NY cop does nothing as man beaten to a pulp

Having female cops is bad as they are physically incapable to do anything

Poor victim
So true. Very few females can go head to head even with a weak man. They need to have women pass the same physicality and strength requirements as men.

NOTE: Many male cops are much to small, weak or out of shape to be cops.
Real life tells us that the female sergeant would have been a victim if she physically intervened or worse that she would have had her weapon taken and killed. If she shot one of the perps she would have probably indicted. Where the fuk was her backup?
Real life tells us that the female sergeant would have been a victim if she physically intervened or worse that she would have had her weapon taken and killed. If she shot one of the perps she would have probably indicted. Where the fuk was her backup?
Her backup showed up near the end of the video. A little late.
Real life tells us that the female sergeant would have been a victim if she physically intervened or worse that she would have had her weapon taken and killed. If she shot one of the perps she would have probably indicted. Where the fuk was her backup?

She has no business being a police officer
He this is the kind of police work you get when city government doesn’t support the police. They aren’t going to get involved in a physical altercation with a suspect. They will simply observe, file reports and perhaps attempt to arrest the winner at a later date with overwhelming force,
That cop is worse than worthless. Can you imagine a world in which she could be summarily fired for failure to aid a citizen under attack?

Not this world, unfortunately.

I agree that POS so called cop, should work as a Kmart greeter instead!

Having female cops is bad as they are physically incapable to do anything

Poor victim
That's a bad look for police.

It does serve to reinforce the notion that you are responsible for the defense of yourself and yours and to not rely on law enforcement very much.

They're there to hammer the law-abiding citizen with bullshit, not help them in a crisis.

They'll scrape up your carcass and half-ass try to find out what happened, or if you get stuff stolen and they find it, they'll give you the option to sit in on the auction where they're selling your stuff and bid on it. Isn't that grand?
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Sometime after 2000 the police changed from being the good guys to being government hammers and citizens are nails.
The error this cop made, a really bad tactical error, was going into an already escalated situation solo.

That error has nothing to do with the sex, size, or apparent fitness of the cop.

A NY Giant's linebacker would have been stupid go into that situation solo. Let's say she waded into the middle of that situation and took down one attacker. While she's trying to cuff him, his buddy comes up and attacks her. Or, both attackers decide she's a better target and there are no other cops around to back her up.

Let's say she use her OC Spray on the attackers. The belt carried sprays are good for two, maybe three shots. A single shot to the face often will not immediately stop an aggravated or drunk suspect. I have seen it take minutes for the spray to take effect. She could have used the larger size spray (affectionately known as a "Party Pack"), but she didn't appear to be equipped with one.

She could have pulled a gun. But, since neither suspect was armed, and neither suspect was attacking her, the gun would be a bluff, shooting a suspect in that situation would be an iffy call. A review board would tear her apart if she put herself into a situation where she was forced to shoot an unarmed suspect, even if it meant saving the life of the victim.

In hindsight, rushing in to that situation without a second, or third cop, to at least watch your back is tactically foolish. Wait for backup and, when you have the numbers, move in force and make the arrests.

The first rule of policing is ... "At the end of your shift, make sure you go home alive". She put herself into a situation where she could have, very easily, broken that rule.
The error this cop made, a really bad tactical error, was going into an already escalated situation solo.

That error has nothing to do with the sex, size, or apparent fitness of the cop.

A NY Giant's linebacker would have been stupid go into that situation solo. Let's say she waded into the middle of that situation and took down one attacker. While she's trying to cuff him, his buddy comes up and attacks her. Or, both attackers decide she's a better target and there are no other cops around to back her up.

Let's say she use her OC Spray on the attackers. The belt carried sprays are good for two, maybe three shots. A single shot to the face often will not immediately stop an aggravated or drunk suspect. I have seen it take minutes for the spray to take effect. She could have used the larger size spray (affectionately known as a "Party Pack"), but she didn't appear to be equipped with one.

She could have pulled a gun. But, since neither suspect was armed, and neither suspect was attacking her, the gun would be a bluff, shooting a suspect in that situation would be an iffy call. A review board would tear her apart if she put herself into a situation where she was forced to shoot an unarmed suspect, even if it meant saving the life of the victim.

In hindsight, rushing in to that situation without a second, or third cop, to at least watch your back is tactically foolish. Wait for backup and, when you have the numbers, move in force and make the arrests.

The first rule of policing is ... "At the end of your shift, make sure you go home alive". She put herself into a situation where she could have, very easily, broken that rule.
I think it would have been cool if she whipped out a baton and started beating their asses.

It would be twice as cool if it was nunchaku. :stir:
I think it would have been cool if she whipped out a baton and started beating their asses.

A baton would have been my choice -- I have issues with the spray. But, you can only hit one guy at a time and the strikes don't immediately incapacitate an aggravated drunk. It actually takes time for the pain of the strike to be processed and result in stopping the behavior.

An academy instructor taught me that when you strike a guy with a baton, strike one, pull back, give him time to enjoy it then, if required, give him another.
A baton would have been my choice -- I have issues with the spray. But, you can only hit one guy at a time and the strikes don't immediately incapacitate an aggravated drunk. It actually takes time for the pain of the strike to be processed and result in stopping the behavior.

An academy instructor taught me that when you strike a guy with a baton, strike one, pull back, give him time to enjoy it then, if required, give him another.
I never knew you were all copped up.

Having female cops is bad as they are physically incapable to do anything

Poor victim
Holy shit. Fire her and hopefully they guy sues the shit out of her.

On the other hand, cops get fucked when they use force, so not sure what that chick is supposed to do in that situation. Obviously she wasn't either.

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