Nuclear deal between Iran, world powers - has been reached

I'm inclined to support the president on this deal with Iran. And so too are all the players involved with getting this deal done.
And To be honest, I haven't heard anything from republicans that would make me want to change my mind.

Keep in mind that I don't have a problem with nuclear power, and that seems to be what separates me from all the foaming at the mouth repubs on this issue.
Apparently repubs are anti nuclear power.

Then why is it that the dems lead the charge against nuclear power in this country?

And Iran has no need for nuclear power generation they have huge oil reserves

They want nuclear weapon capability. PERIOD
and they won't have the material to make one because of this deal.

Yeah right.

What in the history of Iran's behavior makes you think this deal will be honored?
i don't care about their history - although what deal have they broken with us? the deal is enforceable and verifiable.
Now Israel won't attack Iran for fear of offending the White House and negative world opinion.

And Iran will have the financial resources to secretly build several nuclear weapons.

Israel's days are numbered.

Thank you Mr President........ :thup:
A deal would kill a chance to invade Iran. The GOP won't stand for it!
I'm inclined to support the president on this deal with Iran. And so too are all the players involved with getting this deal done.
And To be honest, I haven't heard anything from republicans that would make me want to change my mind.

Keep in mind that I don't have a problem with nuclear power, and that seems to be what separates me from all the foaming at the mouth repubs on this issue.
Apparently repubs are anti nuclear power.

Then why is it that the dems lead the charge against nuclear power in this country?

And Iran has no need for nuclear power generation they have huge oil reserves

They want nuclear weapon capability. PERIOD

What gives you the right to dictate how a sovereign state generates power ?

If you believe that Iran need nuclear power for anything but weapons production then you sir are naive to the point of mental retardation.

This is my opinion if you don't know that people give their political opinions on a message board such as this then what the fuck are you doing here?

Yet another troll reveals its ugly self.

Yeah Sheep whatever you say.
I'm inclined to support the president on this deal with Iran. And so too are all the players involved with getting this deal done.
And To be honest, I haven't heard anything from republicans that would make me want to change my mind.

Keep in mind that I don't have a problem with nuclear power, and that seems to be what separates me from all the foaming at the mouth repubs on this issue.
Apparently repubs are anti nuclear power.

Then why is it that the dems lead the charge against nuclear power in this country?

And Iran has no need for nuclear power generation they have huge oil reserves

They want nuclear weapon capability. PERIOD
and they won't have the material to make one because of this deal.

Yeah right.

What in the history of Iran's behavior makes you think this deal will be honored?
i don't care about their history - although what deal have they broken with us? the deal is enforceable and verifiable.

Yeah inspections that can be denied.

Real verifiable.

And enforceable to what point? if Iran violates the agreement (and they will) they will be no worse off than they are now
I'm inclined to support the president on this deal with Iran. And so too are all the players involved with getting this deal done.
And To be honest, I haven't heard anything from republicans that would make me want to change my mind.

Keep in mind that I don't have a problem with nuclear power, and that seems to be what separates me from all the foaming at the mouth repubs on this issue.
Apparently repubs are anti nuclear power.

Then why is it that the dems lead the charge against nuclear power in this country?

And Iran has no need for nuclear power generation they have huge oil reserves

They want nuclear weapon capability. PERIOD
and they won't have the material to make one because of this deal.

Yeah right.

What in the history of Iran's behavior makes you think this deal will be honored?
i don't care about their history - although what deal have they broken with us? the deal is enforceable and verifiable.

Yeah inspections that can be denied.

Real verifiable.

And enforceable to what point? if Iran violates the agreement (and they will) they will be no worse off than they are now
and neither will we.
Then why is it that the dems lead the charge against nuclear power in this country?

And Iran has no need for nuclear power generation they have huge oil reserves

They want nuclear weapon capability. PERIOD
and they won't have the material to make one because of this deal.

Yeah right.

What in the history of Iran's behavior makes you think this deal will be honored?
i don't care about their history - although what deal have they broken with us? the deal is enforceable and verifiable.

Yeah inspections that can be denied.

Real verifiable.

And enforceable to what point? if Iran violates the agreement (and they will) they will be no worse off than they are now
and neither will we.

We won't be worse off when Iran gets the bomb?

And they will it's all they want.

