Nunes calls Colbert a "danger" in this country

‘The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.’

This is a lie – the ‘left’ does no such thing.

Nunes’ efforts to discredit the FBI in a failed effort to undermine the Russia investigations with lies and misinformation warrants criticism and condemnation.

‘“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.’


The danger we have in this country are the likes of Nunes and others on the right who might seek to silence their critics.
Thanks for being a shiny example of what Nunes is talking about.
Colbert is no danger to anyone but himself. Most people of limited intelligence like him should be pitied, not silenced.
I put Colbert in the same class as Rush Limbaugh. I don't care for either lecturing me about politics and so I ignore them. As for being a danger to the country, the only thing I find troubling is when a person relies on one side to get news about the other.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Nunes is the biggest traitor we’ve had in this country since Benedict Arnold. Running back to Trump with information the House Intelligence Committee compiled was brazenly corrupt.
He should be shot by..... let’s get one of the Parkland survivors gun him down on the White House lawn with an AR -15.
It would be poetic and political justice.

I have just reported your post to the MODS/FBI and your local LE.
Calling for someone to be shot is a federal crime.
Hope you enjoy your visit from the FBI.
Illegals kill and rape thousands of Americans and its crickets from liberals. ICE raided the San Francisco area last week, 70% of the illegals they rounded up were convicted criminals, over 50% of those were convicted of serous or violent crimes. Yet Dem traitors tipped them off to the raid and give illegals sanctuary. Now that's a danger to our citizens.

BUT, BUT, BUT... “they’re just seeking a better life at the expense of good Americans. I mean, come on, they’re ONLY gonna rape and kill several thousands of Americans....give them a chance.”

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

You fuckin wackos really need to get a hold of really have lost all your shit...I’m thinking many of you need haeavy meds and a padded room.

Abortion = Good
AR-15 = Bad

Illegal Wetback on the taxpayer tit = Good
Wealthy positive Contributor = Bad

Men in dresses shitting next to little girls = Good
Disagree with men shitting next to little girls = Bad

Man on Man butt sex = Good
Grab a pussy = Bad

Illegals kill and rape thousands of Americans and its crickets from liberals. ICE raided the San Francisco area last week, 70% of the illegals they rounded up were convicted criminals, over 50% of those were convicted of serous or violent crimes. Yet Dem traitors tipped them off to the raid and give illegals sanctuary. Now that's a danger to our citizens.

BUT, BUT, BUT... “they’re just seeking a better life at the expense of good Americans. I mean, come on, they’re ONLY gonna rape and kill several thousands of Americans....give them a chance.”

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?
Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

no, they're pretty much the same as latino, muslim and african immigrants, but they get a pass because they're not dark enough to scare pussies

like you

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Wah, wah, wah. I carried Trump's water for him and now Colbert's being mean to me! :(
This guy is the epitome of a complete weasel. Makes a midnight run to the White House to
suck up to Trump and then bitches when everybody pegs him as a complete sell out.
Also, I don't think Nunes has ever given a TV interview to anybody but (and I might be wrong about this)
State Run Media.....err Fox. Probably because he knows he'd be crucified.

Colbert was hysterical on Friday night.
So here's a hint for you Congressman Nunes, stay in the Capitol, conduct your committee's Russia
investigation, stop drawing attention to yourself, and the guys like Colbert have nothing to make fun of you
for. Anyone who's tried to curry favor with Trump ends up with his/her career/life in ashes.

What's your opinion of Shit head Schiff giving over 270 TV interviews in the last 12 months? Was he "drawing attention to himself"?
Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

no, they're pretty much the same as latino, muslim and african immigrants, but they get a pass because they're not dark enough to scare pussies

like you

Sorry bud....five foot tall 120lb silver tooth wetbacks don’t really scare anyone...haha...that’s funny though.
What is it with these binky-sucking, Don Knotts like Congressmen and Conservatives who are afraid of comedians, women, real news and apparently their own shadows? Read conservative posts and they are afraid of everyone and everything and conspiracies are everywhere.

Well, at any rate, it does go a long way in explaining their fascination with long guns.
BUT, BUT, BUT... “they’re just seeking a better life at the expense of good Americans. I mean, come on, they’re ONLY gonna rape and kill several thousands of Americans....give them a chance.”

