Number of guns in society falling sharply

It would seem the U.S. suicide rate is at least comparable to many nations with restricted firearm ownership...

This is why suicide (i.e. "gun deaths") should not be remotely considered the baseline for comparison...only homicides.
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Joe -

Japan had 23,502 suicides last year. The US had 38,285. (19,000 of those were committed with guns.)

Even accounting for the fact the land of the Rising Sun has only about a third of the US population, the suicide rate is 18.4 per 100,000 compared to 12.3 in the US. Not "Four times as many as you claimed."
Good catch...I did wonder if Uncensored could really be right in claiming four times as many suicides, but I didn't think to check.

Population of Japan...129 million.

Population of U.S. ... 315 million...2.4 times the population of Japan.

Adjusted suicide statistics:
U.S. - 1 suicide per 8228 citizens.

Japan - 1 suicide per 5489 citizens

or, for better comparison...

U.S. - 12.15 per 100,000

Japan - 18.21 per 100,000

Put another way...the Japanese suicide rate is one third HIGHER that of the U.S.

With no firearms in Japan.

And this was using Joe's numbers.

So obviously, high suicide rates are achieved in countries where guns are banned...which is the point.

No, it's not much of a point at all.

Fact is, Japan is a society which has spent the last 2000 years making Suicide palatable.

Western society has done much to discourage it.

Yet we have more of them... because guns make them easier.
It would seem the U.S. suicide rate is at least comparable to many nations with restricted firearm ownership...

This is why suicide (i.e. "gun deaths") should not be remotely considered the baseline for comparison...only homicides.

And these western countries with restricted gun ownership?
If we took the entire energy generated by Luddley's brain for the next billion years, we could raise the temperature of one molecule of H2O 0.005 degrees Celsius.

Please turn your rep back on!
Joe -

Good catch...I did wonder if Uncensored could really be right in claiming four times as many suicides, but I didn't think to check.

Population of Japan...129 million.

Population of U.S. ... 315 million...2.4 times the population of Japan.

Adjusted suicide statistics:
U.S. - 1 suicide per 8228 citizens.

Japan - 1 suicide per 5489 citizens

or, for better comparison...

U.S. - 12.15 per 100,000

Japan - 18.21 per 100,000

Put another way...the Japanese suicide rate is one third HIGHER that of the U.S.

With no firearms in Japan.

And this was using Joe's numbers.

So obviously, high suicide rates are achieved in countries where guns are banned...which is the point.

No, it's not much of a point at all.

Fact is, Japan is a society which has spent the last 2000 years making Suicide palatable.

Western society has done much to discourage it.

Yet we have more of them... because guns make them easier.

You damned liar, lol, the facts are straight up plain as hell and you still LIE LIKE A FUCKING BASTARD.

Eat shit Joe.
Joe -

Good catch...I did wonder if Uncensored could really be right in claiming four times as many suicides, but I didn't think to check.

Population of Japan...129 million.

Population of U.S. ... 315 million...2.4 times the population of Japan.

Adjusted suicide statistics:
U.S. - 1 suicide per 8228 citizens.

Japan - 1 suicide per 5489 citizens

or, for better comparison...

U.S. - 12.15 per 100,000

Japan - 18.21 per 100,000

Put another way...the Japanese suicide rate is one third HIGHER that of the U.S.

With no firearms in Japan.

And this was using Joe's numbers.

So obviously, high suicide rates are achieved in countries where guns are banned...which is the point.

No, it's not much of a point at all.

Fact is, Japan is a society which has spent the last 2000 years making Suicide palatable.

Western society has done much to discourage it.

Yet we have more of them... because guns make them easier.

Idiot Japan leads the U.S. in suicides and the Japanese don't have access to firearms. Someone wants to kill themselves you are not going to stop them. And frankly I don't give a shit if they do.
1.8 is slightly more than slightly more. As a matter of fact, it's only slightly less than twice the suicides per capita.

It isn't what he claimed, guy.

I didn't quote him. You claimed 1.8 times is "slightly more. I said 1.8 times is slightly less than twice the rate.

Point was, his figures were the high-end ones, and he claimed that the Japanese have four times as many suicides than we do... None of the numbers bore him out.

The actual figures are 18.4 per 100K vs. 12.3 per 100K. Really, less than 50% more.

Idiot Japan leads the U.S. in suicides and the Japanese don't have access to firearms. Someone wants to kill themselves you are not going to stop them. And frankly I don't give a shit if they do.

I've talked a couple people out of suicide. Thankfully, they didn't have guns.

But thanks for proving why Conservatism is a dying philosophy. A philosophy that doesn't care about people deserves to die.
I do love how they cherry pick the information about Japan.

