Numerous Times When Armed Civilians Have Stopped Bad Guys and Saved Lives

There are select teachers that are former military, law enforcement and well trained gun enthusiast who shoot competitively that could protect the schools. No one wants ignorant regressives armed in any situation.

Bullshit. Teachers should teach and guards should guard. Its not 2 duties that should be combined. They both require dedication and focus.
Perhaps you were absent the day the teacher was teaching how criminals don't obey the law? Perhaps you can't understand that when when an armed intruder comes to kill you and you can't shoot back usually you die. Perhaps that's ok with you.
Armed guards can shoot back more easily since they arent distracted by teaching kids you moron.
So can teachers tripped in a room with a remorseless killer, when the guards are outside cowering in fear. Why do want them to die?
What makes you think teachers are being tripped in a room and why do you the guards would be cowering in fear?
That's what the guards in Broward county did. It's all over the media. How does it feel to have the liberal media make you a liar as well?
So why do you want them supplied with guns with kids around?

There are select teachers that are former military, law enforcement and well trained gun enthusiast who shoot competitively that could protect the schools. No one wants ignorant regressives armed in any situation.

Bullshit. Teachers should teach and guards should guard. Its not 2 duties that should be combined. They both require dedication and focus.

Teachers gave their lives protecting students, the guard in this situation did nothing. I'll take armed teachers over a guard like that any day. Remember, police are only minutes away when seconds count and they always have plenty of chalk and crime scene tape.

Yeah armed teachers and kids. What could possibly go wrong with that mix?

Run along child you're too stupid to waste my time on, get a fucking adult to explain it to ya.

That scumbag knows exactly what he is doing.
Here is my quote. How illiterate do you have to be to claim Drumpf is going to arm the teachers just because he is all for it? :rolleyes:

That idiot Drumpf is all for supplying teachers with guns monkey.
Now notice how he starts talking in circles. Classic American hating liar here folks.
I talked circles around and now youre dizzy. Kind of hurts when you cant quote my supposed lie doesn't it? :rolleyes:
There are select teachers that are former military, law enforcement and well trained gun enthusiast who shoot competitively that could protect the schools. No one wants ignorant regressives armed in any situation.

Bullshit. Teachers should teach and guards should guard. Its not 2 duties that should be combined. They both require dedication and focus.

Teachers gave their lives protecting students, the guard in this situation did nothing. I'll take armed teachers over a guard like that any day. Remember, police are only minutes away when seconds count and they always have plenty of chalk and crime scene tape.

Yeah armed teachers and kids. What could possibly go wrong with that mix?

Run along child you're too stupid to waste my time on, get a fucking adult to explain it to ya.

That scumbag knows exactly what he is doing.
I sure do. Showing everyone that reads this thread just how illiterate you are. :laugh:
who is supplying teachers with guns troll?
That idiot Drumpf is all for supplying teachers with guns monkey.

Why do you LIE when the truth would serve you better? Your credibility just went out the window with that post.

Why cant you read when I clearly posted what Drumpf said? I would say your credibility just left but you didnt have any in the first place.

I can read, I can also recognize a liar.

"That idiot Drumpf is all for supplying teachers with guns monkey."

Those are your words not Trumps.

Obviously you cant read and yes you do recognize you are a liar. Show me which words you are claiming not to be Drumpfs?

I put your words in quotes dumb ass.

Here is my quote. How illiterate do you have to be to claim Drumpf is going to arm the teachers just because he is all for it? :rolleyes:

That idiot Drumpf is all for supplying teachers with guns monkey.
Now notice how he starts talking in circles. Classic American hating liar here folks.
I talked circles around and now youre dizzy. Kind of hurts when you cant quote my supposed lie doesn't it? :rolleyes:
I quoted it already, you just deny it. Now I'm done with your sorry lying ass for good.
Bullshit. Teachers should teach and guards should guard. Its not 2 duties that should be combined. They both require dedication and focus.
Perhaps you were absent the day the teacher was teaching how criminals don't obey the law? Perhaps you can't understand that when when an armed intruder comes to kill you and you can't shoot back usually you die. Perhaps that's ok with you.
Armed guards can shoot back more easily since they arent distracted by teaching kids you moron.
So can teachers tripped in a room with a remorseless killer, when the guards are outside cowering in fear. Why do want them to die?
What makes you think teachers are being tripped in a room and why do you the guards would be cowering in fear?
That's what the guards in Broward county did. It's all over the media. How does it feel to have the liberal media make you a liar as well?
What guards? These were deputies you idiot. :laugh:
Here is my quote. How illiterate do you have to be to claim Drumpf is going to arm the teachers just because he is all for it? :rolleyes:

That idiot Drumpf is all for supplying teachers with guns monkey.
Now notice how he starts talking in circles. Classic American hating liar here folks.
I talked circles around and now youre dizzy. Kind of hurts when you cant quote my supposed lie doesn't it? :rolleyes:
I quoted it already, you just deny it. Now I'm done with your sorry lying ass for good.
Dont get all mad monkey. I'm smarter than you. You cant read and I know it hurts you. :rolleyes:
The four deputies weren't being shot at. They were hiding outside.

If this kid was drawing down on the Lunch Lady and she was armed,
I have no doubt she would have fired.

You don't? How do you know she wouldn't freeze or panic?

The big advantage the bad guy with a gun always has he he has a plan.
The four deputies weren't being shot at. They were hiding outside.

