Nuclear power is the greenest option, say top scientists

Are you suggesting that the regulatory laxness had nothing to do with allowing those conditions to come into existence? Regulations concerning design reviews, minimum safety standards, allowed and required construction techniques, mandatory containment and minimum qualifications for the operators? Regulations, the apparent bane of the RNC, would have prevented Chernobyl's meltdown and release.
Nukes are great for continuing the concentration and centralization of power, in the broadest sense of the term. Anyone knows how to shut off a solar panel. Anyone here know what to do if the technicians suddenly disappear from a nuke (other than run far upwind)?
Those of us who were close to Three Mile Island knew the doubt and fear of a potential catastrophe, one that has never been fully admitted. When they say that unmonitored venting took place for at least half an hour and at the same time say it wasn't serious, they takes us for the fools we would be to believe the b.s.
What is the motivation to shill for big business when interesting, job-creating advances in safe power are available?
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Peak uranium is also an issue. Uranium mining output has plateaued, and the world currently consumes more uranium than is mined, dipping into the stockpiles to make up the difference. There's just not enough mineral uranium to fuel a world running on nuclear power. And while uranium is present in granite all over, there's no equivalent to fracking for uranium. Getting that uranium would take more energy than it could put out, so it wouldn't be economical, ever.

Breeder reactors? Nobody has gotten one to work in manner which is both safe and cost effective. We always hear about the new nuke technology just around the corner, but it never seems to bear fruit.

Having run reactors, I'm rather pro-nuclear. But I recognize the money problem. Nuclear power just costs too much. What we have is necessary for a baseline, but it's cheaper to build more renewable energy.

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