How can you people be so blind to the fact that Iran wants a bomb?
To be clear, I haven't clocked in totally for this deal yet, but even a 15 year delay is worth it.

What I have said is that for those who actually READ the deal, there is no doubt that we, the western allies, get the better part of the bargain. Here are the five most critical points:

1.) Iran gives up all hopes of getting, building or buying any nuclear weapons.
2.) Iran gives up 97% of it's enriched Uranium.
3.) When enrichment does begin again, then only in Natanz, and they won't be allowed to enrich up to weapons grade, just enough to power nuclear reactors. This automatically means that Ispahan, which was the greater, much more secret threat, anyway, must be closed. This is the part of the deal that most people won't see right away, because they are not looking, but it is a HUGE win for the West. I cannot overstate how important this point is.

4.) WE lift the sanctions, but on a long, painful timetable for the Iranskis. The lifting includes unfreezing bank accounts, making loans possible again and allowing a slow normalization of free trade. And the lifting of sanctions only happens as the Iranians are PROVING to us that they are not seeking a nuclear weapon.

5.) The Iranians are subject to the humiliation of inspections anytime we want them to happen. With this deal, they have given up some of their sovereignty.

And if Iran does lie and gets a bomb, then we can still bomb them out of existence, anyway. And Iran knows this very well.

As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

But don't take my word for it. Read the entire deal and marvel at how direct and detailed it is. Also notice the order of importance in the deal.

The very first point is that Iran completely gives up all attempts to get nuclear weapons in any way, shape or form, which is EXACTLY what we have been striving for. Everything else pretty much logically flows from that point.

One more detail, important to me. Obama only deserves partial credit for this, for the 10-year long negotiations, done painstakingly behind the scenes, are the work of people who were first sent by Bush, Blair and Schröder, among others, to do this. This has been a LONG process, something that we instant-tea Americans do not see. So, the deal is historic, but I, as a Democrat, give Obama himself only partial credit. He has only been one piece of many of this very intricate puzzle. One President alone does not make deals like this happen. And George W. Bush (43) also deserves credit AND my respect for having been willing to get the ball rolling on this. Credit where credit is due. Remember, this is not just an American-Iranian deal. This is a deal among at least 8 nations, if I recall correctly. And the entire UN also has had a say in this.

If the GOP candidates are smart (which they are not), then they will actually read the treaty (deal) before screaming at the top of their lungs.

I am no fan of Iran and Khomenei can go to hell, for all I care. But I see no reason to wage war against the Iranian people, and let's face it: Iran just blinked.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma Luddly Neddite
To be clear, I haven't clocked in totally for this deal yet, but even a 15 year delay is worth it.

What I have said is that for those who actually READ the deal, there is no doubt that we, the western allies, get the better part of the bargain. Here are the five most critical points:

1.) Iran gives up all hopes of getting, building or buying any nuclear weapons.
2.) Iran gives up 97% of it's enriched Uranium.
3.) When enrichment does begin again, then only in Natanz, and they won't be allowed to enrich up to weapons grade, just enough to power nuclear reactors. This automatically means that Ispahan, which was the greater, much more secret threat, anyway, must be closed. This is the part of the deal that most people won't see right away, because they are not looking, but it is a HUGE win for the West. I cannot overstate how important this point is.

4.) WE lift the sanctions, but on a long, painful timetable for the Iranskis. The lifting includes unfreezing bank accounts, making loans possible again and allowing a slow normalization of free trade. And the lifting of sanctions only happens as the Iranians are PROVING to us that they are not seeking a nuclear weapon.

5.) The Iranians are subject to the humiliation of inspections anytime we want them to happen. With this deal, they have given up some of their sovereignty.

And if Iran does lie and gets a bomb, then we can still bomb them out of existence, anyway. And Iran knows this very well.

As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

But don't take my word for it. Read the entire deal and marvel at how direct and detailed it is. Also notice the order of importance in the deal.

The very first point is that Iran completely gives up all attempts to get nuclear weapons in any way, shape or form, which is EXACTLY what we have been striving for. Everything else pretty much logically flows from that point.

