Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS

Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.

So you're saying it isn't true? I like to see you debunk this. Go

I'm not exactly sure what the crime is. We know that corporations attached to conservative politicians have done business directly with Iran, we know that a rather popular former conservative president's administration had a well documented relationship with Iran (in his defense he failed to remember the deal). So, someone who does business with Iran among other governments contributed to the Clinton Foundation...OK, have at it, I don't think it amounts to much.

Ok, so at first it was bullshit, now it's just no big deal...ok, buddy, great stance to take. You don't know any republican that had dealings with someone who circumvented the sanctions policy on Iran to do do business there. Keep in mind Hilary took donations from him while she was SOS, and at the same time he was breaking the law trading with Iran. You have nothing that compares to that situation, nOOb.
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.
:cuckoo: :bs1:

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.
:cuckoo: :bs1:

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.

So you're saying it isn't true? I like to see you debunk this. Go

I'm not exactly sure what the crime is. We know that corporations attached to conservative politicians have done business directly with Iran, we know that a rather popular former conservative president's administration had a well documented relationship with Iran (in his defense he failed to remember the deal). So, someone who does business with Iran among other governments contributed to the Clinton Foundation...OK, have at it, I don't think it amounts to much.

Ok, so at first it was bullshit, now it's just no big deal...ok, buddy, great stance to take. You don't know any republican that had dealings with someone who circumvented the sanctions policy on Iran to do do business there. Keep in mind Hilary took donations from him while she was SOS, and at the same time he was breaking the law trading with Iran. You have nothing that compares to that situation, nOOb.

I don't know, Reagan trading weapons to Iran for cash? This is all bullshit, of course it is.
Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.
:cuckoo: :bs1:

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.
Good, maybe it's time to find some other candidates.

I'm not even saying this as a republican or conservative or whatever - but you mean to tell me the best this country can do is another Clinton or Bush??? Come on man, I refuse to believe that.
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.

Bullshit story? Bite me.

Pinchuk is a player on a grand scale in global politics. He committed his Foundation to 29 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Already paid in 8 1/2 million.

He's a multi billionaire who hangs with his personal friend Bill, husband of Hillary. Even flew in for Bill's 60th birthday. And is friends with Soros and Gates. Did a documentary with Spielberg as well.

They all travel in the same circles.

Now he's denying this allegation that he was trading with Iran.

But this story is small change compared to Pinchuk's ability to kissy face with the husband of the Secretary of State whose office was instrumental in the overthrow of the duly elected President of the Ukraine.

Playing footsies with the S of S and having that office secure loan guarantees from the US for the Ukraine after the coup, he paid a heavy price for face time, but he is going to profit wildly from the change in government in the Ukraine.

So are the other oligarchs that were involved in the overthrow.

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Correct, or in this case, steel oil pipes. And when money from those trades--which violate US trade sanctions levied against a state sponsor of terrorism---is donated to your foundation, and you in your capacity as Secretary of State look the other way in exchange and refuse to enforce US sanctions against someone your biggest political donor in Pinchuk, that is what we in this world call "corrupt."

Any conscious voter should do research on their candidate before blindly supporting them.
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.
Good, maybe it's time to find some other candidates.

I'm not even saying this as a republican or conservative or whatever - but you mean to tell me the best this country can do is another Clinton or Bush??? Come on man, I refuse to believe that.
My dream Presidential race would be Huntsman vs Bill Richardson vs Gary Johnson (or a more charismatic, sane and down to earth version).
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.
This is why Hillary needs to be kept out of the White House.
Vince Foster was going to spill the beans on them.....and he committed "suicide".

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Yawn I'm not even going to go in to that. I'm talking about people relevant today. The fact of the matter is your only defense is Regan Iran contra, chaney halliburton, etc.; these are memes spouted by the left when they have been exposed yet again.
Hey guys, you can't fight the wave, Hillary is by far the best candidate. She has persuaded, and rightfully so foreign countries to contribute to her campaign. Plus she has all the big Wall St. firms backing her! She is a really good politician and she will have it wrapped up long before the election. Think of what a great influence these countries and Wall St. Will be for our country. Sure we will have to payback these countries and Wall St. With favors but this is for the first woman President, how great is that!
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.

