright he's do after ruining the US. Another 18 months of his treason may be more than we can recover from.

I absolutely agree with that. ^^^^

The hatred towards America and Israel on the part of Hussein Obama, knows no bounds.

What a disgrace of a ...I was going to say human being.... but at this late stage of the game, I really don't know if he is one or not.
The piece of shit in the WH is doing to Israel what he promised Farrakhan and Wright he's do after ruining the US. Another 18 months of his treason may be more than we can recover from.

I absolutely agree with that. ^^^^

The hatred towards America and Israel on the part of Hussein Obama, knows no bounds.

What a disgrace of a ...I was going to say human being.... but at this late stage of the game, I really don't know if he is one or not.
thank you Obama Supporters! I knew they were all "Nuclear War Activists". well either that or they were all in a coma when they voted for him.
As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

No sane israel supporter could possibly support this deal, which places hundreds of billions of dollars in iran's hands. What do you think iran will do with that money?
so do we all have friends/relatives we can now say "I told u so!!!"! you bumbling idiot! how could you vote for Iran to make nuclear bombs you bafoon!!!
Anything that does not demonstrably remove the current regime in Iran is not a deal of any sort. This is not a civilized actual country we're talking about. It's a criminal gang holding a population hostage.

These 3 sentences are the only things that a person needs to understand about this deal. Anything else is just hot air.

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