One more detail, important to me. Obama only deserves partial credit for this, for the 10-year long negotiations, done painstakingly behind the scenes, are the work of people who were first sent by Bush, Blair and Schröder, among others, to do this. This has been a LONG process, something that we instant-tea Americans do not see. So, the deal is historic, but I, as a Democrat, give Obama himself only partial credit. He has only been one piece of many of this very intricate puzzle. One President alone does not make deals like this happen. And George W. Bush (43) also deserves credit AND my respect for having been willing to get the ball rolling on this. Credit where credit is due. Remember, this is not just an American-Iranian deal. This is a deal among at least 8 nations, if I recall correctly. And the entire UN also has had a say in this.

If the GOP candidates are smart (which they are not), then they will actually read the treaty (deal) before screaming at the top of their lungs.

I am no fan of Iran and Khomenei can go to hell, for all I care. But I see no reason to wage war against the Iranian people, and let's face it: Iran just blinked.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma Luddly Neddite

So you have absolute faith the Iranians will comply?

Are you giving odds?
To be clear, I haven't clocked in totally for this deal yet, but even a 15 year delay is worth it.

What I have said is that for those who actually READ the deal, there is no doubt that we, the western allies, get the better part of the bargain. Here are the five most critical points:

1.) Iran gives up all hopes of getting, building or buying any nuclear weapons.
2.) Iran gives up 97% of it's enriched Uranium.
3.) When enrichment does begin again, then only in Natanz, and they won't be allowed to enrich up to weapons grade, just enough to power nuclear reactors. This automatically means that Ispahan, which was the greater, much more secret threat, anyway, must be closed. This is the part of the deal that most people won't see right away, because they are not looking, but it is a HUGE win for the West. I cannot overstate how important this point is.

4.) WE lift the sanctions, but on a long, painful timetable for the Iranskis. The lifting includes unfreezing bank accounts, making loans possible again and allowing a slow normalization of free trade. And the lifting of sanctions only happens as the Iranians are PROVING to us that they are not seeking a nuclear weapon.

5.) The Iranians are subject to the humiliation of inspections anytime we want them to happen. With this deal, they have given up some of their sovereignty.

And if Iran does lie and gets a bomb, then we can still bomb them out of existence, anyway. And Iran knows this very well.

As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

But don't take my word for it. Read the entire deal and marvel at how direct and detailed it is. Also notice the order of importance in the deal.

The very first point is that Iran completely gives up all attempts to get nuclear weapons in any way, shape or form, which is EXACTLY what we have been striving for. Everything else pretty much logically flows from that point.

One more detail, important to me. Obama only deserves partial credit for this, for the 10-year long negotiations, done painstakingly behind the scenes, are the work of people who were first sent by Bush, Blair and Schröder, among others, to do this. This has been a LONG process, something that we instant-tea Americans do not see. So, the deal is historic, but I, as a Democrat, give Obama himself only partial credit. He has only been one piece of many of this very intricate puzzle. One President alone does not make deals like this happen. And George W. Bush (43) also deserves credit AND my respect for having been willing to get the ball rolling on this. Credit where credit is due. Remember, this is not just an American-Iranian deal. This is a deal among at least 8 nations, if I recall correctly. And the entire UN also has had a say in this.

If the GOP candidates are smart (which they are not), then they will actually read the treaty (deal) before screaming at the top of their lungs.

I am no fan of Iran and Khomenei can go to hell, for all I care. But I see no reason to wage war against the Iranian people, and let's face it: Iran just blinked.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma Luddly Neddite

So you have absolute faith the Iranians will comply?

Are you giving odds?

I never said that I have faith that the Iranians will comply. You can never have complete faith in any deal at all. So, this point is moot, imo.

And I just said that if they don't comply, the sanctions begin again and we can always still bomb them out of existence. Or did you not read that far?
To be clear, I haven't clocked in totally for this deal yet, but even a 15 year delay is worth it.

What I have said is that for those who actually READ the deal, there is no doubt that we, the western allies, get the better part of the bargain. Here are the five most critical points:

1.) Iran gives up all hopes of getting, building or buying any nuclear weapons.
2.) Iran gives up 97% of it's enriched Uranium.
3.) When enrichment does begin again, then only in Natanz, and they won't be allowed to enrich up to weapons grade, just enough to power nuclear reactors. This automatically means that Ispahan, which was the greater, much more secret threat, anyway, must be closed. This is the part of the deal that most people won't see right away, because they are not looking, but it is a HUGE win for the West. I cannot overstate how important this point is.

