Numerous Times When Armed Civilians Have Stopped Bad Guys and Saved Lives

Were you home?

Over 1 million break ins annually happen when someone is home and over a quarter million of those become the victim of a violent crime

I believe I have every right to shoot anyone breaking into my home and will fight to make sure that right remains inviolable.

Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

Again that Kellerman piece of shit has been debunked
In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers, liberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives. They also ignore the fact that would-be shooters naturally avoid facilities where they know that some of the people inside are armed.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives - Photos - Washington Times

Texas church shooting not the first time a good guy with gun takes down mass shooter

To Stop Mass School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers

20 Times Bad Guys Were Stopped by Armed Citizens in 2016 | Breitbart

A few excerpts from these articles:

The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.

In 2007, former cop and volunteer security worker, Jeanne Assam, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thousands of people were exiting from Sunday mass that day as the shooter opened fire. However, Assam ran toward the line of fire, killing the shooter and saving countless lives.

Alton Nolen of Moore, Okla., was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker. His rampage was halted by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, who used his personal firearm to wound Nolen.

On March 12, a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach and suffered “minor injuries” before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

On April 28, an 80-year-old woman shot and killed a man who allegedly stabbed her husband and invaded their home. The incident occurred in Sultan, Washington, around 8:30 pm. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 8 that the 25-year-old intruder entered the home and stabbed the husband “multiple times in the abdomen.” The wife shot the intruder, who died on scene. The husband was in stable condition.
Misleading. The Texas gun shooter killed everyone in the church before someone shot him when it was too late.
In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers,...
Firstly, your premise...

Arming schoolteachers?

Dumbest Ideeer of the Century, so far.

...iberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives...

They just don't want their childrens' schools transformed into armed camps, with the teachers packing heat.

Only a$$holes think that's gonna work.

A$$holes, from the top on-down.


The solution is to re-tool our schools with electronically controlled Security Doors for each classroom or student-space, with dual Master and Local Control capabilities.

The solution is to hire qualified, trained, armed security guards for schools (hell, even Trump wants to hire qualified veterans for such a purpose).

The solution is to fashion nationwide standards, licensing, registration, vetting and transaction-approval systems, obliging states to subscribe and comply.

Standards and laws and regulations with teeth in them... allowing the law-courts to (metaphorically) crucify those found in violation of such regulation.

We have - apparently, and thank God for it- reached a Tipping Point in the US, as it pertains to Gun Control.

Yippee-kiiiii-o Cowboy Time is over.

Time for Sanity to take hold in this context.
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In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers,...
Firstly, your premise...

Arming schoolteachers?

Dumbest Ideeer of the Century, so far.

...iberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives...

They just don't want their childrens' schools transformed into armed camps, with the teachers packing heat.

Only a$$holes think that's gonna work.

A$$holes, from the top on-down.


The solution is to re-tool our schools with electronically controlled Security Doors for each classroom or student-space, with dual Master and Local Control capabilities.

The solution is to hire qualified, trained, armed security guards for schools (hell, even Trump wants to hire qualified veterans for such a purpose).

The solution is to fashion nationwide standards, licensing, registration, vetting and transaction-approval systems, obliging states to subscribe and comply.

Standards and laws and regulations with teeth in them... allowing the law-courts to (metaphorically) crucify those found in violation of such regulation.

We have - apparently, and thank God for it- reached a Tipping Point in the US, as it pertains to Gun Control.

Yippee-kiiiii-o Cowboy Time is over.

Time for Sanity to take hold in this context.

The super locks and armed security won't be needed if the other shit in your post is done. They'd end up being a collosal waste of resources.
In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers,...
Firstly, your premise...

Arming schoolteachers?

Dumbest Ideeer of the Century, so far.

...iberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives...

They just don't want their childrens' schools transformed into armed camps, with the teachers packing heat.

Only a$$holes think that's gonna work.

A$$holes, from the top on-down.


The solution is to re-tool our schools with electronically controlled Security Doors for each classroom or student-space, with dual Master and Local Control capabilities.

The solution is to hire qualified, trained, armed security guards for schools (hell, even Trump wants to hire qualified veterans for such a purpose).

The solution is to fashion nationwide standards, licensing, registration, vetting and transaction-approval systems, obliging states to subscribe and comply.

Standards and laws and regulations with teeth in them... allowing the law-courts to (metaphorically) crucify those found in violation of such regulation.

We have - apparently, and thank God for it- reached a Tipping Point in the US, as it pertains to Gun Control.

Yippee-kiiiii-o Cowboy Time is over.

Time for Sanity to take hold in this context.

Good luck with that


The solution is to re-tool our schools with electronically controlled Security Doors for each classroom or student-space, with dual Master and Local Control capabilities.

The solution is to hire qualified, trained, armed security guards for schools (hell, even Trump wants to hire qualified veterans for such a purpose).

Okay, but why should our schools be like this? Our workplaces are ALREADY like this because of so many workplace shootings.

The solution is to fashion nationwide standards, licensing, registration, vetting and transaction-approval systems, obliging states to subscribe and comply.

Standards and laws and regulations with teeth in them... allowing the law-courts to (metaphorically) crucify those found in violation of such regulation.

I agree with this. We should have better standards and enforcement.

We have - apparently, and thank God for it- reached a Tipping Point in the US, as it pertains to Gun Control.