If this kid was drawing down on the Lunch Lady and she was armed,
I have no doubt she would have fired.

You don't? How do you know she wouldn't freeze or panic?

The big advantage the bad guy with a gun always has he he has a plan.

Because if she freezes, she's dead.

Yes...the bad guy does have a plan...however, that's not to say that those
armed defenders haven't debated a plan in their mind also.

The bad guy's plan has to encompass movement in the school. Where
he can do the most damage. Where will Police enter. How to fend off
an armed teacher. And many, many other details. The teacher's plan
is knowing the layout of her classroom and hallway. How to engage the
shooter. (Fire when he's turned a different way.)

The only possible advantage that the shooter could have is something
that would have to be pushed into every armed teacher's brain. They
must know that the shooter will not hesitate. They can't either.
In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers, liberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives. They also ignore the fact that would-be shooters naturally avoid facilities where they know that some of the people inside are armed.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives - Photos - Washington Times

Texas church shooting not the first time a good guy with gun takes down mass shooter

To Stop Mass School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers

20 Times Bad Guys Were Stopped by Armed Citizens in 2016 | Breitbart

A few excerpts from these articles:

The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.

In 2007, former cop and volunteer security worker, Jeanne Assam, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thousands of people were exiting from Sunday mass that day as the shooter opened fire. However, Assam ran toward the line of fire, killing the shooter and saving countless lives.

Alton Nolen of Moore, Okla., was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker. His rampage was halted by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, who used his personal firearm to wound Nolen.

On March 12, a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach and suffered “minor injuries” before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

On April 28, an 80-year-old woman shot and killed a man who allegedly stabbed her husband and invaded their home. The incident occurred in Sultan, Washington, around 8:30 pm. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 8 that the 25-year-old intruder entered the home and stabbed the husband “multiple times in the abdomen.” The wife shot the intruder, who died on scene. The husband was in stable condition.

Who's saying that this doesn't happen?

The issue isn't that people get saved, it's that MORE PEOPLE DIE.

FOUR TIME MORE to be precise compared to most other first world countries.

All you're doing is throwing information that isn't relevant and hoping it obscures the reality of what's happening.
Because if she freezes, she's dead.

Yes...the bad guy does have a plan...however, that's not to say that those
armed defenders haven't debated a plan in their mind also.

debating a plan and carrying it out are two different things.

The fact that most mass shooters get away with it with no one challenging them, in a state like Florida where the NRA gives out Door Prizes, says a lot.

The only possible advantage that the shooter could have is something
that would have to be pushed into every armed teacher's brain. They
must know that the shooter will not hesitate. They can't either.

Yeah, and it it's little Billy playing a prank with a water pistol, by all means, don't hesitate. Shoot that little bastard. that will go over well.
Because if she freezes, she's dead.

Yes...the bad guy does have a plan...however, that's not to say that those
armed defenders haven't debated a plan in their mind also.

debating a plan and carrying it out are two different things.

The fact that most mass shooters get away with it with no one challenging them, in a state like Florida where the NRA gives out Door Prizes, says a lot.

The only possible advantage that the shooter could have is something
that would have to be pushed into every armed teacher's brain. They
must know that the shooter will not hesitate. They can't either.

Yeah, and it it's little Billy playing a prank with a water pistol, by all means, don't hesitate. Shoot that little bastard. that will go over well.

The second one has no merit to it whatsoever.

A teacher will be teaching when a shooter is in the building. The teacher
will respond to gun shots not water splashing on the floor.

As for your first part. Shooters get away with it, even in Florida, because
they are the only one's in the fucking building with a weapon.

30 or 40 years ago there was a very popular bumper sticker that read...
"When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns."

Well, whomever wrote that was onto something. The same applies to
a gun free zone. Guns are outlawed there. And sure as shit...Only the
Outlaws have guns.

But thanks for your participation and responses. Please feel free to
contact the DNC for other talking points to challenge my stance.
I stopped a home invasion in April 2017 using my firearm. When I think of what could have happened had I not had a gun, nobody ever will convince me I would had been better off without one

In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers, liberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives. They also ignore the fact that would-be shooters naturally avoid facilities where they know that some of the people inside are armed.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives - Photos - Washington Times

Texas church shooting not the first time a good guy with gun takes down mass shooter

To Stop Mass School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers

20 Times Bad Guys Were Stopped by Armed Citizens in 2016 | Breitbart

A few excerpts from these articles:

The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.

In 2007, former cop and volunteer security worker, Jeanne Assam, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thousands of people were exiting from Sunday mass that day as the shooter opened fire. However, Assam ran toward the line of fire, killing the shooter and saving countless lives.

Alton Nolen of Moore, Okla., was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker. His rampage was halted by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, who used his personal firearm to wound Nolen.

On March 12, a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach and suffered “minor injuries” before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

On April 28, an 80-year-old woman shot and killed a man who allegedly stabbed her husband and invaded their home. The incident occurred in Sultan, Washington, around 8:30 pm. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 8 that the 25-year-old intruder entered the home and stabbed the husband “multiple times in the abdomen.” The wife shot the intruder, who died on scene. The husband was in stable condition.
You seem to ignore the fact that the vast majority of teachers think its a colossally retarded idea to arm teachers.
So what?

I don't live my life based on what other people think

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