4.) WE lift the sanctions, but on a long, painful timetable for the Iranskis. The lifting includes unfreezing bank accounts, making loans possible again and allowing a slow normalization of free trade. And the lifting of sanctions only happens as the Iranians are PROVING to us that they are not seeking a nuclear weapon.

5.) The Iranians are subject to the humiliation of inspections anytime we want them to happen. With this deal, they have given up some of their sovereignty.

And if Iran does lie and gets a bomb, then we can still bomb them out of existence, anyway. And Iran knows this very well.

As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

But don't take my word for it. Read the entire deal and marvel at how direct and detailed it is. Also notice the order of importance in the deal.

The very first point is that Iran completely gives up all attempts to get nuclear weapons in any way, shape or form, which is EXACTLY what we have been striving for. Everything else pretty much logically flows from that point.

One more detail, important to me. Obama only deserves partial credit for this, for the 10-year long negotiations, done painstakingly behind the scenes, are the work of people who were first sent by Bush, Blair and Schröder, among others, to do this. This has been a LONG process, something that we instant-tea Americans do not see. So, the deal is historic, but I, as a Democrat, give Obama himself only partial credit. He has only been one piece of many of this very intricate puzzle. One President alone does not make deals like this happen. And George W. Bush (43) also deserves credit AND my respect for having been willing to get the ball rolling on this. Credit where credit is due. Remember, this is not just an American-Iranian deal. This is a deal among at least 8 nations, if I recall correctly. And the entire UN also has had a say in this.

If the GOP candidates are smart (which they are not), then they will actually read the treaty (deal) before screaming at the top of their lungs.

I am no fan of Iran and Khomenei can go to hell, for all I care. But I see no reason to wage war against the Iranian people, and let's face it: Iran just blinked.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma Luddly Neddite

So you have absolute faith the Iranians will comply?

Are you giving odds?

I never said that I have faith that the Iranians will comply. You can never have complete faith in any deal at all. So, this point is moot, imo.

And I just said that if they don't comply, the sanctions begin again and we can always still bomb them out of existence. Or did you not read that far?

We do not have the will to invade Iran

Iran has the best of the deal.

They will get billions in sanctions relief while refusing and delaying inspections all the while furthering their nuclear research in their quest for the bomb.

When and if we restore the sanctions it will be too late
To be clear, I haven't clocked in totally for this deal yet, but even a 15 year delay is worth it.

What I have said is that for those who actually READ the deal, there is no doubt that we, the western allies, get the better part of the bargain. Here are the five most critical points:

1.) Iran gives up all hopes of getting, building or buying any nuclear weapons.
2.) Iran gives up 97% of it's enriched Uranium.
3.) When enrichment does begin again, then only in Natanz, and they won't be allowed to enrich up to weapons grade, just enough to power nuclear reactors. This automatically means that Ispahan, which was the greater, much more secret threat, anyway, must be closed. This is the part of the deal that most people won't see right away, because they are not looking, but it is a HUGE win for the West. I cannot overstate how important this point is.

4.) WE lift the sanctions, but on a long, painful timetable for the Iranskis. The lifting includes unfreezing bank accounts, making loans possible again and allowing a slow normalization of free trade. And the lifting of sanctions only happens as the Iranians are PROVING to us that they are not seeking a nuclear weapon.

5.) The Iranians are subject to the humiliation of inspections anytime we want them to happen. With this deal, they have given up some of their sovereignty.

And if Iran does lie and gets a bomb, then we can still bomb them out of existence, anyway. And Iran knows this very well.

As a Jew who feels VERY strongly about Israel and am 100% for Israel's existence and continued flourishing on our wonderful planet, I cannot see a thing in this deal not worth trying. On the surface, this deal looks exceedingly good. Jews should, in my opinion, be breathing a sigh of relief.

But don't take my word for it. Read the entire deal and marvel at how direct and detailed it is. Also notice the order of importance in the deal.

The very first point is that Iran completely gives up all attempts to get nuclear weapons in any way, shape or form, which is EXACTLY what we have been striving for. Everything else pretty much logically flows from that point.

