Nullification of the Federal Law is the ONLY solution to the Border Crisis

Would Nullifying Federal Drug Laws, like California did, solve the Border Crisis?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Let us follow the Example of California and other Blue States that have Nullified Federal Drug Laws to solve the Border Crisis.

In case you haven't noticed, the Drug Cartels are purposely arranging it so that the children are FLOODING the Border Patrol offices and agents. This leaves the Border Patrol with no time to actually protect the Border from foreign enemies, such as the cartels themselves or foreign jihadists.

Seeing that the Drug Trade is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, it's obvious that Federal Law has only worsened the problem, similar to the effects of Prohibition on the alcohol trade in the 1930's. The Government would have kept Prohibition in place, regardless of all the violence that is caused, but it was Jury Nullification that ultimately defeated the Prohibition Amendment (just like Jury Nullification defeated the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution).

However, we cannot rely on the Jury System to relieve us of the current "War on the Drugs," as the rigged Scientific Jury Selection Process works as intended by eliminating potential Jurors who will acquit on moral convictions (the Scientific Jury Selection system is supposed to be for "our own good" by "eliminating racism").

Thus the best solution to this problem is legalizing drugs, as unrelated as this solution initially appears to the surface of the problem. California and other states have asserted their 10th Amendment rights and nullified federal drug laws, it's time the remaining states do the same.

When drugs are legalized, Drug Cartels will have no invested interest in flooding our Border Patrol officers with tens of thousands of children. Then we won't need the Organized Militia (National Guard) and the unorganized militias at the border to protect us from jihadists.
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This thread really strikes you Despotcrats and Repugnantcans with one swing.

Despotcrats would have to affirm the legitimacy of Nullification to agree with this thread.
Repugnatcans would have to affirm the failure of the War on Drugs to agree with this thread.

Thus, neither of you really give two shits about these children coming across the border, they're just political pawns.
Nullification of federal law caused the border crisis.

Ignoring the Law is not the same as Nullifying the Law. Are you claiming that the 10th Amendment is the cause of the border crisis? Are you claiming the Federal Government Ignoring it's Article IV, Section 4 obligations as logically equivalent to a State nullifying a federal law?
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Let us follow the Example of California and other Blue States that have Nullified Federal Drug Laws to solve the Border Crisis.

In case you haven't noticed, the Drug Cartels are purposely arranging it so that the children are FLOODING the Border Patrol offices and agents. This leaves the Border Patrol with no time to actually protect the Border from foreign enemies, such as the cartels themselves or foreign jihadists.

Can you back that statement up? As its pretty much the beating heart of your argument.....that illegal immigration is caused by drug cartels. And that's an enormous assumption.
I refuse to say the War on Drugs is a bad thing. It's some bad chit and has ruined many people's lives.............

I'll never agree to saying it's legit here............And we should make it as difficult as possible for it to cross the border. The one's making the product are Cold Blooded Murdering Scum.
So, does anyone else have a better solution?

Yep, take all the drugs seized, lace it with cyanide and put it back in the supply stream. Have a mass media blitz the notify everyone that it is happening and then just start tagging and bagging. Demand disappears, problem disappears.
This thread really strikes you Despotcrats and Repugnantcans with one swing.

Despotcrats would have to affirm the legitimacy of Nullification to agree with this thread.
Repugnatcans would have to affirm the failure of the War on Drugs to agree with this thread.

Thus, neither of you really give two shits about these children coming across the border, they're just political pawns.

The states didn't nullify anything.
So, does anyone else have a better solution?

Mandatory death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a "personal use" quantity of ANY illegal drug.
Yes, including weed.

That'll slow the buggers down.

Liberal Love and Tolerance at its finest.

I'm a capitalist, one with a serious dislike of what drugs do to society, and people in that society.
I see no advantage to illegal drug use, and lots of disadvantages.
One law I would change would be to allow legal use of ganja, when prescribed by a qualified doctor for a known medical condition.
Other than that, execute all drug dealers.
Let us follow the Example of California and other Blue States that have Nullified Federal Drug Laws to solve the Border Crisis.

In case you haven't noticed, the Drug Cartels are purposely arranging it so that the children are FLOODING the Border Patrol offices and agents. This leaves the Border Patrol with no time to actually protect the Border from foreign enemies, such as the cartels themselves or foreign jihadists.

Seeing that the Drug Trade is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, it's obvious that Federal Law has only worsened the problem, similar to the effects of Prohibition on the alcohol trade in the 1930's. The Government would have kept Prohibition in place, regardless of all the violence that is caused, but it was Jury Nullification that ultimately defeated the Prohibition Amendment (just like Jury Nullification defeated the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution).