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

Illegals kill and rape thousands of Americans and its crickets from liberals. ICE raided the San Francisco area last week, 70% of the illegals they rounded up were convicted criminals, over 50% of those were convicted of serous or violent crimes. Yet Dem traitors tipped them off to the raid and give illegals sanctuary. Now that's a danger to our citizens.

BUT, BUT, BUT... “they’re just seeking a better life at the expense of good Americans. I mean, come on, they’re ONLY gonna rape and kill several thousands of Americans....give them a chance.”

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Wah, wah, wah. I carried Trump's water for him and now Colbert's being mean to me! :(
This guy is the epitome of a complete weasel. Makes a midnight run to the White House to
suck up to Trump and then bitches when everybody pegs him as a complete sell out.
Also, I don't think Nunes has ever given a TV interview to anybody but (and I might be wrong about this)
State Run Media.....err Fox. Probably because he knows he'd be crucified.

Colbert was hysterical on Friday night.
So here's a hint for you Congressman Nunes, stay in the Capitol, conduct your committee's Russia
investigation, stop drawing attention to yourself, and the guys like Colbert have nothing to make fun of you
for. Anyone who's tried to curry favor with Trump ends up with his/her career/life in ashes.

What's your opinion of Shit head Schiff giving over 270 TV interviews in the last 12 months? Was he "drawing attention to himself"?

Schiff is Liberal attention whore....a whiny little bitch...just like all filthy Liberal fucks.
I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

BUT, BUT, BUT... “they’re just seeking a better life at the expense of good Americans. I mean, come on, they’re ONLY gonna rape and kill several thousands of Americans....give them a chance.”

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?
Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.
Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?
they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.
Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.

I can rarely help educate folks that take great pride in remaining blind and ignorant...Should I just save us both some time?
Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.

I can rarely help educate folks that take great pride in remaining blind and ignorant...Should I just save us both some time?

I mean, if you want to concede the point that you're just slandering Mexicans for no real reason, then that's fine.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Going on Fox News can calling Stephen Colbert a "danger" is just such precious, sweet, dramatic irony.
Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.

I can rarely help educate folks that take great pride in remaining blind and ignorant...Should I just save us both some time?

I mean, if you want to concede the point that you're just slandering Mexicans for no real reason, then that's fine.
I hear ya...It’s totally un fathomable that illegal federal criminals from a neighboring thirdworld nation would be uncivilized, criminal, indecent, dependent and immoral isn’t it?
Totally fucking weird huh?
Reliable sources that show how bad Mexican immigrants are, illegal and otherwise.

I'm all for better border security, but your animus toward this particular group seems a little ... well, insane.

You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.

I can rarely help educate folks that take great pride in remaining blind and ignorant...Should I just save us both some time?

I mean, if you want to concede the point that you're just slandering Mexicans for no real reason, then that's fine.
I hear ya...It’s totally un fathomable that illegal federal criminals from a neighboring thirdworld nation would be uncivilized, criminal, indecent, dependent and immoral isn’t it?
Totally fucking weird huh?

I don't know because you haven't provided a trusted source despite making quite negative, serious and dramatic claims about them. You accused them of being all these things in the first place. Where is the empirical evidence?

Anyway, it's clear you don't really have anything.
You’ve been around here for a while haven’t seen the information you seek posted 11,000 times here before? Are you trying to play stupid?

I'm just waiting to write it off as bullshit should it come from right-wing conspiracy theory website sources, that's all.

I can rarely help educate folks that take great pride in remaining blind and ignorant...Should I just save us both some time?

I mean, if you want to concede the point that you're just slandering Mexicans for no real reason, then that's fine.
I hear ya...It’s totally un fathomable that illegal federal criminals from a neighboring thirdworld nation would be uncivilized, criminal, indecent, dependent and immoral isn’t it?
Totally fucking weird huh?

I don't know because you haven't provided a trusted source despite making quite negative, serious and dramatic claims about them. You accused them of being all these things in the first place. Where is the empirical evidence?

Anyway, it's clear you don't really have anything.

I know your type hate the truth. You will bust your ass to stay stupid to the fact that your people are filthy fucking human cockroaches.

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