Nurse Ratched Meets Nurse Ratched


Sep 23, 2010
My God, in 2004 Colonel North could have been talking about the people who will administer the Affordable Care Act:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- I was reminded recently of the 1975 classic movie, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," starring Jack Nicholson as Randle Patrick McMurphy, a rebellious convict who gets himself transferred from prison to a mental hospital hoping that his incarceration will be easier under the authority of medics in white coats than prison guards with billy clubs. McMurphy soon realizes that life in the institution is a great deal more destructive than any prison could be.

The hospital is run by the evil and uncaring Nurse Mildred Ratched, who takes sadistic pleasure in stripping McMurphy and the other patients of their freedoms and self-reliance. Many of them have voluntarily checked themselves into the hospital and can ask to be discharged at any time. But they wind up staying for years because they believe this is an Institution of Healing -- if only they stay longer, their condition will improve. But they don't. There is just something about the institution -- the atmosphere, the conditions and the supervision of Nurse Ratched – that guarantees that the patients' mental health will only deteriorate, but never improve.

In McMurphy's case, the institution forces him to undergo a lobotomy to "cure" him of the mental problems that were caused by the institution itself. It's a sad and depressing film whose commentary on the care in mental hospitals sparked some much-needed reform in that industry at that time in America's history.

The UN asylum
Oliver North
July 9, 2004

The UN Asylum
Every so many years a scandal involving a mental institution comes around. Usually it is a state or a local scandal rather than a national one. It always comes out that patients are being mistreated. Mental patients are often so heavily drugged they become little more than plants sprayed with Miracle-Gro rather than being fed human food. The unruly are quieted for the benefit of their attendants, and all of it is done with judicial approval. What Nurse Ratched did to Randle Patrick McMurphy was fiction rooted in everyday truth.

Which presidential wannabe would get more sadistic pleasure from stripping Americans of their freedoms, their self-reliance, and even their lives than Hillary Clinton should she return to the White House in triumph? Never forget that Obamacare is HillaryCare II:

. . . Hillary Clinton on Monday proposed a health care plan that would require every American to have health insurance just like states require drivers to buy auto insurance.

The so-called "individual mandate" — the centerpiece of her "American Health Choices Plan" — would cost the federal government $110 billion a year and would help provide coverage for 47 million Americans without health care coverage. It is similar to a proposal offered by rival John Edwards. Barack Obama's health care plan does not have the same mandate.

Clinton Unveils $110 Billion Health Plan
Plan Built Around Universal Coverage, Federal Subsidies
Published September 17, 2007

Sen. Hillary Clinton Unveils $110 Billion Universal Health Care Plan | Fox News

Obamacare is bad enough with its death panels, but President Hillary will be exactly like Nurse Ratched giving the country a political lobotomy. Here’s a sample:

Hillary Clinton usually decries the greed of pharmaceutical companies. But she suspends her distaste for them if they profit off abortifacients and other drugs that liberals happen to like. This week she renewed her attacks on the FDA for delaying approval of Barr pharmaceutical's abortifacient, Plan B. Clinton wanted the FDA to approve sale of the abortifacient for over-the-counter use, meaning that 17-year-olds could pick it up at CVS along with their Snickers bars and Pepsi.

Under the Clintons in the 1990s, the FDA would often entangle pharmaceutical companies in bureaucratic tape and delay. FDA Commissioner David Kessler, to the delight of the left, distrusted these companies, using a Naderite emphasis on extreme caution to block helpful drugs. And Hillary cheered him on. But now she demands the FDA act with haste. Now she favors a heedless and streamlining FDA, since the drugs in question are life-ending rather than life-saving.

And don't worry about labeling Plan B too precisely either, she hectors Bush's FDA after decades of demanding that the FDA label everything in sight. As James Bovard reported in The American Spectator in 1995, Kessler, with left-wing winds at his back, behaved like a bully and lout if companies didn't label products to his satisfaction. He had U.S. marshals destroy 12,000 gallons of orange juice because they didn't have "Made from Concentrate" in large enough print on them.

