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NY activist judges allow same sex marriage

Kathianne said:
But if I understood your earlier post, you wish to overturn the 14th amendment?

Repeal, or modify.

I would like to see a return to federalism and states rights. That is, someone in California should not be able to dictate law to someone in Alabama and vice versa.

However, I think that there are other areas of the constitution that support the idea of civil unions as a contract even without the 14th amendment:

Article One Section ten clause one:
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Article Four, section one, Clause 1: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

CivilLiberty said:
The judge is not declaring a new law - he is stating that a certain law is not legal or valid under a certain (state) constitution.

Just out of curiosity, how do you guys feel about interracial marriages?


Interracial marriage and gay marriage have nothing whatsoever in common with each other since race is not a choice and cannot be changed but homosexuality is a choice and can be changed. Your question is out of context for this thread.
CivilLiberty said:
Okay then, let's make a comparison.

50 years ago, people supported Anti-Miscegenation laws using the statements:

1) They are against the Bible.
2) They are unnatural.
3) They go against our history and our culture.
4) They are bad for children.

And the motivation of these laws was steeped in bigotry.

These same statements are being used today relating to same sex pair bonds.

The 14th amendment overruled state Anti-Miscegenation laws, and it's possible that the SCOTUS will do the same with laws prohibiting same sex unions using the same legal framework.

Assuming this happens in the next few years, in 50 years they will be accepted as interracial marriages are now today.

Bigotry is a perceptual thought pattern that changes readily over time.



It is bigotry to be against someone because of their race, it is common sense to be against SOMETHING because of its violation of nature and common sense.
Don't worry people, this will be overturned. The people spoke in November and no New York congressional represenative will let this stand since the rath will be brought down upon them.

The constitutional argument is a strawman, the constitution does not give society the right to run amok just because one feels their rights are being abridged, that is why we have laws and their will be a law against this written into the constitution very shortly.

The two dykes in the story who say they have a daughter? They hsave no daughter, it is impossible for two women to have a daughter and same with two men, I don't give a shit what kind of ARTIFICIAL(UNNATURAL) method was used, its a travesty and a pity a child has been put into that situation because of the selfishness of those two dykes.
OCA said:
Don't worry people, this will be overturned. The people spoke in November and no New York congressional represenative will let this stand since the rath will be brought down upon them.

The constitutional argument is a strawman, the constitution does not give society the right to run amok just because one feels their rights are being abridged, that is why we have laws and their will be a law against this written into the constitution very shortly.

The two dykes in the story who say they have a daughter? They hsave no daughter, it is impossible for two women to have a daughter and same with two men, I don't give a shit what kind of ARTIFICIAL(UNNATURAL) method was used, its a travesty and a pity a child has been put into that situation because of the selfishness of those two dykes.

You really are that dense, aren't you? It is more acceptable for a child to be raised by straight parents who beat the shit out of them and torture them on a daily basis, right?
Bullypulpit said:
You really are that dense, aren't you? It is more acceptable for a child to be raised by straight parents who beat the shit out of them and torture them on a daily basis, right?

Who said beating the shit out of anybody "hates America boy"? Queers are significantly higher in domestic abuse categories BTW, the stats are right here on this board. If you wanna talk domestic abuse than yeah better to be with an actual mommy and daddy who beat each other up than an unatural pole smoker situation who more than likely beat each other up, are highly promiscuous and have one or more diseases.
Bully you really do hate everything that is right and just don't you? Is it because you've always been a misfit, a fucking freak yourself? Spare us your strawman arguments and take a bottle of pills, will ya?
OCA said:
Bully you really do hate everything that is right and just don't you? Is it because you've always been a misfit, a fucking freak yourself? Spare us your strawman arguments and take a bottle of pills, will ya?

If we're working with your definition of "right" then yeah. So, if you haven't already done so, please have yourself sterilized before you drag the rest of the gene-pool down with you.
Bullypulpit said:
If we're working with your definition of "right" then yeah. So, if you haven't already done so, please have yourself sterilized before you drag the rest of the gene-pool down with you.

