NWO: Psychotic Globalist Elites Could Ignite WWIII...

Back in the 60's the highest ranking KGB Soviet Defector (authentic - not a double agent) was Anatoly Galitsyn. To this very day he remains the most valuable intell asset the CIA ever received. Too bad they didn't act on his information. We see where that has led us now.

Let's here what he had to say about it.
Yes, let's do that:
When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser.
Criticizing your source of information is not slander.
It is when your criticizing / slandering the truth! That is what slander is. Look it up.
It is when your criticizing / slandering the truth! That is what slander is. Look it up.
Uh, you really are not well. If you have a good friend or a close parent I think you should have a talk with them. I am not slandering you. I am serious.
Typical Russian tactics. How many innocent people has your communist country accused of being "not well" in order to put them in mental institutions and silence them? Any idea? Meanwhile they have people like you running around following a dead woman (Russian Madame Blavatsky) for spiritual advice and that is considered "normal." Go figure.
Getting back on topic here - this is something that might interest Paultician:

The Perestroika Deception' reveals how the largely unseen Soviet collective lead-ership, borrowing the mind-control ideas of Gramsci, implemented their long-prepared shift from Lenin's 'dictatorship of the proletariat' to his 'state of the wholepeople', the primary characteristic of which is a theatrical display of 'democratism'designed to convince the West that a decisive 'Break with the Pasf has taken place, inorder to encourage Western Governments to abandon caution and to embark upon an open-ended programme of collaboration with the 'former' Soviet Bloc. Implicit in suchcollaboration is the threat of a 'return to the Cold War' - or worse - if the West does not cooperate. The equation can be summed up as 'cooperation-blackmail'.

In the 1960s, the strategists had established specialist Institutes under the control of the USSR Academy of Sciences. These were instructed to study Western attitudes and to inform the leadership of likely Western reactions to given tactical manoeuvresor scenarios. As the strategists had anticipated as a result of these studies, the West was caught off guard and enticed by the 'Break with the Pasf. Indeed it was enthusiastic
since, as Anatoliy Golitsyn explains, a deception, to be successful, must match the known aspirations of the target as closely as possible. Thus the West interpreted the cosmetic changes as a deepening of the process of Soviet 'reform', offering fresh opportunities for policy and trade. In reality the West faced an 'acceleration in the unfolding of Soviet convergence strategy which is intended to procure the subservience of the West to Moscow under an ultimate Communist World Government 7 .

Like the works of Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and Clause witz, this work is devoted to explaining strategy. Unlike the works of those classic authors, however, The PerestroikaDeception' deals with the contemporary world, explaining how Russia and China adopted the attitudes and ideas of these thinkers and have applied them globally for a generation. They seek the irreversible 'restructuring' of Western thinking, responses
and society itself, as their price for 'no war' and for 'changes' which the West hasaccepted as genuine, and liable to lead to the normalisation of 'post'-Communist society accompanied by the abandonment of revolutionary objectives.

The Perestroika Deception' is unique in the literature on the Communist and'former' Communist states in that it addresses the unbroken continuity and implementation of the 'convergence' strategy, a grand overall design - or what the Soviet Leninists call 'the general line' - since it was decided upon in 1958-60. As the Author explains on page 51, 'the general line' - which is flexible as to timing, contains a variety of options and takes full account of risks and possible losses - guides the course of the Party's actions over a period of twenty to thirty years in pursuit of its unchanging Communist objectives. The feature of strategy which distinguishes it from policy is that it contains within itself a secret, concealed or deceptive manoeuvre, designed to take the adversary by surprise and thus secure victory for the strategy'. 'One can', as Arbatov


explains in The System', 'trace most clearly a direct continuity between the ideas of theTwentieth Party Congress, detente, and the New Political Thinking'. Indeed, one can;and for the elimination of all doubt, further confirmation of 'post' -Communist adherence to the strategy of deceptive 'convergence' with the West has been helpfully provided by Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Speaking on the 'Russia' TV Channel [Moscow, 2030GMT, 15 December 1992], the newly appointed Russian Premier reaffirmed 'the general line', asserting the inherent flexibility of the strategy without, of course, revealing its content: 'My colleagues in the Government who are working today will pursue this line. The planned line. The one which has been worked out... Life makes amendments to our programme, additions, perhaps, changes. But we will keep to the basic line'.

Full text of "Anatoliy Golitsyn Perestroika Deception"

Clearly we see the strategy of the Soviets and Chinese are based on lies and deception. Isn't it amazing that this plan was in place as far back as early as the 1940's - 1950's? Galistyn who defected from Russia in 1960 - thereabouts - has proven to be right. Be sure to read both of his books, Paul. He is a treasure of information!
Typical Russian tactics. How many innocent people has your communist country accused of being "not well" in order to put them in mental institutions and silence them? Any idea? Meanwhile they have people like you running around following a dead woman (Russian Madame Blavatsky) for spiritual advice and that is considered "normal." Go figure.
I am not joking with you, my friend. You need to calm down.
I do not need to do anything other than to remind you of USMB rules. Personal attacks against members are not permitted. You've established a pattern of personal attacks against me while refusing to provide any counter - argument. If you are looking to be banned - you're off to a good start.
I do not need to do anything other than to remind you of USMB rules. Personal attacks against members are not permitted. You've established a pattern of personal attacks against me while refusing to provide any counter - argument. If you are looking to be banned - you're off to a good start.

The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

Russia is biding their time until China invades Taiwan and the US responds. Then we are going to have an attack on our homeland that will be unprecedented in the history of our nation. The Russians have been plotting against America for decades and counting. They will use any excuse to do it - they are merely building their case for it now. Still - it won't be over Syria. It will be over Taiwan.