Has anybody died from orange juice concentrate?


Oh, that's right: making a killing off killing is not greed but left-wing charity, an occasion for Hillary Clinton to applaud Planned Parenthood, which makes millions of dollars off abortion each year, for its contributions to the "community."


Hillary Clinton is working hard for that day when Plan B goes in the shelves where cigarettes once sat. And no matter how many dangers they pose to the common weal the left won't say a word. That the FDA under the Bush administration is concerned that Plan B will undermine public health by encouraging reckless behavior is "politics," according to Hillary Clinton. Yet her refusal even to consider the public health implications of this drug isn't? She and her husband demand that childhood corpulence be studied -- "obesity" hearings are a pressing national need, they argue -- but she won't entertain FDA concerns about the obvious possibility that Plan B will increase the volume of sexually transmitted disease.

Nor will this self-appointed advocate for children and women give the time of day to scientists who point out that young women like Holly Patterson are dying from RU-486 because the drug can erode the immune system and make women susceptible to septic shock. All but one of the deaths so far from RU-486 have been due to septic shock, and scientists had warned the FDA that the drug was dangerous. But the Democrats, displaying the politicization they now assign to Bush's FDA, didn't want to listen.

The Abortifacient Aisle
By George Neumayr
Published 8/31/2005 12:08:18 AM

The American Spectator : The Abortifacient Aisle

To be honest, the original HillaryCare debacle had nothing to do with my calling Hillary Clinton Nurse Ratched even though the shoe fits. From the time she burst upon the scene she reminded me of Nurse Ratched running a soup kitchen. The only difference between Mrs. Clinton and the fictional Nurse Ratched is that Clinton believes everyone is entitled to a bowl of soup with some ingredients in it every now and again —— so long as somebody else pays for it.

Image is everything

During the Clinton sex scandals the image of Nurse Ratched ladling out soup to the grateful was overshadowed by the media image of Hillary Clinton linked arm in arm with Andy Hardy and Polly Benedict leading hundreds of stouthearted Americans up Pennsylvania Avenue carrying Bill Clinton on their shoulders —— all singing Mr. Touchdown, U.S.A.

[ame=]The Crew Cuts Mr Touchdown 1954 - YouTube[/ame]​

NOTE: I know that some might think that women who come on to a married man get what they deserve, but that does not cover Paula Jones nor does it cover raping Juanita Broderick nor does it excuse destroying Kathleen Willy. None of those women invited Bubba’s advances yet when Nurse Ratched was in charge of bimbo eruptions she and her deputies treated them like dirt all the same.

Time marches on

L’il Abner and Nurse Ratched did alright for themselves since they left Pumkinville. Both are multimillionaires by all accounts.

In 2000, when the Clintons and the Gores were as thick as thieves trying to stay in power, I speculated that Hillary should have married a cluck like Al Gore. What a pair they would have made! Nurse Ratched and Elmer Fudd. Just imagine the control she could have exercised over the dimmest of dim bulbs. If only fate had a sense of humor. At least that coupling would have given the country more laughs than it got from Nurse Ratched and Wily Coyote.

After Hillary Clinton became a senator the media carefully upgraded her image with the image of a bright, extremely hardworking, loyal American. Today’s media salespeople are transforming Nurse Ratched into Snow White in preparation for 2016. The only affinity Hillary Clinton has with Snow White is that her closest rival, Joe Biden, used to be Dopey of seven dwarfs fame before he got to be vice president.

Finally, one does not see much of Louise Fletcher (1934 -) these days. Should Hillary Clinton get the nomination in 2016 maybe Ms. Fletcher will campaign for her. I don’t know what Ms. Fletcher’s politics are; nevertheless, I could write the caption to a photograph of Clinton and Fletcher posing together:



Nurse Ratched Campaigns For Nurse Ratched.

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