Hate to tell you but America agrees with me, well at least Ohio. God bless Ohio...gave Bush another 4 and voted against queer marriage. What fine citizens!

Also these retorts of yours are almost as effective as your retorts to W.J. and Big D. I guess you weren't an English major.

BTW I want links printed out, not just those stupid bold headlines to go with your leftist wingnut posts, each one without will result in a warning, after 3 you're gone. And no I wouldn't ban you because of your views but rather you think you're above the law.

Heed my words.
OCA said:
Who said beating the shit out of anybody "hates America boy"? Queers are significantly higher in domestic abuse categories BTW, the stats are right here on this board. If you wanna talk domestic abuse than yeah better to be with an actual mommy and daddy who beat each other up than an unatural pole smoker situation who more than likely beat each other up, are highly promiscuous and have one or more diseases.

Hmmm....So, anybody who disagrees with your perversely self-righteous and distorted world view hates America. You are so full of crap your eyes are brown. Beside that, you really are a sick, bitter piece of work.
OCA said:
Who said beating the shit out of anybody "hates America boy"? Queers are significantly higher in domestic abuse categories BTW, the stats are right here on this board. If you wanna talk domestic abuse than yeah better to be with an actual mommy and daddy who beat each other up than an unatural pole smoker situation who more than likely beat each other up, are highly promiscuous and have one or more diseases.

Hates America boy won't respond to this because he knows i'm right.
OCA said:
Hate to tell you but America agrees with me, well at least Ohio. God bless Ohio...gave Bush another 4 and voted against queer marriage. What fine citizens!

Also these retorts of yours are almost as effective as your retorts to W.J. and Big D. I guess you weren't an English major.

BTW I want links printed out, not just those stupid bold headlines to go with your leftist wingnut posts, each one without will result in a warning, after 3 you're gone. And no I wouldn't ban you because of your views but rather you think you're above the law.

Heed my words.

I hope you hold everyone else to those documentation standards. Hypocrite.
Bullypulpit said:
Hmmm....So, anybody who disagrees with your perversely self-righteous and distorted world view hates America. You are so full of crap your eyes are brown. Beside that, you really are a sick, bitter piece of work.

Hey there it is! Deny deny deny until the lie becomes the truth hey Bully? I think America thinks the ones who defend these sick fucks are the ones who are the sick piece of shits.

Also not self-righteous just a user of common sense unlike you. How do you get through daily life when you cannot even comprehend the simple things?

I would also say that from your rantings on here that yes you are definitely an enemy of America.
Bullypulpit said:
I hope you hold everyone else to those documentation standards. Hypocrite.

Everyone here already upholds this standard, I hold no favorites, they would get the same treatment as you.

Find me one instance of my hypocrisy(sp?) on this issue.
Here's a thought:

I say give them a "civil union" that recognizes the contractual rights given to married people. First I think that it is equal and necessary. Second, it would give them responsibility. Many in the community have no sense of responsibility in a relationship because there are no legal consequences if they split.
Yurt said:
Here's a thought:

I say give them a "civil union" that recognizes the contractual rights given to married people. First I think that it is equal and necessary. Second, it would give them responsibility. Many in the community have no sense of responsibility in a relationship because there are no legal consequences if they split.

No civil unions. Nothing that gives them a sense of being recognized as legitimate. Why don't we then recognize people as special who like to piss on each other, no difference.

NY Judge Bans Heterosexual Marriage
by Scott Ott

(2005-02-05) -- A day after ruling that New York City must allow homosexual marriages, a state judge today declared traditional heterosexual marriage unconstitutional.

"Homosexual marriage rests on the bedrock of judicial opinion," wrote Justice Doris Ling-Cohan, "But heterosexual marriage finds justification in little more than religious myth, antiquated tradition and a few unconstitutional state and local laws. These are all hollow arguments when compared with the firm foundation provided by a growing number of judges."

In a 57-page ruling, Judge Ling-Cohan ordered the state of New York to "cease and desist issuing marriage licenses to counter-sex (man-woman) couples and to dissolve all existing counter-sex marriages."

Barring an appeal, the ban takes effect in 30 days.

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