Number of guns in society falling sharply

No one has a right to FEEL safe.

That feeling is an illusion; none of us are often safe. Its better to not feel that way, especially if you are in a gun free zone/mass murder magnet area.

I disagree.

Statistically, I am safer at home than you are. We can prove this quite categorically.

Any loss of that safety is something I consider an imposition on my rights.

Please prove that you are more safe in your house than I am in my house.

By comparing the per capita murder rate.

Also, if you own a gun, there is the added statistical likelihood from that.

Jon -

Firstly, you might want to work on your geography - Norway is NOT really a neighbouring country of Russia (it barely touches Russia) wheras some 15 countries you do not mention share genuinely long borders with Russia) and Ukraine is a neighbouring country to Belarus. Secondly, handguns are not the complete picture - obviously.

Funnily enough, Lithuania shares a border with both Russia and Belarus - yet you list it with neither. Why is that?
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I disagree.

Statistically, I am safer at home than you are. We can prove this quite categorically.

Any loss of that safety is something I consider an imposition on my rights.

Please prove that you are more safe in your house than I am in my house.

By comparing the per capita murder rate.

Also, if you own a gun, there is the added statistical likelihood from that.

Jon -

Firstly, you might want to work on your geography - Norway is NOT a neighbouring country of Russia, and Ukraine is a neighbouring country to Belarus. Secondly, handguns are not the complete picture - obviously.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Yet MORE proof you're not a Finn! YOU should look to your maps there big boy. Norway most certainly DOES border Russia. Try following the E105 on your map up from Zapolyarney (Russia)to Kirkenes (Norway). I've actually driven that road.
Outside the US we know for a fact that it is not true-it is a proven statistical fact that gun control has worked in many countries.

And those nations have had strict gun control enacted (for centuries usually) for POLITICAL REASONS, not crime reduction. That a homogenous, compliant, submissive population has, over time, demonstrated being compliant and non-violent is not awe-inspiring.

Now those nations are experiencing crime increases not from their compliant, submissive population but from new residents who do not respect the societal norms and are insular and aggressive. Eastern Europeans, Middle Easterners and Caribbean immigrants are primarily responsible for violence across western Europe and gun control enacted in response to that crime has been ineffective.

In Europe gun control was just one component of authoritarian governance that resulted in compliant and submissive subjects . . . Look, rejoice that you had that bite of the apple and can now claim and point to its centuries of success.

The model you hold up is being extinguished by immigration and the influx of peoples with no respect for your government instilled culture. You promote the enactment of that "Euro" style gun control and reverse engineer the US and create a compliant, submissive population only with gun control, all I can do is LOL.

We Americans threw that political model off over 200 years ago so why don't you just stop trying to put us back under it?
Please prove that you are more safe in your house than I am in my house.

By comparing the per capita murder rate.

Also, if you own a gun, there is the added statistical likelihood from that.

Jon -

Firstly, you might want to work on your geography - Norway is NOT a neighbouring country of Russia, and Ukraine is a neighbouring country to Belarus. Secondly, handguns are not the complete picture - obviously.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Yet MORE proof you're not a Finn! YOU should look to your maps there big boy. Norway most certainly DOES border Russia. Try following the E105 on your map up from Zapolyarney (Russia)to Kirkenes (Norway). I've actually driven that road.


any Finn would know that
It is really interesting to note how concerned gun enthusiasts really are about civil rights:

The right to go to school and feel safe. The right to be safe at work. The right for a child to feel safe at home.

Yawn - utter stupidity.

You have no enforceable right to be safe or feel safe . . .

It is interesting how ignorant leftists (especially Euro's) are, of the principles of first generation rights (negative liberty).
No one has a right to FEEL safe.

That feeling is an illusion; none of us are often safe. Its better to not feel that way, especially if you are in a gun free zone/mass murder magnet area.

I disagree.

Statistically, I am safer at home than you are. We can prove this quite categorically.

Any loss of that safety is something I consider an imposition on my rights.


This is not a mental case?:up:




Bit of a head scratcher, but I choose B.:funnyface:
Please prove that you are more safe in your house than I am in my house.

By comparing the per capita murder rate.

Also, if you own a gun, there is the added statistical likelihood from that.

Jon -

Firstly, you might want to work on your geography - Norway is NOT a neighbouring country of Russia, and Ukraine is a neighbouring country to Belarus. Secondly, handguns are not the complete picture - obviously.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Yet MORE proof you're not a Finn! YOU should look to your maps there big boy. Norway most certainly DOES border Russia. Try following the E105 on your map up from Zapolyarney (Russia)to Kirkenes (Norway). I've actually driven that road.

Outside the US we know for a fact that it is not true-it is a proven statistical fact that gun control has worked in many countries.

And those nations have had strict gun control enacted (for centuries usually) for POLITICAL REASONS, not crime reduction. That a homogenous, compliant, submissive population has, over time, demonstrated being compliant and non-violent is not awe-inspiring.

Now those nations are experiencing crime increases not from their compliant, submissive population but from new residents who do not respect the societal norms and are insular and aggressive. Eastern Europeans, Middle Easterners and Caribbean immigrants are primarily responsible for violence across western Europe and gun control enacted in response to that crime has been ineffective.

In Europe gun control was just one component of authoritarian governance that resulted in compliant and submissive subjects . . . Look, rejoice that you had that bite of the apple and can now claim and point to its centuries of success.

The model you hold up is being extinguished by immigration and the influx of peoples with no respect for your government instilled culture. You promote the enactment of that "Euro" style gun control and reverse engineer the US and create a compliant, submissive population only with gun control, all I can do is LOL.

