NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

The more you dance around the outright LIE of the title of this thread, the less credible you become.

Yes, the Traitor's ongoing criminal enterprise was charged. The Twice Impeached Florida Retiree and Russian Loving Orange Lying Sack of Liquid Shit Traitor is under the hammer on this.

But no fear all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goose Stepping, Dead From Neck Up Sycophantic Brain Dead Followers of 5-Deferment, Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbling Traitor, even he is creating yet another grift so he can take all your money as you slobber over him.
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NY along with the lefty loons on this board sure like to pursue Trump for anything and everything.

Hell for four years they tried to bring him down and failed each and every time.

I'd say they are so fixated on Trump they can't see anything but Trump.

I wonder if they like their nothingburgers with fries???
5 years and counting.
They are only repeating what they have been told by the media.
They have 0 independent thought, it's not their fault.
Some of them I dare say are paid shills to distract the normies from finding out the truth.

Here's the rub though....
I refuse to get fixated on Biden.
We know the crimes and we know none of them will get indicted.
They own the courts, and the 3 letter agencies, and law enforcement.
No reasonable prosecuter would arrest any of them, if they don't want to end up in a Clinton bodybag.

The Democrats have always been fixated on Trump and his money.
Go back through history and see how they glorified him, held onto his coat tails, made him a star.
As soon as he decided to run against Hillary....
BOOM... Orange man bad.
I know why, you know why, he knows why, the whole damn world knows why.
He knew the swamp and he was going in to drain it.
The same swamp that has kept people in poverty, kept them underserved, kept them from climbing any ladders, kept them uneducared, underpaid and overworked.
Yes Democrats that means you too. Mostly you.
The blacks saw it, they understood.
The latinos saw it, they understood.

But these white middle to upper class, single family home with their white picket fences that have been playing the democrat games and profiting off of the lower class...
they turned on him like wild fire.
The Millionaires and Billionaires, the ones the democrats been crying against forever. The Wall Street and big banks, big tech, big pharma, big agra... all caught with their hands in the cookie jar but nothing ever done to fix it.
He was going in to fix. But they faught him tooth and nail because they believed what the tell-a-vision told them to believe.

They own the media, the newspapers, the press. The CIA controls them and the Left controls the CIA.
But we are dealing with people that have been watching the same "vision" given to them to see for decades.
It's hard to wake up to reality. It's even harder learning it's all been a lie.

Just take your vax like a good little girl or boy and the government won't have to take your job away, kick you out of school, keep your kids from going to school, ban you from riding public transportation... etc.

They call Republicans nazi's, white supremists, authoritarians, dictators.
If that's what Republicans are, please tell what democrats are.
They are literally destroying the country, infrastructure by infrastructure, piece by piece and bit by bit.
All in the name of "climate change"
There is a change in the climate coming and I don't think democrats will like it very much.
We've had a taste of liberal climate change and many are opposing it already.

We've only just begun..
The Best is Yet to Come!
NY along with the lefty loons on this board sure like to pursue Trump for anything and everything.

Hell for four years they tried to bring him down and failed each and every time.

I'd say they are so fixated on Trump they can't see anything but Trump.

I wonder if they like their nothingburgers with fries???
5 years and counting.
They are only repeating what they have been told by the media.
They have 0 independent thought, it's not their fault.
Some of them I dare say are paid shills to distract the normies from finding out the truth.

Here's the rub though....
I refuse to get fixated on Biden.
We know the crimes and we know none of them will get indicted.
They own the courts, and the 3 letter agencies, and law enforcement.
No reasonable prosecuter would arrest any of them, if they don't want to end up in a Clinton bodybag.

The Democrats have always been fixated on Trump and his money.
Go back through history and see how they glorified him, held onto his coat tails, made him a star.
As soon as he decided to run against Hillary....
BOOM... Orange man bad.
I know why, you know why, he knows why, the whole damn world knows why.
He knew the swamp and he was going in to drain it.
The same swamp that has kept people in poverty, kept them underserved, kept them from climbing any ladders, kept them uneducared, underpaid and overworked.
Yes Democrats that means you too. Mostly you.
The blacks saw it, they understood.
The latinos saw it, they understood.

But these white middle to upper class, single family home with their white picket fences that have been playing the democrat games and profiting off of the lower class...
they turned on him like wild fire.
The Millionaires and Billionaires, the ones the democrats been crying against forever. The Wall Street and big banks, big tech, big pharma, big agra... all caught with their hands in the cookie jar but nothing ever done to fix it.
He was going in to fix. But they faught him tooth and nail because they believed what the tell-a-vision told them to believe.

They own the media, the newspapers, the press. The CIA controls them and the Left controls the CIA.
But we are dealing with people that have been watching the same "vision" given to them to see for decades.
It's hard to wake up to reality. It's even harder learning it's all been a lie.