Yes, a country that has such institutions as "Kamikazes" and "Hari-Kiri" in their history are more likely to have a flippant attitude towards suicide.

Comparing the US to all G-7 countries. Japan and France have higher rates, Germany has an equal rate. The UK, Canada, and Italy have lower rates.

Data Comparison from Facts

When it comes to suicides committed with guns, we have the world beat.

Data Comparison from Facts
I do love how they cherry pick the information about Japan.

Gun grabbing fascists like you have no facts other than cherry picked facts. But its objectionable when such is thrown back at you. And the mans point is proven, even if his numbers were off initially. Japan has m ore suicides than the US despite them having no guns allowed for the general population. But that doesn't count because of blah, blah, blah.

Lol, does your hypocrisy ever catch up to you and make you doubt yourself? Do you ever wonder what you really believe because you have lied so much about so many things that you just get lost?

No, because you don't give a shit. Cognitive dissonance is unknown to you because you have no anxiety due to no conscience and no concern for being a bald-faced liar.

Eat shit, you fucking fascist.

Eat shit, you fucking fascist.

It's too bad you can't ever make an intelligent argument.

Fact is, there is no reason for civilians to have guns, and the gun fetishists seem to be dancing to the NRA's tune.

When the NRA shoots down a sensible background check law that 90% of the country supports, that's just out of whack, and you know it.

The problem is, you guys are shooting yourselves in the foot. The more you let THIS guy


be the face of gunowners in America, the easier you make it for the "gun grabbers".
I do love how they cherry pick the information about Japan.

Yes, a country that has such institutions as "Kamikazes" and "Hari-Kiri" in their history are more likely to have a flippant attitude towards suicide.

Comparing the US to all G-7 countries. Japan and France have higher rates, Germany has an equal rate. The UK, Canada, and Italy have lower rates.

Data Comparison from Facts

When it comes to suicides committed with guns, we have the world beat.

Data Comparison from Facts
Your boy Saigon is the one who insisted bringing Japan into the discussion. We have simply pointed out the dishonesty in doing that.
1) Never claimed guns "caused" suicides. They do make them a lot easier to do, though.

You of the anti-civil liberties coalition have claimed that stripping Americans of civil rights will reduce suicide. A demonstrably false claim

2) Making suicide harder does reduce it's number.

As evidenced by the fact that Greenland, Japan and the UK, who all revoked the right to self-defense, have suicide rates a small fraction of the USA..

Oh wait, actually it proves your claim is utterly false.

for instance, a popular method of killing yourself used to be sticking your head in an oven when they used coal gas. Then ovens were redesigned so you couldn't do that anymore.

Why have people stopped committing suicide with gas?

And the number of suicides as a whole dropped, right?


So the method changed.

I suppose to you Bolsheviks it is more fun if people hang themselves, so they can suffer as they go out...
the Gun Policy Cite says 18.4 for Japan vs. 12.3 for the US. But let us pretend for a moment that your numbers are good.

First off, your gun grabber site has zero credibility. They exist to crush civil liberties, they are not an unbiased source.

The CDC and Wikipedia are VASTLY more reliable. Using GunPolicy.Org is a bit like using the KKK as a source on Black culture.

21.7/12 = 1.8



Which is what you claimed when you said Japan has "four times as many suicides" as the US.

Artistic license.

Japan has a dramatically HIGHER suicide rate - despite guns being outlawed.

1) They have less overall suicides (38K for the US vs. 23K for Japan)

2) They have only slightly more PER CAPITA suicides.

21.7 per 100K verses 12 per 100K

That's not "slightly," that's "dramatically higher."

Your argument fails.

And again, this is a society where sucide is kind of an art form. Not only such wonderful institutions like seppuku and kamikazis, but the Japanese have "suicide forests".

Aokigahara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is that possible, without guns?

So, guns are not at all relevant to suicide, and reducing guns does nothing to reduce the rate of suicide.

Thanks for playing.
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I hope Joe gets paid handsomely for his services as a useful idiot, as he does an excellent job,

He's got the idiot part down pat. The useful part needs work.

And yet it is the two of you and Rabbi who have spent the last two week's spamming the thread with comments such as these.

Say what you like about Joe - he has stuck to the topic!
Idiot Japan leads the U.S. in suicides and the Japanese don't have access to firearms. Someone wants to kill themselves you are not going to stop them. And frankly I don't give a shit if they do.

Neither does JoeB Stalin. He seeks to strip civil rights in the quest to establish a totalitarian state. Bolsheviks aren't real concerned with deaths....

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