Nunes calls Colbert a "danger" in this country


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?
I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

I always thought Colbert was mentally ill, stupid, uneducated, and annoying. His attacking our democracy since The Donald made him butthurt is a danger because idiots who watch him might carry out more terrorist acts against our democracy like that Rachel "Blinky" Maddow fan.
I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

I always thought Colbert was mentally ill, stupid, uneducated, and annoying. His attacking our democracy since The Donald made him butthurt is a danger because idiots who watch him might carry out more terrorist acts against our democracy like that Rachel "Blinky" Maddow fan.

Do you only support the second amendment, then? First amendment too edgy for you? I hear they don't have anything like a first amendment in many Muslim countries, btw. Maybe you'd feel comfortable in a more theocratic nation?
Nunes is obviously a little media-shy (except with Faux, of course!) after his clever memo blew up in his face.
Colbert runs rings around just about everyone in the Repuglies, as far as smarts goes.
Libturds are the greatest danger to humanity that has ever existed.

We have been on this planet for 10's of thousands of years, built cities all over the world and it took democrooks and commies less than 100 years to destroy not only the greatest cities ever built but entire nations.


The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Fake Fox News is like the Republican's daddy. Whenever they're sad or feel teased or put upon they run to daddy and cry to whoever the host is "they're being mean to me, can't you make them go to their room?"

No they can't. Nobody outside the con bubble gives a flying rats ass what anyone on Fox News says. It is propaganda pure and simple. And all the whiny Republicans, including Lying Trump, go there to get a pat on the head and a "there there, mommy made you some soup". It's pathetic. These people pretend to be adults.
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The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Nunes is the biggest traitor we’ve had in this country since Benedict Arnold. Running back to Trump with information the House Intelligence Committee compiled was brazenly corrupt.
He should be shot by..... let’s get one of the Parkland survivors gun him down on the White House lawn with an AR -15.
It would be poetic and political justice.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Fake Fox News is like the Republican's daddy. Whenever they're sad or feel teased or put upon they run to daddy and cry to whoever the host is "they're being mean to me, can't you make them go to their room?"

No they can't. Nobody outside the con bubble give a flying rats ass what anyone on Fox News says. It is propaganda pure and simple. And all the whiny Republicans, including Lying Trump, go there to get a pat on the head and a "there there, mommy made you some soup". It's pathetic. These people pretend to be adults.

The real snowflakes.
‘The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.’

This is a lie – the ‘left’ does no such thing.

Nunes’ efforts to discredit the FBI in a failed effort to undermine the Russia investigations with lies and misinformation warrants criticism and condemnation.

‘“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.’


The danger we have in this country are the likes of Nunes and others on the right who might seek to silence their critics.
‘The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.’

This is a lie – the ‘left’ does no such thing.

Nunes’ efforts to discredit the FBI in a failed effort to undermine the Russia investigations with lies and misinformation warrants criticism and condemnation.

‘“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.’


The danger we have in this country are the likes of Nunes and others on the right who might seek to silence their critics.

Sure, we should just riot and set fires like you bed wetters do when Ann Coulter comes to town.


I've never thought of Stephen Colbert as a "danger". I've generally always thought of him as a comedic genius and national treasure. He walks in the same light as Jon Stewart. Damn, I miss Stewart.
‘The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.’

This is a lie – the ‘left’ does no such thing.

Nunes’ efforts to discredit the FBI in a failed effort to undermine the Russia investigations with lies and misinformation warrants criticism and condemnation.

‘“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.’


The danger we have in this country are the likes of Nunes and others on the right who might seek to silence their critics.

Sure, we should just riot and set fires like you bed wetters do when Ann Coulter comes to town.


Now THERE is that RWNJ reasoning we have all become so accustomed to.

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