Yippee-kiiiii-o Cowboy Time is over.

Time for Sanity to take hold in this context.

I've seen too many cases where I thought we'd finally do something. VA Tech, Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club, Las Vegas, etc... and the NRA bullied Congress into inaction.

Maybe this time, but I doubt it.
The solution is to re-tool our schools with electronically controlled Security Doors for each classroom or student-space, with dual Master and Local Control capabilities.

The solution is to hire qualified, trained, armed security guards for schools (hell, even Trump wants to hire qualified veterans for such a purpose).

Okay, but why should our schools be like this? Our workplaces are ALREADY like this because of so many workplace shootings.

The solution is to fashion nationwide standards, licensing, registration, vetting and transaction-approval systems, obliging states to subscribe and comply.

Standards and laws and regulations with teeth in them... allowing the law-courts to (metaphorically) crucify those found in violation of such regulation.

I agree with this. We should have better standards and enforcement.

We have - apparently, and thank God for it- reached a Tipping Point in the US, as it pertains to Gun Control.

Yippee-kiiiii-o Cowboy Time is over.

Time for Sanity to take hold in this context.

I've seen too many cases where I thought we'd finally do something. VA Tech, Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club, Las Vegas, etc... and the NRA bullied Congress into inaction.

Maybe this time, but I doubt it.

I agree....... Yesterday was an example of POTUS trolling the gun grabbers..... Nothing to see here, move along

Baseball season is starting

Again that Kellerman piece of shit has been debunked

Stomping your little feet and saying, "I don't want it to be true" doesn't make it so.

Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence- against the people in the home.

It's not true. That entire "study" was riddled with flaws

Suicide is not a crime, is not violence it is a choice and I would argue it's the pinnacle of all personal choice and it's none of your business if a person makes that choice
Again that Kellerman piece of shit has been debunked

Stomping your little feet and saying, "I don't want it to be true" doesn't make it so.

Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence- against the people in the home.

It's not true. That entire "study" was riddled with flaws

Suicide is not a crime, is not violence it is a choice and I would argue it's the pinnacle of all personal choice and it's none of your business if a person makes that choice

They are only pro-choice when it comes to killing unborn babies, but suicide? Um, no... can't do that

"MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, claimed a handgun is useless against an AR-15 because bullets from a pistol don’t travel fast enough to kill someone. Huh??? Larry needs to stick to what he knows-whether Crunchy or Puffed Cheetos are best."
The second one has no merit to it whatsoever.

A teacher will be teaching when a shooter is in the building. The teacher
will respond to gun shots not water splashing on the floor.

Um, yeah. Because even trained professionals accidentally shoot kids playing with toys. There's just no way a teacher could make that mistake!

30 or 40 years ago there was a very popular bumper sticker that read...
"When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns."

which was retarded 40 years ago. Funny thing. When a country bans guns, the outlaws can't get them either. It's why the UK only has 48 gun murders a year and we have 11,000.

But thanks for your participation and responses. Please feel free to
contact the DNC for other talking points to challenge my stance.

Even your hero Trump is ready to sign on to some gun control. Companies are boycotting the NRA People are fed up with you.

The teacher isn't going to do a thing until he/she hears gunshots. How likely is that going to be from a toy?
Again that Kellerman piece of shit has been debunked

Stomping your little feet and saying, "I don't want it to be true" doesn't make it so.

Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic violence- against the people in the home.
Using a gun for self defense doesn't require you to kill the perp, you fucking moron. Most of the time you simply point the weapon and the perp runs away or waits until the police arrive.
The second one has no merit to it whatsoever.

A teacher will be teaching when a shooter is in the building. The teacher
will respond to gun shots not water splashing on the floor.

Um, yeah. Because even trained professionals accidentally shoot kids playing with toys. There's just no way a teacher could make that mistake!

30 or 40 years ago there was a very popular bumper sticker that read...
"When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns."

which was retarded 40 years ago. Funny thing. When a country bans guns, the outlaws can't get them either. It's why the UK only has 48 gun murders a year and we have 11,000.

But thanks for your participation and responses. Please feel free to
contact the DNC for other talking points to challenge my stance.

Even your hero Trump is ready to sign on to some gun control. Companies are boycotting the NRA People are fed up with you.

The teacher isn't going to do a thing until he/she hears gunshots. How likely is that going to be from a toy?


It is unfortunate that something like this might have to be done, but we
must have safe guards.

#1: Harden those schools. Nobody can just stroll onto that campus.
You secure the students first. Somebody wrote, either in this thread or
the 110 like it...that our schools would look like prisons. I don't give a
shit what thy look like. Only that those students are secure.

#2. Some teachers being armed, and Resource Police Officers
on campus are the second line of defense if someone doespenetrate the

Those items must be done.

The Mental Health issue should and must be addressed. But that also
means modifying HIPPA Laws. So that is gonna take time.

Age limits and all th other items are secondary issues. If they can't
get to the students...the school safety issue is settled.

That's the issue right now and that could be remedied pretty quickly
I agree....... Yesterday was an example of POTUS trolling the gun grabbers..... Nothing to see here, move along

again, only a matter of time before the 78% of us who don't own guns get sick of the 3% of you compensating for tiny dicks.

If Trump can get the media to say nice stuff about him for gun-grabbing, you guys should worry, it's all about his ego.

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