Be silent! You are nothing but a mouthpiece.

If you want an in depth look at how she broke the law, go here:

How much could a Pinchuk chuck if a Pinchuk could chuck wood US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When you shirk your duties as Secretary of State to shield a political donor from having to answer for violating US trade sanctions against Iran, you broke the law, you breached your oath of office as a sitting leader of the United States State Department, you have betrayed the trust of the American people.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.

Who said they broke the law? Or is that just a straw-man. The point is it highly unethical for her to be taking donations from someone who is illegally doing business with Iran. And if you don't understand that you probably are a democrat.
Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Yawn I'm not even going to go in to that. I'm talking about people relevant today. The fact of the matter is your only defense is Regan Iran contra, chaney halliburton, etc.; these are memes spouted by the left when they have been exposed yet again.

OK, let's go ahead and throw out the guy that all current Republican's aspire to be, or for that matter what the GOP today aspires to be. Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.

Who said they broke the law? Or is that just a straw-man. The point is it highly unethical for her to be taking donations from someone who is illegally doing business with Iran. And if you don't understand that you probably are a democrat.

Think about it, if you abuse your power as the head of state, you not only violated your oath, you broke the law by not enforcing the sanctions against Iran. Those sanctions are federal laws on the books. Refusing to enforce the law is in fact a crime in and of itself.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.

Who said they broke the law? Or is that just a straw-man. The point is it highly unethical for her to be taking donations from someone who is illegally doing business with Iran. And if you don't understand that you probably are a democrat.

You're right, she didn't break the law, I'm defining the importance of this story, it's not. As we can agree Reagan by far did more business than Iran than just accept charitable contributions from someone who also did business with Iran. Seems pretty obvious there is a world of difference between the two. One borders on treason and the other is similar to a womens' rights group taking donations from Penthouse.
Let's start over. Where did the Clinton Foundation break the law? And to add to that, we already know that the Reagan Admin did, where are your loyalties?

Did Hillary Clinton break the law or not? Doesn't appear so.
If she did not break the law she is guilty of malfeasance in office. We have a Ukrainian company selling pipes to Iran in violation of the sanctions regime. The US should have sanctioned the Ukrainian company as not in compliance and barred them from US business. But they didnt. The person responsible for sanctioning the company was the Secretary of State. At the time of the sales that person was Hillary Clinton.
So, did Pinchuk promise to pay the Clinton Foundation millions of dollars in return for Clinton not imposing sanctions on his company for illegally trading with Iran?
That is really the question.
The answer is obviously yes. The Clintons have a long history of just this sort of thing. Bill was getting contributions from the Chinese for his re-election (remember the Buddhst nuns?) and gave them special consideration.
It is a reminder of the Clinton era of non stop scandals, of "what the meaning of is is", of lying through your teeth (she couldnt handle two email devices), and corruption corruption corruption.
Why arent Democrats sick of this shit yet? The rest of us surely are.
Remind me in 6 months how much of a hypocrite liberals like you are when they still insist upon voting for someone so politically corrupt. Do you like voting corrupt people into office?

I don't know, what's your definition of corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt?

You don't know what corrupt is? I don't mean to broadbrush here, but is it kind of telling of liberals that they don't know what corrupt is?

Trading weapons to Iran?

Yawn I'm not even going to go in to that. I'm talking about people relevant today. The fact of the matter is your only defense is Regan Iran contra, chaney halliburton, etc.; these are memes spouted by the left when they have been exposed yet again.

OK, let's go ahead and throw out the guy that all current Republican's aspire to be, or for that matter what the GOP today aspires to be. Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Dude, you can try and make this about Reagan, but it's not...Hilarly will own this, and it's not going to be a good thing for her.

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