We Americans threw that political model off over 200 years ago so why don't you just stop trying to put us back under it?

gun control is always for political reasons
A few more gun facts:

Male Teens: Gun Deaths Exceed All Natural Causes

More teen-age boys die from gunshots than from all natural causes combined, and a black male teen-ager is 11 times more likely to be killed with a gun than is a white male teen-ager, Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan said last night in a speech that linked firearms, race and family breakdown.

Gun Homicide is the Leading Cause Of Death Among Black Teens]


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You ask yourself, how the hell is it that Europe is a dying culture? I present you with Saigon........these people are born into servitude status and are quite compofortable letting the government decide for them what underwear to put on each day. Freedom and self determination are foreign to these people......theyve been taking it up the pooper from their governments for centuries. They'd turn in their shoes if the government told them it wasnt safe to wear them!!!

Sheeeeeet........limpwristed continent will be more than 50% Islamic before the end of the century........and France 50% by 2020.

Europe Will Be Islamic By End Of Century | Sharia Awareness Action Network
I love this forum......what would we do without the k00k left?? Its like getting out of bed each morning and the first thing you do is hit a big old pumpkin off a tee with a baseball bat. "See ya......time to make the coffee!!!":coffee:
No, the vast majority of gun deaths are

Domestic Arguments

Very few gun deaths are by the evil criminals you seem to think are lurking behind every bush.

Comrade Stalin, Japan has about 4 times the number of suicides that the USA does. If guns cause suicide, as you of the anti-liberty left claim, then how can this be? Japan has very low gun ownership.

Japan also has a society that sees suicide as honorable and a religion that thinks if you off yourself, your next life will be better. Compared to America where Suicide is considered a sin by most Christians.

However, as usual, your claims are wrong.

Japan had 23,502 suicides last year. The US had 38,285. (19,000 of those were committed with guns.)

Even accounting for the fact the land of the Rising Sun has only about a third of the US population, the suicide rate is 18.4 per 100,000 compared to 12.3 in the US. Not "Four times as many as you claimed."

Data Comparison from Facts
Joe -

Japan had 23,502 suicides last year. The US had 38,285. (19,000 of those were committed with guns.)

Even accounting for the fact the land of the Rising Sun has only about a third of the US population, the suicide rate is 18.4 per 100,000 compared to 12.3 in the US. Not "Four times as many as you claimed."

Good catch...I did wonder if Uncensored could really be right in claiming four times as many suicides, but I didn't think to check.
You ask yourself, how the hell is it that Europe is a dying culture? I present you with Saigon........these people are born into servitude status and are quite compofortable letting the government decide for them what underwear to put on each day. Freedom and self determination are foreign to these people......theyve been taking it up the pooper from their governments for centuries. They'd turn in their shoes if the government told them it wasnt safe to wear them!!!

Sheeeeeet........limpwristed continent will be more than 50% Islamic before the end of the century........and France 50% by 2020.

Europe Will Be Islamic By End Of Century | Sharia Awareness Action Network

saggy is a collectivist AMERICAN. He's no more a European than I am. He just absolutely proved that by not knowing that Norway and Russia are neighbors. A first grade Finn KNOWS that.

No, he's an American all right...just a dumb one.
Joe -

Japan had 23,502 suicides last year. The US had 38,285. (19,000 of those were committed with guns.)

Even accounting for the fact the land of the Rising Sun has only about a third of the US population, the suicide rate is 18.4 per 100,000 compared to 12.3 in the US. Not "Four times as many as you claimed."

Good catch...I did wonder if Uncensored could really be right in claiming four times as many suicides, but I didn't think to check.

One sock to another I see. So mr. Finn, where is Norway again?:lol::lol::lol:
Jon -

Still waiting for your answer to this -

Firstly, you might want to work on your geography - Norway is NOT really a neighbouring country of Russia (it barely touches Russia) wheras some 15 countries you do not mention share genuinely long borders with Russia and Ukraine is a neighbouring country to Belarus.

Funnily enough, Lithuania shares a border with both Russia and Belarus - yet you list it with neither. Why is that?

Secondly, handguns are not the complete picture - obviously.
By comparing the per capita murder rate.

You didn't claim that you were safer on inner-city streets, you claimed you were safer in your house - an obviously false claim.

Because your arguments are founded on an appeal to emotion, rather than upon fact and logic, you tend to play fast and loose.

No....its basic statistics. There is nothing emotional about it.

The US rate of gun-related homicide is 10.3. Many of those murders occur in the home.

The Finnish rate is 3.64.

Thus you are in about three times as much danger as I am.

Of course it would be more accurate to compare only homicides which take place in homes, but I don't have those at hand.
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By comparing the per capita murder rate.

You didn't claim that you were safer on inner-city streets, you claimed you were safer in your house - an obviously false claim.

Because your arguments are founded on an appeal to emotion, rather than upon fact and logic, you tend to play fast and loose.

He is a liar through and through. Why would you expect anything different?
Japan also has a society that sees suicide as honorable and a religion that thinks if you off yourself, your next life will be better.

But wait, you said GUNS cause suicide, now you say it is culture.

Regardless, one thing is clear - the METHOD of suicide has ZERO impact on the act. Those who wish to kill themselves, kill themselves.

Compared to America where Suicide is considered a sin by most Christians.

However, as usual, your claims are wrong.

Japan had 23,502 suicides last year. The US had 38,285. (19,000 of those were committed with guns.)

Per hundred thousand, dumbass.

Even accounting for the fact the land of the Rising Sun has only about a third of the US population, the suicide rate is 18.4 per 100,000 compared to 12.3 in the US. Not "Four times as many as you claimed."

Data Comparison from Facts

Your math doesn't work - mainly because it's fabricated.

Japan has a rate of 21.7 per hundred thousand.

The united states 12.0

List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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