NWO WATCH: US To Quit UN Human Rights Council - Should We Cheer?


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the US would leave the UN Human Rights Council because it was too biased against Israel and too resistant to reform. By "reform" she likely meant it would not sufficiently bow to US demands.

American Neocons have done an about-face when it comes to the UN -- they like it when it provides a fig-leaf for their interventionist policies. So should we cheer the US leaving the Council? Yes, but for very different reasons than the Nikki Haleys of the world are cheering.

Party tyme! :04:

When it really will be good is when we kick their asses out of New York.
The Neocons will celebrate this, but likely for the wrong reasons. Dr. Paul explains in the video.
No American Taxpayer should be forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign entity that doesn't always have US Citizens' best interests in mind. If folks wanna contribute their money voluntarily, i'm good with that. But Citizens shouldn't be forced to fund a foreign institution that doesn't solely have US Citizens' best interests in mind.
The UN has become an instrument of war, not peace. It fully endorses 'Regime Change.' Preventing war was a noble cause, but it no longer does that. It's allowed a handful of Global powers to invade & kill at will, in the name of 'Regime Change.'
Typical pop-culture educated left wing attitude about everything "should we cheer"? We should analyze the history and intent of the so-called U.N. Human Rights council. I would argue that the ironically named HRC is nothing but a haven for anti-Semitic views and extortion.
The UN should be funded on a strictly voluntary basis. No one should be forced to fund it. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled that US Citizens are forced to fund a foreign entity that doesn't solely represent US Citizen interests. It shouldn't have ever happened.
The UN should be moved to Switzerland, and the US should pay the same dues as every other country.
The UN should be moved to Switzerland, and the US should pay the same dues as every other country.

Speaking of Switzerland, it's time for the US to adopt a neutral Foreign Policy too. No more aggressive Interventionism.
Speaking of Switzerland, it's time for the US to adopt a neutral Foreign Policy too. No more aggressive Interventionism.

No intervention, period. No humanitarian aid. No disaster relief. Nothing.

Well, i'm more flexible on strictly humanitarian aid. And that's the big problem with our current 'Foreign Aid' system. Citizens have no say in it, and it goes well-beyond strictly feeding & housing. But absolutely no intervening in foreign Civil Wars, and no more 'Regime Change.'
The UN isn't force for peace. It's force for war. A handful of Global Powers use it to justify their numerous wars. It's outlived its usefulness.

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