Nutcake Ron Paul Rides Again. Says Wikileak leaker is a "Hero"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
First he blames America (again) and says we are killers.

Then he spouts a bunch of conspiracy crap about the CIA.

Then he says (in a round a bout way without mentioning him by name, but you know damn well that's who he is talking about) that Bradley Manninng who leaked thousands of pages of classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks is a "hero."

coo koo! coo koo! :cuckoo:

This is the NUT who Ron Paul bots think can "save America."

Hey Ron Paul! Waterboarding is how we got the info to get Bin Laden.

[ame=]Congressman Ron Paul calls Wikileaks & Bradely Manning Heros - YouTube[/ame]
i can't stand ron paul just for making me agree with two of your threads today.

Here Nazi. Hate on this guy too.
[ame=]Interview - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part I - YouTube[/ame]
The part that everyone should hear is "we still torture, we just farm it out now and the media doesn't talk about it anymore"
I have made this point several times. I don't think anyone seriously doubts the media protects Obama, but there is perhaps no clearer indication of it than the "torture issue".
Obama grandstanded about the evils of torture throughout his campaign - but we still do it as much as ever and it is highly likely that it is worse now than before. Only difference is we pay other countries to do it for us.
I've been trying to give Ron Paul and chance and try to understand what people are seeing in him. But for every ONE issue i might agree with him on, he then states FIVE other issues that makes me think he's really gone off his rocker! The only thing i can see about him that i "kinda" like is that he's very forward about what he believes and you know where he stands on the issues. But i don't think i like where he stands on most!
The part that everyone should hear is "we still torture, we just farm it out now and the media doesn't talk about it anymore"
I have made this point several times. I don't think anyone seriously doubts the media protects Obama, but there is perhaps no clearer indication of it than the "torture issue".
Obama grandstanded about the evils of torture throughout his campaign - but we still do it as much as ever and it is highly likely that it is worse now than before. Only difference is we pay other countries to do it for us.

Yeah, we should never get information from people wanting to kill us. We should let another 9/11 happen and kill thousands to prove what high principles we have.

The left! Sheesh! :cuckoo:
The part that everyone should hear is "we still torture, we just farm it out now and the media doesn't talk about it anymore"
I have made this point several times. I don't think anyone seriously doubts the media protects Obama, but there is perhaps no clearer indication of it than the "torture issue".
Obama grandstanded about the evils of torture throughout his campaign - but we still do it as much as ever and it is highly likely that it is worse now than before. Only difference is we pay other countries to do it for us.

Yeah, we should never get information from people wanting to kill us. We should let another 9/11 happen and kill thousands to prove what high principles we have.

The left! Sheesh! :cuckoo:
I am talking about how the media protects Obama...not the validity of know...side issue?
First he blames America (again) and says we are killers.

Then he spouts a bunch of conspiracy crap about the CIA.

Then he says (in a round a bout way without mentioning him by name, but you know damn well that's who he is talking about) that Bradley Manninng who leaked thousands of pages of classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks is a "hero."

coo koo! coo koo! :cuckoo:

This is the NUT who Ron Paul bots think can "save America."

Hey Ron Paul! Waterboarding is how we got the info to get Bin Laden.

Congressman Ron Paul calls Wikileaks & Bradely Manning Heros - YouTube

Sounds like a white Barrack Obama. :eusa_angel:
First he blames America (again) and says we are killers.

Lie #1. It's pretty clear he's talking about U.S. inverted totalitarian regimes, not Larry the Cable Guy. I'm confident you're safe from blame.

Regardless, are you denying that these plutocrats haven't killed all over the planet? You've been at all lucid the past 66 years?

Then he spouts a bunch of conspiracy crap about the CIA.

Gosh. Which part? Smuggling drugs into America and laundering drug profits on Wall St. for decades, or organizing RW death squads in Latin America?

Then he says (in a round a bout way without mentioning him by name, but you know damn well that's who he is talking about) that Bradley Manninng who leaked thousands of pages of classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks is a "hero."

If you don't want uncomfortable documents leaked in a democracy, don't do unethical things. Simple, really.

This is the NUT who Ron Paul bots think can "save America."

No one can save America. That was made clear about 50 years ago, in increasing persuasiveness ever since. Infinite growth is not possible on a finite planet.

Hey Ron Paul! Waterboarding is how we got the info to get Bin Laden.


Fact Check: No evidence presented waterboarding helped find bin Laden

Right up there with
- WMDs were moved to Syria
- Atta met Iraqis in Prague
- We'll be greeted as liberators
- the invasion will pay for itself

Maybe next you'll try to blame Iran for 9/11... Oh, wait.
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First he blames America (again) and says we are killers.

Lie #1. It's pretty clear he's talking about U.S. inverted totalitarian regimes, not Larry the Cable Guy. I'm confident you're safe from blame.

Regardless, are you denying that these plutocrats haven't killed all over the planet? You've been at all lucid the past 66 years?

Then he spouts a bunch of conspiracy crap about the CIA.

Gosh. Which part? Smuggling drugs into America and laundering drug profits on Wall St. for decades, or organizing RW death squads in Latin America?

If you don't want uncomfortable documents leaked in a democracy, don't do unethical things. Simple, really.

This is the NUT who Ron Paul bots think can "save America."

No one can save America. That was made clear about 50 years ago, in increasing persuasiveness ever since.

Hey Ron Paul! Waterboarding is how we got the info to get Bin Laden.


Full of shit much?

Well, there's your first nickle earned today from the Ron Paul campaign, asswipe. Post a few more, you'll be up to your first day's quarter before 8 a.m. EST. Hell, that's more than one of those scumbag OWS dirtbags makes in a week.
Well, there's your first nickle earned today from the Ron Paul campaign, asswipe. Post a few more, you'll be up to your first day's quarter before 8 a.m. EST. Hell, that's more than one of those scumbag OWS dirtbags makes in a week.

That's your response? LOL

I'd never vote for Paul. Doesn't make the original post any more accurate, however.
First he blames America (again) and says we are killers.

Then he spouts a bunch of conspiracy crap about the CIA.

Then he says (in a round a bout way without mentioning him by name, but you know damn well that's who he is talking about) that Bradley Manninng who leaked thousands of pages of classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks is a "hero."

coo koo! coo koo! :cuckoo:

This is the NUT who Ron Paul bots think can "save America."

Hey Ron Paul! Waterboarding is how we got the info to get Bin Laden.

Congressman Ron Paul calls Wikileaks & Bradely Manning Heros - YouTube

2 Slanderous topics on Ron Paul in a day. Considering the source this tells most people around here that we are on the right track.
Torture is awesome and its especially cool now that the government can send us to gitmo without a trial to be tortured.

Transparency in government is also wrong. They should keep everything secret from us even the laws.

The CIA does nothing basically.They just sit around and wait for things to happen so they can take advantage of them and hope people come and give them information when they need it.
What did we learn from Wikileaks? Let's revue:
Slide Show: 18 Disturbing Things We Wouldn't Know Without WikiLeaks | The Nation

Perhaps you forgot what JFK said?

"The very word "'secrecy'" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know." - John F. Kennedy, New York City, April 27, 1961"
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i can't stand ron paul just for making me agree with two of your threads today.


Heh.. well, as I've been saying, if the libertarian movement continues to grow, authoritarian Democrats and authoritarian Republicans are going to find more and more to agree on. We be may be witnessing a shift of the political axis in this country - away from the old left/right split to an authoritarian/libertarian conflict.

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