NY cabbie is stabbed multiple times after confirming he was a muslim

once upon a time there was a cab driver who lied and told his wife and two daughters they were going out to dinner. This same cab driver murdered his two daughters in the back seat of his cab,, drove to the airport and slid in obscurity into Egypt I think. Where was your outrage libturds? Where was your outrage?

What the fuck are you even talking about? I watched a story the other night on Dateline where a christian pastor killed an old man, and took all his money, where was your outrage?

This man did not deserve to be stabbed, end of story. It is like you are excusing the person who stabbed him, because some other person who shares the faith of the victim did something horrible . They are not the same person. Get a fucking clue.

I would never excuse a liberal. Liberal violence is getting outta hand.
I told you....the mad, the hate they created isn't going to die soon just because they pick another site.....

They should have given up on this site much, much sooner. They spread the hate, they reap the benefits and it's the innocent who pay......

If they did built this Mosque where they want, I predict it wouldn't be standing long.....that's not hate, that's logic. There are fanatics in all religions, the Islamic fanatics are just more obvious.
So it is the guy's fault that he was stabbed? Fuck that. Listen to yourself. It is us who are doing the hating. You ever think we are the ones who need to change?

Not at all, I never said that...he's one of the innocent paying the price for the Iman and his wife building their Mosque at ground zero.
No one is building, or ever was building, a mosque at Ground Zero you twit.
So it is the guy's fault that he was stabbed? Fuck that. Listen to yourself. It is us who are doing the hating. You ever think we are the ones who need to change?

Not at all, I never said that...he's one of the innocent paying the price for the Iman and his wife building their Mosque at ground zero.
No one is building, or ever was building, a mosque at Ground Zero you twit.

I count the fact that the landing gear from one of the planes hit there as ground zero.
So it is the guy's fault that he was stabbed? Fuck that. Listen to yourself. It is us who are doing the hating. You ever think we are the ones who need to change?

Not at all, I never said that...he's one of the innocent paying the price for the Iman and his wife building their Mosque at ground zero.
No one is building, or ever was building, a mosque at Ground Zero you twit.

Another example of Sheila's "moral right"....lying....again, and again, and again, and again, and again....
Cops: NY Cabbie Is Asked If He's Muslim, Stabbed - CBS News

A drunken passenger riding in a New York City taxi cab attacked the driver after asking him if he was Muslim, police said Wednesday.

fucking bigots :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::evil::evil:

I told you....the mad, the hate they created isn't going to die soon just because they pick another site.....

They should have given up on this site much, much sooner. They spread the hate, they reap the benefits and it's the innocent who pay......

If they did built this Mosque where they want, I predict it wouldn't be standing long.....that's not hate, that's logic. There are fanatics in all religions, the Islamic fanatics are just more obvious.

This post pretty much sums up everything I hate about the far right. They cause the problem then blame the victims when things go nuts.

"They spread the hate"? Who? Your crazy side are the hate filled ones, not the moderate muslims who want this center.


Oh and this guy who did the slashing...this crime is a textbook hate crime. He will do serious time for this.

Good. Maybe when he gets out he can work for Fox but in the meantime, he will be someones uh...buddy in prison for a while. Good.
once upon a time there was a cab driver who lied and told his wife and two daughters they were going out to dinner. This same cab driver murdered his two daughters in the back seat of his cab,, drove to the airport and slid in obscurity into Egypt I think. Where was your outrage libturds? Where was your outrage?

What the fuck are you even talking about? I watched a story the other night on Dateline where a christian pastor killed an old man, and took all his money, where was your outrage?

This man did not deserve to be stabbed, end of story. It is like you are excusing the person who stabbed him, because some other person who shares the faith of the victim did something horrible . They are not the same person. Get a fucking clue.

I would never excuse a liberal. Liberal violence is getting outta hand.

So this slasher was a liberal?
The attacker was not from NYC. He was from another town in NY State...probably a right wingnut bigot.
nyc has it's share of bigots. just ask any jew, black, rican...

yes. it does. everyplace has its share. but i can tell you that, at least where i grew up, i never heard anything racist. i actually wasn't subjected to an anti-semitic comment until way later in life and had no clue how bad it was til i started posting.

from what i'm hearing, the stabber actually had an interesting story.

I told you....the mad, the hate they created isn't going to die soon just because they pick another site.....

They should have given up on this site much, much sooner. They spread the hate, they reap the benefits and it's the innocent who pay......

If they did built this Mosque where they want, I predict it wouldn't be standing long.....that's not hate, that's logic. There are fanatics in all religions, the Islamic fanatics are just more obvious.

This post pretty much sums up everything I hate about the far right. They cause the problem then blame the victims when things go nuts.

"They spread the hate"? Who? Your crazy side are the hate filled ones, not the moderate muslims who want this center.


Oh and this guy who did the slashing...this crime is a textbook hate crime. He will do serious time for this.

Good. Maybe when he gets out he can work for Fox but in the meantime, he will be someones uh...buddy in prison for a while. Good.

