Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

By definition, a man who is truly heterosexual, if he was also a pedophile, would have no interest in molesting little boys. To be heterosexual means that one is only sexually interested in the opposite sex.

No, by definition, a heterosexual or a homosexual is attracted to adults of the opposite or same sex. A pedophile is attracted to children.

By definition, any man that is interested in sexually molesting boys is homosexual, or at best, bisexual. And they make up less than 4% of the population.

If homosexual/bisexual men were no more likely to be pedophiles than real men, then there would be at least twenty-five girls molested for every boy that is molested. Yes, girls are somewhat more likely to be victims of sexual abuse, but not by nearly so big a factor.
You guys have been selling this lie since Anita Bryant.
It's confusing to children. Why would you queers want to confuse children? Because confused children are easy prey.

You know, you might have a point. IN fact, when I was a kid, they had this famous cartoon character who kept cross dressing... which was very confusing.

No, by definition, a heterosexual or a homosexual is attracted to adults of the opposite or same sex. A pedophile is attracted to children.

Trying to change the meanings of well-established words is no argument.

To be heterosexual means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. Nothing about its meaning has anything to do with age.

A man who is sexually interested in little boys is not heterosexual. Period. He may be bisexual, or homosexual, but not heterosexual.

You guys have been selling this lie since Anita Bryant.

We've been selling it because it's not a lie. It's the plain and obvious truth.

You can only dispute it by trying to argue that certain words do not mean what everyone understands them to mean; by trying to argue that a man who wants to fuck little boys is not a homosexual.

Don't forget that NAMBLA was a significant part of the early homosexual-rights movement.
actually, the anti-vaxxers are still nuts.

You only think they're nuts because you believe "their" science. LMAO... Even though their science as proven their vaccine isn't a vaccine at all. Note all the people have been vaccinated, that still died. And all the boosters you're supposed to get.

It's a flu shot.

We are the only country that treated Covid like a political issue. Which is why we have the most deaths.

Thanks to Trump and now Biden, we've poured so much money into is has had no choice but to become political. FFS, you've got government people milking the covid money because they know how to juke the system. They know where the cracks are.
Plus all the politicians who made this a political issue. Like Trump, "It's the greatest medical miracle of all time." You lefties should be blowing Trump for his "operation warp speed," and all the money he blew on it and the rhetoric he spewed during all that.
Meanwhile back in reality Catholic priests are molesting kids under the guise of ministering to them. I'm not sure how your being a faggot effects that.
Actually you are far more likely to be a child molester than a priest… maybe you should explain yourself
actually, the anti-vaxxers are still nuts.
It's a flu shot.

The flu shots are genuine vaccines, backed by proven science. This MRNA shit being pushed as a “vaccine” against COVID-1984 is neither a genuine vaccine, nor it is adequately based on science to the degree necessary to establish its safety or efficacy.
Trying to change the meanings of well-established words is no argument.

To be heterosexual means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. Nothing about its meaning has anything to do with age.

A man who is sexually interested in little boys is not heterosexual. Period. He may be bisexual, or homosexual, but not heterosexual.

Uh, no, guy. A pedophile isn't heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. He's a pedophile.

Words do mean things.

The flu shots are genuine vaccines, backed by proven science. This MRNA shit being pushed as a “vaccine” against COVID-1984 is neither a genuine vaccine, nor it is adequately based on science to the degree necessary to establish its safety or efficacy.
So are you saying Trump lied when he called this his greatest accomplishment?

You can only dispute it by trying to argue that certain words do not mean what everyone understands them to mean; by trying to argue that a man who wants to fuck little boys is not a homosexual.

Don't forget that NAMBLA was a significant part of the early homosexual-rights movement.
No, they weren't. They were just the people you pointed at to rationalize your fears.

Again, what makes this conversation amusing is the founders of your religion cult were regularly fucking teenage girls who were happily offered up by their parents to get into his imaginary heaven.
Actually you are far more likely to be a child molester than a priest… maybe you should explain yourself

Actually, quite the opposite.
The Catholic Clergy was pretty much designed to attract pedophiles.

First, they removed anyone who had a healthy interest of women of the opposite sex by requiring celibacy.
Then they put them in positions of trust around children.
Then when one of them actually did something and confessed to it, the rest of them covered it up through the "sanctity" of the confessional.

Two priests in the parish I grew up in were credibly accused of this kind of misconduct and the church settled. They were just moved to other parishes.
Trying to change the meanings of well-established words is no argument.

To be heterosexual means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. Nothing about its meaning has anything to do with age.

A man who is sexually interested in little boys is not heterosexual. Period. He may be bisexual, or homosexual, but not heterosexual.

We've been selling it because it's not a lie. It's the plain and obvious truth.

You can only dispute it by trying to argue that certain words do not mean what everyone understands them to mean; by trying to argue that a man who wants to fuck little boys is not a homosexual.

Don't forget that NAMBLA was a significant part of the early homosexual-rights movement.
Trying to change the meanings of well-established words is no argument.

Now THERE'S an argument.
Actually, quite the opposite.
The Catholic Clergy was pretty much designed to attract pedophiles.

First, they removed anyone who had a healthy interest of women of the opposite sex by requiring celibacy.
Then they put them in positions of trust around children.
Then when one of them actually did something and confessed to it, the rest of them covered it up through the "sanctity" of the confessional.

Two priests in the parish I grew up in were credibly accused of this kind of misconduct and the church settled. They were just moved to other parishes.
No...that's been covered.

This type of activity was entirely unheard of.....until hippies.
The flu shots are genuine vaccines, backed by proven science. This MRNA shit being pushed as a “vaccine” against COVID-1984 is neither a genuine vaccine, nor it is adequately based on science to the degree necessary to establish its safety or efficacy.
Please stop.

I hope you are being facetious... 12 years on USMB, I can't tell the difference between the crazy shit people actually mean and the stuff they say facetiously.
Slack Jaws would argue this, and I'd ask if they'd ever read Rousseau's Confessions..(I may have alluded to my fondness for cruelty)...

JJ relates a tale of having been taken in by a cleric who "rubbed one off" on him.
Why should a private business be allowed to influence public policy?

You mean lobbying? That's a good question. Lobbyist need to be banned from 20 miles of all government buildings. Like Pedophiles banned from children.

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