However, we cannot rely on the Jury System to relieve us of the current "War on the Drugs," as the rigged Scientific Jury Selection Process works as intended by eliminating potential Jurors who will acquit on moral convictions (the Scientific Jury Selection system is supposed to be for "our own good" by "eliminating racism").

Thus the best solution to this problem is legalizing drugs, as unrelated as this solution initially appears to the surface of the problem. California and other states have asserted their 10th Amendment rights and nullified federal drug laws, it's time the remaining states do the same.

When drugs are legalized, Drug Cartels will have no invested interest in flooding our Border Patrol officers with tens of thousands of children. Then we won't need the Organized Militia (National Guard) and the unorganized militias at the border to protect us from jihadists.

If I may point out, it is our government nullifying its own laws that has caused this crisis in the first place.
Let us follow the Example of California and other Blue States that have Nullified Federal Drug Laws to solve the Border Crisis.

In case you haven't noticed, the Drug Cartels are purposely arranging it so that the children are FLOODING the Border Patrol offices and agents. This leaves the Border Patrol with no time to actually protect the Border from foreign enemies, such as the cartels themselves or foreign jihadists.

Seeing that the Drug Trade is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, it's obvious that Federal Law has only worsened the problem, similar to the effects of Prohibition on the alcohol trade in the 1930's. The Government would have kept Prohibition in place, regardless of all the violence that is caused, but it was Jury Nullification that ultimately defeated the Prohibition Amendment (just like Jury Nullification defeated the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution).

However, we cannot rely on the Jury System to relieve us of the current "War on the Drugs," as the rigged Scientific Jury Selection Process works as intended by eliminating potential Jurors who will acquit on moral convictions (the Scientific Jury Selection system is supposed to be for "our own good" by "eliminating racism").

Thus the best solution to this problem is legalizing drugs, as unrelated as this solution initially appears to the surface of the problem. California and other states have asserted their 10th Amendment rights and nullified federal drug laws, it's time the remaining states do the same.

When drugs are legalized, Drug Cartels will have no invested interest in flooding our Border Patrol officers with tens of thousands of children. Then we won't need the Organized Militia (National Guard) and the unorganized militias at the border to protect us from jihadists.

If I may point out, it is our government nullifying its own laws that has caused this crisis in the first place.

You're as ignorant as the OP, if not more so.
Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Section 4 gives each state the right to protect itself from attack from other states or foreign influences (terrorism) if the federal government cannot. It gives the states the right to form laws--to govern--that suit an individual state.

Article [X]
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

States have the right to make state laws about things not covered by the Constitution, such as same sex marriage (and the Supreme Court has the right to strike state laws down).

Article VI, Section 2 (Supremacy Clause)
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

States have the right to make state laws, but state laws cannot conflict with federal law. A state may say something is legal, and the fed may let it ride for a certain amount of time, but at some point, the fed will strike down the conflicting state law.

Personally, I think the mistake was made in declaring a war on drugs. If the term "declaring war on drugs" were never used, the issue would not be sensationalized as it is. If the US continues to legalize things it cannot win a war on, it might as well legalize terrorism, rape, murder, etc. Declaring a war means there must be a win or lose.
One should also consider that legalizing drugs would expand social programs, not because people will be too stoned to work, but because research is proving that marijuana rewrites brain genetics, and these changes are inheritable. If you like to play connect the dots--research CHD8 gene (Autism) and then research how marijuana re-codes the brain. What you do may affect your kids and/or grand kids.
I am not saying that only marijuana use causes Autism, schizophrenia, or any other mental disorder, but the research is giving Congress the reason to just say no.
If one is going to claim that drugs are harmless, one must present proof.
No question the Supremacy Clause and the tenth amendment combined give the states authority to nullify federal laws. But do the states have the balls for it?. They threatened to nullify obamacare 4 years ago and then turned yella.
Mandatory death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a "personal use" quantity of ANY illegal drug.
Yes, including weed.

That'll slow the buggers down.

Liberal Love and Tolerance at its finest.

I'm a capitalist, one with a serious dislike of what drugs do to society, and people in that society.
I see no advantage to illegal drug use, and lots of disadvantages.
One law I would change would be to allow legal use of ganja, when prescribed by a qualified doctor for a known medical condition.
Other than that, execute all drug dealers.

So then, are you for the reinstatement of Prohibition against Alcohol? It also ruins lives and entire families.

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