Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

Most of them refuse because it's still NOT signed off by the FDA.. Trump would have had that done 2 or 4 months ago... Like he did setting a fire under the lazy asses on the vaccine...

The vaccines were already in the works while Trump was busy spreading disinformation about the virus till the very day he left office. He didn't do shit. J&J was the only company that even took federal dollars. Moderna and Pfizer moved forward without it and came out with a vaccine first.

These nurses aren't holding out till FDA approval. The FDA will most assuredly approve the vaccines. It's the whole process which takes a while. This is about the right wing turning anything related to covid into a culture war. This is why a 24 year old nurse went to her grave refusing to believe in the vaccine, till the very end. They've given up all independent thought and have given it all to the cult.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

I laughed when he said this.

Many hourly workers will just quit. The shortages will kill the nursing homes and just like in NYC, the whole thing will unravel

your dreams of controlling the Great Unwashed is very quickly dissolving
Full FDA approval will arrive by end of this month. They surely do grow ‘em stupid in Texas!

Here's the problem you have. When SSS Biden is damaged like this, it means that his Presidency is damaged terribly and so is his administration.


If the FDA was/is wavering on these terrible shots, they are NOW looking at a terminally damaged Biden admin and saying, "okay, now we can pull the trigger. Now, we're not going to grant approval"

They might NOW be willing to go rogue and salvage whatever is left of their reputation. That is not JUST the FDA, of course but every executive agency.

Great job on that Biden vote. Well done.
About 2 months late aint it? What's Texas got to do with it.. Same nursing rebellions COAST TO COAST.. GO get some news... If you like Biden's handle on all this and believe he actually understands every detail of what he talks about -- you need to move to New Zealand and join with those morons. ONE CITIZEN test positive for Covid and the ENTIRE FUCKING ISLAND is back on lock-down...

That beats the stupid in Texas hands down..

I know you may find this hard to believe, but some countries don't want a wildfire of covid cases and take drastic measures to protect their citizens. I know that seems like a novel idea to you, but there are politicians who don't play politics with a virus. NZ has lived covid free for 6 months. Locking down for 3 days is an extremely small price to pay to continue to live covid free.
The vaccines were already in the works while Trump was busy spreading disinformation about the virus till the very day he left office. He didn't do shit. J&J was the only company that even took federal dollars. Moderna and Pfizer moved forward without it and came out with a vaccine first.

The vaccines were worthless unless they had the FDA emergency use authorization which Trump is responsible for. Furthermore in July of 2020, Trump signed contracts with eight potential vaccine producers guaranteeing that once approved, Americans will come first in access to the vaccines. That cost us 18 billion dollars and was worth every penny.

I don’t ignore it. But last I heard, for those like yourself who had it should be tested for antibodies every 90 days. We don’t yet know how long it lasts.

Also, how effective will your natural immunity be against variants? This is why they adjust the flu shot from year to year based on which strains are anticipated.
So far so good and you’re right. They don’t know how long natural immunity lasts or how long vaccines last. Per the Cleveland Clinic, natural immunity is just as good as the vaccines. Why won’t the CDC state that? Would you rather have natural immunity or nothing?
So you had COVID? Unless so you have no “natural immunity”.

And curious what kind of a job brings you “face to face with hundreds of people every day”.

Sounds a tad fishy unless you’re checking groceries.

You really don't know much about this subject do you? Of course some people have immunity against this, it's just that we don't have reliable testing to determine who does and who doesn't. Furthermore we have no idea how many people had Covid and never knew about it. Several people in my family had it, one of my tenants, and none of them experienced much more than a headache for a few days. There were a lot of people like that especially at the beginning when this wasn't even a big deal. Get a headache, take an aspirin like I always have. Tired? Take a nap and you'll be fine.

In November of 2019, I started to come down with what I suspected as bronchitis. No big deal, I've had it before. If it gets worse, I'll go get some antibiotics. In less than two weeks the symptoms disappeared and I was fine. Was it bronchitis? I'll never know because I never went to the doctor. Before I got my vaccine, I contacted my Doctor at the Cleveland Clinic to see if I could get an antibody test first to see if I needed the shot. The Clinic told me they refuse to use them due to the inaccuracies.
Ok so let me get this straight.

For the last year or so republicans have been attacking cuomo for the deaths at the nursing homes at the beginning of the pandemic.

Now these same people don't want people who work at nursing homes to be vaccinated.

The republicans don't give a rat's ass about people in nursing homes beyond using them to attack democrats.

The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Who said Republicans don't want medical staff to get the vaccine? We never said that. What we said is that government nor facilities should not force people to take an experimental vaccine if they don't want it. Unlike Democrats, we Republicans don't believe in forcing Americans to carry out our will.
Medical exceptions are very rare. And which religion is it that prohibits vaccination?
Here is the exact quote from healthcare policy..

To be eligible for exemption an individual can provide:

Statement from licensed physician
Advanced practice clinician
Disability exemption
Or documented request regarding the manner in which the administer of the vaccine conflicts with religious observance, practice or sincerely held belief of the individual.
So you had COVID? Unless so you have no “natural immunity”.

And curious what kind of a job brings you “face to face with hundreds of people every day”.

Sounds a tad fishy unless you’re checking groceries. ;)
Trust me it's hundreds/day.......
you seem to be the dumbfuck here. You just admitted this vax is NOT approved. You can’t force people to get an experimental treatment. If ONE person has ANY issue after taking a shot he was forced to get there will be lawsuits the government will lose.

It's not their money so why should they care, especially if Democrats are in charge. Look at the hundreds of millions of dollars Biden left behind in Afghanistan. He didn't lose a wink that night.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

Just another made to order disaster for Sleepy Joe.. He's not respecting medical personnel that object to the fact that their NATURAL IMMUNITY is science fact.. And this Admin has done EVERYTHING to avoid that discussion... MANY stories this week about nurses threatening or walking out.. They WERE our heroes in the front lines and NOW -- it's the Biden Admin DISSING THEIR EXPERTISE on the subject...

SO -- if this tiny peak DOES build -- you're gonna be short a shit load of nurses... What will Sleepy Joe do then?
Covid spreading unvaccinated nurses are not heroes. What`s wrong with you?
I laughed when he said this.

Many hourly workers will just quit. The shortages will kill the nursing homes and just like in NYC, the whole thing will unravel

your dreams of controlling the Great Unwashed is very quickly dissolving the next several weeks, this will all be resolving itself........when 100,000,000 have their say ( count those zeros :abgg2q.jpg:)

Only the Covid obsessed will be stunned when shit goes south hard.........

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