NY City Violent Crime Up 358% Since Last Year

My time is spent reading, working out, cooking and baking with my wife, playing with our dog, supervising my investments, reading my emails, doing the crossword and playing Chess.

Your's as near as I can tell, is fear and hate mongering.
Ahhh....Village life!
Well, they weren't having these problems again until a far left Democrat took the city back over. Crime was rampant under David Dinkins and prior mayors throughout the 70s and 80s, all Democrats, which is how Rudy got into office. It dropped significantly under Rudy's policies. It stayed relatively low under Bloomberg. It was when DiBlasio took over that it started skyrocketing again.

So if you don't think it's the result of who is in charge, then what's the reason?

There is no single reason. Parenting, poverty, alcohol and drugs; domestic violence, lack of proper mental health services & stress in the family when the provider(s) live paycheck to paycheck; systemic racism, and a depressed view of the future are some to consider.
Well, they weren't having these problems again until a far left Democrat took the city back over. Crime was rampant under David Dinkins and prior mayors throughout the 70s and 80s, all Democrats, which is how Rudy got into office. It dropped significantly under Rudy's policies. It stayed relatively low under Bloomberg. It was when DiBlasio took over that it started skyrocketing again.

So if you don't think it's the result of who is in charge, then what's the reason?

There is no single reason. Parenting, poverty, alcohol and drugs; domestic violence, lack of proper mental health services & stress in the family when the provider(s) live paycheck to paycheck; systemic racism, and a depressed view of the future are some to consider.

Stick with things you know like....well, whatever
A Number of things: Drug or alcohol addiction; conviction of misdemeanor or felony violent crimes; two or more Drunk Driving Arrests; a civil detention as a danger to themselves or others; bomb threats, criminal threats and determined to be a member of a street gang, or association with criminal or terrorist organizations.

Thought you meant something else when you said "supposed law abiding" citizens.

Two or more DUI's? I disagree with anything less than a felony. and that should be allowed to be petitioned for reinstatement.

I disagree. Felonies are too often plea bargained down to Misdemeanors. Two DUI's suggest someone is irresponsible, in fact in CA a third DUI can be filed as a felony.

Leftardism in full glory.

You got what you voted for NYC. Enjoy.

Do you have an outside life? I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to pay you for you constant barrage of hate for millions of Democrats. It's pretty pitiful you spend you awake hours trying (and failing) to demean everything the Democratic Party and its members support. Thus you make up bullshit, and use the RED SCARE as if it didn't die along with McCarthy decades ago.


It isn't republicans burning, looting and killing in these riots.....it isn't Trump supporters burning, looting and killing in these cities...

The people burning, looting and killing are members of the democrat party....... organized, trained, financed, and coordinated by allies of the democrat party...

These democrats attacked under orders to disrupt the election in November........Trump at the time had over a 40% approval rate with the Black community...so the democrat party turned their storm troopers loose........antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill Black Americans in democrat party controlled cities.....
Some of us can't leave these cities because of family, work or friend commitments.
If you voted republican in the last election, you have my sympathy. If you voted democrat, no sympathy.

Always vote Republican if there is one running.
I used to consider myself an Independent voter, tied to no particular party, although I did tend to vote Green Party. However, after how absolutely efil the left has conducted itself, I'm voting for Trump. Win or lose, I'm standing with Trump and whatever comes up after him in the following presidential election. Hopefully, the 2024 republican presidential ticket will be Dan Crenshaw for President and Candace Owens for Vice President.
A Number of things: Drug or alcohol addiction; conviction of misdemeanor or felony violent crimes; two or more Drunk Driving Arrests; a civil detention as a danger to themselves or others; bomb threats, criminal threats and determined to be a member of a street gang, or association with criminal or terrorist organizations.

Thought you meant something else when you said "supposed law abiding" citizens.

Two or more DUI's? I disagree with anything less than a felony. and that should be allowed to be petitioned for reinstatement.

I disagree. Felonies are too often plea bargained down to Misdemeanors. Two DUI's suggest someone is irresponsible, in fact in CA a third DUI can be filed as a felony.

Do you have any statistics showing that these tyoe of cases are related to a gun problem?
Thanks Trump. Dudes been inciting violence since a black man had his neck stepped on for 8 plus minutes until dead and basically gave statues of racists more consideration than black Americans.
A Number of things: Drug or alcohol addiction; conviction of misdemeanor or felony violent crimes; two or more Drunk Driving Arrests; a civil detention as a danger to themselves or others; bomb threats, criminal threats and determined to be a member of a street gang, or association with criminal or terrorist organizations.

Thought you meant something else when you said "supposed law abiding" citizens.

Two or more DUI's? I disagree with anything less than a felony. and that should be allowed to be petitioned for reinstatement.

I disagree. Felonies are too often plea bargained down to Misdemeanors. Two DUI's suggest someone is irresponsible, in fact in CA a third DUI can be filed as a felony.

Do you have any statistics showing that these tyoe of cases are related to a gun problem?

Nope, that would be something needed to be researched. It's not likely the OP would have done so.

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