Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS

I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

I think this is going to be another 'beltway scandal' that the public in general really doesn't give a fiddler's fuck about. Like the email server. And the reason? Neither Hillary nor Bill benefit financially from donations to the Clinton Foundation. Its a philanthopic non-profit. And neither draws a salary or makes money through the organization.

Stripping the narrative of most of its teeth. As its reduced to 'Ukrainian Oligarch gives money to charity".
Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Yawn I'm not even going to go in to that. I'm talking about people relevant today. The fact of the matter is your only defense is Regan Iran contra, chaney halliburton, etc.; these are memes spouted by the left when they have been exposed yet again.

OK, let's go ahead and throw out the guy that all current Republican's aspire to be, or for that matter what the GOP today aspires to be. Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.
Whose sock are you anyhow?
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?
I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Yawn I'm not even going to go in to that. I'm talking about people relevant today. The fact of the matter is your only defense is Regan Iran contra, chaney halliburton, etc.; these are memes spouted by the left when they have been exposed yet again.

OK, let's go ahead and throw out the guy that all current Republican's aspire to be, or for that matter what the GOP today aspires to be. Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.
Whose sock are you anyhow?

Dunno, but I am enjoying tearing into this person. Time to tumble dry folks!
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
If she did not break the law she is guilty of malfeasance in office.

Doesn't appear that she did.

In the meantime, The guy that every Republican candidate aspires to be did, or at least his administration did. I'm not sure why Republicans have never reconciled this.
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.

There are plenty of arguments, none of which are coming from you.

This "she didn't break the law" mantra can be sung in tenor with

"I did not have any sexual relations with that woman"
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
If she did not break the law she is guilty of malfeasance in office.

Doesn't appear that she did.

In the meantime, The guy that every Republican candidate aspires to be did, or at least his administration did. I'm not sure why Republicans have never reconciled this.
Doesnt appear she did what?
We know the Ukrainian company was selling material to Iran in violation of the sanctions.
We know the Ukrainian company was not sanctioned by the State Department.
We know the Ukrainian company promised millions to the Clinton Foundation.

It is almost inescapable that Hillary did not prosecute the Ukrainian company because the owner promised millions to the Foundation in return for not being prosecuted. That is a crime. That is bribery. We dont need a court case to say it should make her ineligible to run on ethics grounds.
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
You dont think it looks like she took money in return for not prosecuting him?
I'm just me, nobody's sock puppet. Have someone check my IP. Or, love your conspiracy theories, I don't give a shit.
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

I think this is going to be another 'beltway scandal' that the public in general really doesn't give a fiddler's fuck about. Like the email server. And the reason? Neither Hillary nor Bill benefit financially from donations to the Clinton Foundation. Its a philanthopic non-profit. And neither draws a salary or makes money through the organization.

Stripping the narrative of most of its teeth. As its reduced to 'Ukrainian Oligarch gives money to charity".
Did you happen to see the items of the expenses the Clintons listed on their tax papers? Someone posted it in another thread about only 15% of the donations going to the charity itself. Of course they didn't benefit. What a joke.
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
You dont think it looks like she took money in return for not prosecuting him?
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.

There are plenty of arguments, none of which are coming from you.

This "she didn't break the law" mantra can be sung in tenor with

"I did not have any sexual relations with that woman"

Really? Is there a direct quote from Clinton?
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
You dont think it looks like she took money in return for not prosecuting him?

Is there evidence of this?
Hey guys, you can't fight the wave, Hillary is by far the best candidate. She has persuaded, and rightfully so foreign countries to contribute to her campaign. Plus she has all the big Wall St. firms backing her! She is a really good politician and she will have it wrapped up long before the election. Think of what a great influence these countries and Wall St. Will be for our country. Sure we will have to payback these countries and Wall St. With favors but this is for the first woman President, how great is that!

The buzz is "it's going to be historic".

:lmao: Oh heavens this is sad.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
If she did not break the law she is guilty of malfeasance in office.

Doesn't appear that she did.

In the meantime, The guy that every Republican candidate aspires to be did, or at least his administration did. I'm not sure why Republicans have never reconciled this.
Doesnt appear she did what?
We know the Ukrainian company was selling material to Iran in violation of the sanctions.
We know the Ukrainian company was not sanctioned by the State Department.
We know the Ukrainian company promised millions to the Clinton Foundation.

It is almost inescapable that Hillary did not prosecute the Ukrainian company because the owner promised millions to the Foundation in return for not being prosecuted. That is a crime. That is bribery. We dont need a court case to say it should make her ineligible to run on ethics grounds.

There is a shitload of speculaltion.

In the meantime, we already know that conservatives have long ago forgone the notion that doing business with foreign enemies constitutes treason.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
If she did not break the law she is guilty of malfeasance in office. We have a Ukrainian company selling pipes to Iran in violation of the sanctions regime. The US should have sanctioned the Ukrainian company as not in compliance and barred them from US business.

The US government tends to levy formal sanctions against non-US companies for violation of the Iranian sanctions only under pretty egregious circumstances. To date the only time it has ever done so what in 2012 when it sanctioned Zhuhai Zhenrong, as the Chinese oil company was the world's largest exporter of refined oil products to Iran with shipments totally $500 million and purchasing about 240,000 barrels of oil a day from Iran amounting to about $20 million per day.

Where as the Interpipe order exceeded sanction limits by $800 k. Once.

There are zero examples of the US sanctioning any non-US company for comparatively tiny infractions of Iranian sanctions. In any country. In any industry. Of any company. Regardless of their donations to any foundation.

There's simply no evidence of preferential treatment. As the US largely ignored tiny infractions registering in the thousands of dollars. Focusing on much larger infractions registering in the hundreds of millions.
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
You dont think it looks like she took money in return for not prosecuting him?
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.

There are plenty of arguments, none of which are coming from you.

This "she didn't break the law" mantra can be sung in tenor with

"I did not have any sexual relations with that woman"

Really? Is there a direct quote from Clinton?

What difference, at this point, does it make?
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.

Be silent! You are nothing but a mouthpiece.

If you want an in depth look at how she broke the law, go here:

How much could a Pinchuk chuck if a Pinchuk could chuck wood US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When you shirk your duties as Secretary of State to shield a political donor from having to answer for violating US trade sanctions against Iran, you broke the law, you breached your oath of office as a sitting leader of the United States State Department, you have betrayed the trust of the American people.

Her ties to Pinchuk are way bigger than that. They are personal friends. Pinchuk backed the coup and stands to make even more billions since the overthrow of the democratically elected government that favored Russia over the EU.

The Iran issue is chump change.
Doesn't appear that she did.

According to whom?

The guy that every Republican candidate aspires to be did, or at least his administration did. I'm not sure why Republicans have never reconciled this.

I don't know why, when your star is faced with serious allegations, you suddenly make Republican behavior 30 years ago an issue. Why can't you directly address me? Would you do it for a Scooby snack?
Doesn't appear that she did.

According to whom?

The guy that every Republican candidate aspires to be did, or at least his administration did. I'm not sure why Republicans have never reconciled this.

I don't know why, when your star is faced with serious allegations, you suddenly make Republican behavior 30 years ago an issue. Why can't you directly address me? Would you do it for a Scooby snack?

I'm sorry, what do you want me to respond to? A Hillary Clinton quote taken way, way out of context? You don't have anything for me to respond to.

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