Numbers: President versus Conservatives: Cons have only congress as their leaders

Do you like the idea of knowing the actual, factual reasons WHY the economy tanked back in 2007-2008 so that you can understand the reasons why people are living on gov't assistance now? And that we can also hopefully avoid a repeat in coming years?

Or do you prefer the idea of just believing a set of explanations for the sinking of the economy which are offered to you in order to shift the blame on TO the political opposition even as it's also intended to shift the blame AWAY from failed policies, a failed economic philosophy, and the people who most strongly advocated for those policies.

Put more simply...

Would you like to know the objective truth? Or would you prefer to hear someone's subjective self-serving spin?

Personally, count me as being firmly in the camp of objective truth. I just can't fathom why so many on the right don't embrace that view because making decisions any other way is almost always a recipe for disaster.

You mean government and societal corruption? yeah we are aware of what caused the problem. Which is precisely why we oppose continuing the same policies and making things worse.

Give power back to the market and teach people morality and virtue. Then you wont have these issues.

Teach morality and virtue? This real world is not a Sunday School morality play or a university mock court trial where people can walk away with a lesson in how human behavior can affect others. This is REAL life. Show me a man made organization of gov't, business, or even religion where money and power are at stake and corruption is not a historical and factual reality that has happened before and may very well happen again!

That's why we don't let cops investigate themselves. That's why we don't just take people 'at their word.' That's why there are locks on vaults in banks. That's why there are checks and balances in our gov't.

And THAT is why regulation and gov't oversight of our financial system is required.

Yes. Teach morality and virtue. Because it's only when individuals accept their responsibilities in being a moral and virtuous people that corruption can be snuffed out. Laws cannot eliminate corruption. When corruption abounds in politicians, you think the laws are going to eliminate that?

The corruption of our government is a symptom of corruption in the people. When we change our lives and start developing morality and virtue in ourselves, we will see the world around us changing for the better.
We dont want leaders. We can lead ourselves. We want representatives who are going to fight for our rights and interests.

The problem is what those of your ilk want to force on the rest of us.

I like the idea of affordable Health Care.

I like the idea of education and children who learn to think for themselves.

I like the idea of the country leading the world in science and technology.

I like the idea of the country having a modern infrastructure.

I like the idea of the president taking out enemy combantants who want to destroy the country.

I like the idea of billionaires paying their fair share.
Wow, talk about a fucking drone!
The right wing always speaks with one demented voice. Listen to Rush and you know what everyone else is saying. It's hilarious.

And The right has the House...Congress...their approval rating in single digits. The right is having a wet-your-panties party because Obama dropped a few points? :laugh2: Obama can drop double digits and still be extremely more popular than the GOP House, and guess what? Unlike the Republicans in Congress...President Obama is NOT running for matter what Rushbo and the noise machine says

Funny that you say this while your colleagues are claiming the right wing is currently having a civil war.

I dont think anyone is worried about Obama running for reelection. If anything, some are concerned there wont be an election. Im not one of them.

colleagues? :eek: and others are saying the GOP and Conservatives are having a civil war, not -- the right wing.

you can't help yourself can you? everything to you is black and white, hot and cold, left and right

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