Why are the Russians opposed to the western created NWO? Because they want to rule the world without western influence. Clearly China is on board with their idea. To be clear the Russians and Chinese have no moral high ground to stand on. It's an illusion they have created - but it isn't real.

Interesting observation. Thanks. It looks like Russia, China and others are joining forces to create a balance with the US/West. They view it as the US/West being completely out of control with all the invading and plundering. Russia and China wanna reign em in.

In the end, it's a competition to see who can control and plunder more nations. And right now, the US/West is winning. Russia and China have a lot of catching up to do. WWIII seems more of a realistic possibility than it's been in many years. I see some pretty dark days ahead.
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The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

I despise Alex Jones, even when I agree with his point of view.

Of course you do. He's trying to give your Comrade Putin some level of credibility (which is clearly a huge mistake).

What does 'credibility' mean? And does it matter?
The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

Russia is biding their time until China invades Taiwan and the US responds. Then we are going to have an attack on our homeland that will be unprecedented in the history of our nation. The Russians have been plotting against America for decades and counting. They will use any excuse to do it - they are merely building their case for it now. Still - it won't be over Syria. It will be over Taiwan.

Why are the Russians opposed to the western created NWO? Because they want to rule the world without western influence. Clearly China is on board with their idea. To be clear the Russians and Chinese have no moral high ground to stand on. It's an illusion they have created - but it isn't real.

Interesting observation. Thanks. It looks like Russia, China and others are joining forces to create a balance with the US/West. They view it as the US/West being completely out of control with all the invading and plundering. Russia and China wanna reign em in.

In the end, it's a competition to see who can control and plunder more nations. And right now, the US/West is winning. Russia and China got a lot of catching up to do. WWIII seems more of a realistic possibility than it's been in many years. I see some pretty dark days ahead.

If hillary manages to get in you will indeed see some very,very dark days....she is weak, they know all her secrets and she is subject to being blackmailed.
The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

Russia is biding their time until China invades Taiwan and the US responds. Then we are going to have an attack on our homeland that will be unprecedented in the history of our nation. The Russians have been plotting against America for decades and counting. They will use any excuse to do it - they are merely building their case for it now. Still - it won't be over Syria. It will be over Taiwan.

Why are the Russians opposed to the western created NWO? Because they want to rule the world without western influence. Clearly China is on board with their idea. To be clear the Russians and Chinese have no moral high ground to stand on. It's an illusion they have created - but it isn't real.

Interesting observation. Thanks. It looks like Russia, China and others are joining forces to create a balance with the US/West. They view it as the US/West being completely out of control with all the invading and plundering. Russia and China wanna reign em in.

In the end, it's a competition to see who can control and plunder more nations. And right now, the US/West is winning. Russia and China got a lot of catching up to do. WWIII seems more of a realistic possibility than it's been in many years. I see some pretty dark days ahead.

If hillary manages to get in you will indeed see some very,very dark days....she is weak, they know all her secrets and she is subject to being blackmailed.
The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

Russia is biding their time until China invades Taiwan and the US responds. Then we are going to have an attack on our homeland that will be unprecedented in the history of our nation. The Russians have been plotting against America for decades and counting. They will use any excuse to do it - they are merely building their case for it now. Still - it won't be over Syria. It will be over Taiwan.

Why are the Russians opposed to the western created NWO? Because they want to rule the world without western influence. Clearly China is on board with their idea. To be clear the Russians and Chinese have no moral high ground to stand on. It's an illusion they have created - but it isn't real.

Interesting observation. Thanks. It looks like Russia, China and others are joining forces to create a balance with the US/West. They view it as the US/West being completely out of control with all the invading and plundering. Russia and China wanna reign em in.

In the end, it's a competition to see who can control and plunder more nations. And right now, the US/West is winning. Russia and China got a lot of catching up to do. WWIII seems more of a realistic possibility than it's been in many years. I see some pretty dark days ahead.

If hillary manages to get in you will indeed see some very,very dark days....she is weak, they know all her secrets and she is subject to being blackmailed.

The darkest days will be around the last three weeks of december and the first week of january.

bank on it
The Globalist Elites are out of control. They've gone too far. They've placed the entire world in grave danger. Some leaders around the world have been warning. But most just aren't listening. WWIII may actually be a real possibility at this point. Pretty frightening chaotic times could be coming sooner than most think.

Russia is biding their time until China invades Taiwan and the US responds. Then we are going to have an attack on our homeland that will be unprecedented in the history of our nation. The Russians have been plotting against America for decades and counting. They will use any excuse to do it - they are merely building their case for it now. Still - it won't be over Syria. It will be over Taiwan.

Why are the Russians opposed to the western created NWO? Because they want to rule the world without western influence. Clearly China is on board with their idea. To be clear the Russians and Chinese have no moral high ground to stand on. It's an illusion they have created - but it isn't real.

Interesting observation. Thanks. It looks like Russia, China and others are joining forces to create a balance with the US/West. They view it as the US/West being completely out of control with all the invading and plundering. Russia and China wanna reign em in.

In the end, it's a competition to see who can control and plunder more nations. And right now, the US/West is winning. Russia and China got a lot of catching up to do. WWIII seems more of a realistic possibility than it's been in many years. I see some pretty dark days ahead.

If hillary manages to get in you will indeed see some very,very dark days....she is weak, they know all her secrets and she is subject to being blackmailed.

She represents the NWO Globalist Elite agenda 100%. She's a George Soros lapdog. There will be more bloody wars.

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