One more detail, important to me. Obama only deserves partial credit for this, for the 10-year long negotiations, done painstakingly behind the scenes, are the work of people who were first sent by Bush, Blair and Schröder, among others, to do this. This has been a LONG process, something that we instant-tea Americans do not see. So, the deal is historic, but I, as a Democrat, give Obama himself only partial credit. He has only been one piece of many of this very intricate puzzle. One President alone does not make deals like this happen. And George W. Bush (43) also deserves credit AND my respect for having been willing to get the ball rolling on this. Credit where credit is due. Remember, this is not just an American-Iranian deal. This is a deal among at least 8 nations, if I recall correctly. And the entire UN also has had a say in this.

If the GOP candidates are smart (which they are not), then they will actually read the treaty (deal) before screaming at the top of their lungs.

I am no fan of Iran and Khomenei can go to hell, for all I care. But I see no reason to wage war against the Iranian people, and let's face it: Iran just blinked.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma Luddly Neddite

So you have absolute faith the Iranians will comply?

Are you giving odds?

I never said that I have faith that the Iranians will comply. You can never have complete faith in any deal at all. So, this point is moot, imo.

And I just said that if they don't comply, the sanctions begin again and we can always still bomb them out of existence. Or did you not read that far?

We do not have the will to invade Iran

Iran has the best of the deal.

They will get billions in sanctions relief while refusing and delaying inspections all the while furthering their nuclear research in their quest for the bomb.

When and if we restore the sanctions it will be too late

You still misunderstand, what?

Not one whit of the sanctions are relieved until Iran completely relents, exactly as written in the deal.

Are you blind?
Our serial liar of a president trying to convince us now, why giving the green light to our sworn enemy to develop an atomic bomb is a good deal?
The only plus being that most of the American dead from a nuclear strike will be in the cities, and Democrats.
The irony of that is that the cadres of Melowese Richardsons, who cast twelve ballots apiece for Barack Obama when he ran for president, will only leave one shadow each on the sidewalk or roadway underneath where they were standing when the nuclear device detonated.
We also know roughly how long the folks in the cities have left to live. Iran, or their friends, the North Koreans, have until Barack Obama leaves office to carry out a strike against the United States without having to fear any retaliation.
A nuke deal with the Charles Manson family allowing them to have nukes.
That is so Obama.

I am going to wait for some details, but here is some of what I have read and heard. Some good and some bad.

Here is what conservative townhall listed as some aspects (none of these aspects are not to like from a conservative stand point I might add.

Obama Touts Iran Deal Says Inspectors Will Have Access to Key Facilities - Katie Pavlich
Some key parts of the deal according to the President:
-Iran will not produce weapons grade plutonium or highly enriched uranium
-Iran will remove 2/3 of its centerfuges
-Iran won't use advanced centerfuges
-Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors for the next 15 years
-Iran will get rid of 98 percent of it's enriched uranium stock pile
-Nothing in the deal extends past 15 years

Obama said that if Iran doesn't hold up its end of the deal, sanctions can be snapped back. Critics argue "snapping back" sanctions is impossible and takes a panel and time to happen

Now Obama has been a proven liar. He just doesn't care, because he knows that 90% of US voters won't do their homework anyways. Therefore what he said today might be a lie! That said, if what he stated above is turn, then the list isn't that bad.

But then I also heard on the radio that the US must alert Iran 14 days prior to an inspection (just enough time to clean up or move anything they don't want the inspectors to do) and Iran has the option of denying each and every inspection request. That is not good. How will anything on the list stated above be verified?
None of it is good because Iran has no intention of honoring any deal of any sort with an entity it wants only to destroy. This is where obama does his Carter impression. Carter thought making nuke deals with the USSR was an accomplishment but they honored no deals either.
Here s the full text of the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

78. If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternative arrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reach satisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14 days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members of the Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary means agreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members of the Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, would advise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process of consultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would not exceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additional days.

14 days gives them plenty of time to move their nuke materials onto hiding.
Real sweet deal for Iran.
A nuke deal with the Charles Manson family allowing them to have nukes.
That is so Obama.
you are a dishonest individual.
You need to explain why.
because you lie. you are lying about the nature of the agreement with iran. you are a liar.

in no way shape or form does the agreement allow iran to have nukes. claiming otherwise is a lie.
Anything that does not demonstrably remove the current regime in Iran is not a deal of any sort. This is not a civilized actual country we're talking about. It's a criminal gang holding a population hostage.

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