Number of 401K millionaires soars in last quarter 2023

Odd, isn’t it? Democrats claim to be compassionate for the less fortunate , and then show a complete disregard - or outright disdain - for working folks struggling to make ends meet in Biden’s America.
In the machinations of your mind, all of that is possible.
What he was handed was more than “stormy weather.” And if you think Bidem could have handled it better, or even as well, I‘ve got a bridge to sell you.
I do not need a bridge. Dental work is fine. Thanks:D
The media and many folks think we are closer to the place economically we were before covid so they think its a win... its not... we are still behind and we should be miles ahead of where we are today...
I believe if Trump were on his second term we would be so far better off than we are... go ahead hate him if you must... but don't be too dumb by half because you don't like the man... he was good at leading the nation and the free world...
Isn't this just the "rich getting richer" scenario that Democrats continue to crow about paying "their fair share?"
Good point. The other game Democrats play is with the term "rich". In speeches "rich" means, millionaires, billionaires, anyone making over $400K. But they really mean anyone paying taxes. So when AOC paints "tax the rich" on her ass, she means Joe and Jane taxpayer, not millionaires.
Of course you do.
Suggesting that some savings accounts are well funded is a sign of a good economy sounds like something the lib media would report... the nation is always better off when people are investing capital not hording it.... doesn't that make sense to you?...
Suggesting that some savings accounts are well funded is a sign of a good economy sounds like something the lib media would report... the nation is always better off when people are investing capital not hording it.... doesn't that make sense to you?...

Investing in a 401K isn't hording it. Puting the money under a mattress is hording it. In a 401K that money is invested.

Improvement profiles in savings mean few people are living pay-check to pay-check and have extra funds that can be invested.

Investing in a 401K isn't hording it. Puting the money under a mattress is hording it. In a 401K that money is invested.

Improvement profiles in savings mean few people are living pay-check to pay-check and have extra funds that can be invested.

No its not hording per say but it doesn't mean the economy is great which was the threads objective...
I don't like to settle... I like it when it feels safe to grow my portfolio.... not just stuff money where it seems safe... I bought investment property in 2017 and thought I would have two more properties by now....
Suggesting that some savings accounts are well funded is a sign of a good economy sounds like something the lib media would report... the nation is always better off when people are investing capital not hording it.... doesn't that make sense to you?...
Not for me personally. But, there is no denying a lot of investing is going on, that too is to our general benefit.
Not for me personally. But, there is no denying a lot of investing is going on, that too is to our general benefit.
And there's no denying that the majority of Americans are feeling financial pressures, with close to half struggling to make ends meet. That is NOT a good economy, and people tend to vote their pocketbooks.

So while those of us in the top 15% or so might be doing pretty well, and the bottom 15% on welfare are in the same spot as ever, most people are not. And, to quote Judge Judy…

”don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
Suggesting that some savings accounts are well funded is a sign of a good economy sounds like something the lib media would report... the nation is always better off when people are investing capital not hording it.... doesn't that make sense to you?...
Investing is the opposite of hoarding.
Truth is, many Trump supporters are doing poorly, or think they are doing poorly (a clear difference, but not in their own minds) and are not part of this 401K growth phase because they are not invested in the market.

So for them, this news is totally irrelevant.
Judging by Fox commercials, I suspect they are heavily invested in gold.
Eggs at all of my local markets are above $6 a dozen... gas is over $4 a gallon... Joe needs to win the entire nation not just your community.... we all know how inexpensive eggs and gas were in 2017...
Egg companies made record profit getting suckers like you to pay $6 for eggs. Gas too. Seems like you need to be a better shopper.
I do have to laugh at some of these MAGA posters on this thread. These are some of the same posters who start threads on liberals being socialists. Now here they are sounding more socialistic than any liberal poster on this board.

As I have written many times, MAGAs don't know what the hell they stand for.
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So after losing money for the flu and covid and lousy shipping costs their profits are up... but that does not mean they are whole.... if I went for three months or three years without making a profit a new report on my growth for this fiscal year means nothing....
Been workin' my fanny to the bone and don't even got a pot to piss in. All I gots to show for it is this lousy 401K.

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