The way some people around here talk...how close are they to wanting to give him a medal? :eusa_eh:
Sooooooo....it's the muslims' fault for wanting to actually believe in American property rights.

They have no sense of sensitivity. No empathy with 3000 dead Americans. Kerry on.

really? not a single muslim? because you know if a single muslim did it would make your post look retarded

aaaannnndddd the muslim americans who were killed during 9/11....were do their family's fall in all this? What if those family's wanted to honor the AMERICAN muslims that were killed that day by opening this center? They are americans....righty's?
The attacker was not from NYC. He was from another town in NY State...probably a right wingnut bigot.

Damn! He's a lib.

Enright is a film student at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. He also works with Intersection International, a left-leaning organization that's come out in favor of the proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero

Michael Enright, Alleged Muslim Cab Driver Stabber, Belonged To Pro-Park51 Group (VIDEO)

Oh, well. Maybe the next one. it's just a matter of time before one of those NY cons really snaps!
yes. it does. everyplace has its share. but i can tell you that, at least where i grew up, i never heard anything racist. .

I honestly find that hard to believe.
yes. it does. everyplace has its share. but i can tell you that, at least where i grew up, i never heard anything racist. .

I honestly find that hard to believe.

it's true. i'm not saying it wasn't there, but my friends were a pretty diverse group and it just wasn't anything I ever head.

that doesn't mean it didn't exist in other neighborhoods or even other groups of kids.
yes. it does. everyplace has its share. but i can tell you that, at least where i grew up, i never heard anything racist. .

I honestly find that hard to believe.

it's true. i'm not saying it wasn't there, but my friends were a pretty diverse group and it just wasn't anything I ever head.

that doesn't mean it didn't exist in other neighborhoods or even other groups of kids.

Oh ok. Well, there was plenty of it to go around in Boston.
the moderate muslims who want this center.

"Moderate muslims?" You're calling Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf a "moderate Muslim?" :lol: Well, now you're going to be wearing the Kook of the Year crown.

Rauf—who has called America a "Sharia-compliant state" and said that the "American political structure is Sharia-compliant"—is the son of a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was a good friend of the Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna. Should we just fit you for that crown now, or do you want the whole ugly thing spilled out here for you in front of Gawd and everybody?

Oh, why not. I think people ought to find out just how kooky a bloviating blowhard you really are.

You see, the Muslim Brotherhood's goal, and that of its U.S. arm, the Muslim American Society (MAS), is the "introduction of the Islamic Shari'ah as the basis controlling the affairs of state and society." Does that ring a bell with the statements of your "moderate muslim" buddy, that sweet-talking fun-loving Imam Rauf? Pay attention and try not to drool, because we're not done yet.

An internal document uncovered in the Holy Land Foundation trial describes their strategy for introducing Sharia (Shari'ah): "The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions."

Membership in MAS requires reading the works of Syed Qutb, whose writings include, among other things:

"All Westerners are the same: a rotten conscience, a false civilization. How I hate these Westerners, how I despise all of them without exception."

"A Muslim has no nationality except his belief."

"There is only one law which ought to be followed, and that is the Shari'ah."​

Are you feeling all warm and fuzzy toward your "moderate muslim" buddies now, Zona the Zero? Want to go give Rauf a big wet kiss? Well hold your hug-a-Muslim ardor just a bit longer, because we're still not done.

Another of their authorities, Syed Abul A'ala Maududi, expanded on the goals:

"Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and program."​

I think that crown is going to bring out all the best features of your pinhead, Zona. Because now we're going to get back specifically to Feisal Rauf and his Daddy-O. Daddy-O Rauf founded something in the 1960s called the Islamic Center of New York (a.k.a. Islamic Cultural Center of New York), and Little Raufie—you know, your "moderate muslim" huggie-buddy—is a trustee.

An article called Ground Zero Mosque: The Strongest Horse says this about Little Raufie's connections through his daddy:

"Rauf's professional and political connections are all to the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas support network in the United States: the Council on American Islamic Relations; the Muslim American Society; the Islamic Society of North America; the International Institute of Islamic Thought. Three of these organizations were unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing trial... ."​

Hmmm. You think that has anything at all to do with Raufie refusing to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, Kook? Never mind: you've already made it clear that you don't think at all.

I know you want to rush off and hug Raufie, KoTY, but we're still not done yet. Remember I said that Raufie is a trustee of his daddy's Islamic Center of New York? Well, who do you think the other "trustees" are, King Kook? Want to guess?

I don't want you just standing there any longer with your mouth open looking dumb, so let me help you out: here's a quote from their web site: "From its inception, The Islamic Center was privileged to be established, maintained, and supervised by the Muslim Ambassadors representing their countries at the United Nations who form the Board of its trustees."

So Rauf is a co-trustee with U.N. ambassadors from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran, among others. Those are your "moderate muslims" you love and revere so much. 'Kay?

All hail Zona, undisputed Kook of the Year! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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