Just take your vax like a good little girl or boy and the government won't have to take your job away, kick you out of school, keep your kids from going to school, ban you from riding public transportation... etc.

They call Republicans nazi's, white supremists, authoritarians, dictators.
If that's what Republicans are, please tell what democrats are.
They are literally destroying the country, infrastructure by infrastructure, piece by piece and bit by bit.
All in the name of "climate change"
There is a change in the climate coming and I don't think democrats will like it very much.
We've had a taste of liberal climate change and many are opposing it already.

We've only just begun..
The Best is Yet to Come!
You knew about all of Hillary`s crimes too and you knew Trump would lock her up. Dismissed!
NY along with the lefty loons on this board sure like to pursue Trump for anything and everything.

Hell for four years they tried to bring him down and failed each and every time.

I'd say they are so fixated on Trump they can't see anything but Trump.

I wonder if they like their nothingburgers with fries???
5 years and counting.
They are only repeating what they have been told by the media.
They have 0 independent thought, it's not their fault.
Some of them I dare say are paid shills to distract the normies from finding out the truth.

Here's the rub though....
I refuse to get fixated on Biden.
We know the crimes and we know none of them will get indicted.
They own the courts, and the 3 letter agencies, and law enforcement.
No reasonable prosecuter would arrest any of them, if they don't want to end up in a Clinton bodybag.

The Democrats have always been fixated on Trump and his money.
Go back through history and see how they glorified him, held onto his coat tails, made him a star.
As soon as he decided to run against Hillary....
BOOM... Orange man bad.
I know why, you know why, he knows why, the whole damn world knows why.
He knew the swamp and he was going in to drain it.
The same swamp that has kept people in poverty, kept them underserved, kept them from climbing any ladders, kept them uneducared, underpaid and overworked.
Yes Democrats that means you too. Mostly you.
The blacks saw it, they understood.
The latinos saw it, they understood.

But these white middle to upper class, single family home with their white picket fences that have been playing the democrat games and profiting off of the lower class...
they turned on him like wild fire.
The Millionaires and Billionaires, the ones the democrats been crying against forever. The Wall Street and big banks, big tech, big pharma, big agra... all caught with their hands in the cookie jar but nothing ever done to fix it.
He was going in to fix. But they faught him tooth and nail because they believed what the tell-a-vision told them to believe.

They own the media, the newspapers, the press. The CIA controls them and the Left controls the CIA.
But we are dealing with people that have been watching the same "vision" given to them to see for decades.
It's hard to wake up to reality. It's even harder learning it's all been a lie.

Just take your vax like a good little girl or boy and the government won't have to take your job away, kick you out of school, keep your kids from going to school, ban you from riding public transportation... etc.

They call Republicans nazi's, white supremists, authoritarians, dictators.
If that's what Republicans are, please tell what democrats are.
They are literally destroying the country, infrastructure by infrastructure, piece by piece and bit by bit.
All in the name of "climate change"
There is a change in the climate coming and I don't think democrats will like it very much.
We've had a taste of liberal climate change and many are opposing it already.

We've only just begun..
The Best is Yet to Come!
You knew about all of Hillary`s crimes too and you knew Trump would lock her up. Dismissed!
I know some of her crimes. Benghazi, Haiti, play for pay, child trafficking, Uranium one.....
And Trump couldn't lock her up because there were no reasonable prosecuters willing to prosecute her.
She Should be LOCKED UP.
But she has BIG Money and Big Power protecting her, Huma Abadin, John Podesta, John Brennan, you should see the list..
And that's while she was Secrtary of State. Go back to Arkansas... incredible what criminals get away with these days,
while people who try to get Justice are locked up, ridiculed, impeached, and dismissed.

World is messed up, that's for sure
NY along with the lefty loons on this board sure like to pursue Trump for anything and everything.

Hell for four years they tried to bring him down and failed each and every time.

I'd say they are so fixated on Trump they can't see anything but Trump.

I wonder if they like their nothingburgers with fries???
Then maybe work up the guts to join the discussion, since you can so easily dismiss the felo s he collects as being democrat fantasy.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.

Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
Sorry but where is the official announcement of this? This site has no links and no date and no author named.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.


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I use DuckDuckGo and I like it because it doesn’t track you like most others . I figure if I want spyware on my phone and laptop I would choose to add it. That said, it still first shows articles from CNN, Yahoo, MSN, NPR (formerly balanced- a loss) and other left-leaning biased sources. Wonder what’s up with that, I could guess but guessing should be left for state fair carney’s who guess weight and age. Wait…they probably don’t do much of that anymore because some people would be too offended and file lawsuits when they guessed wrong. Lol
I like DuckDuckGo as well. It doesn't filter out conservative thought as much as Google.
I use DuckDuckGo and I like it because it doesn’t track you like most others . I figure if I want spyware on my phone and laptop I would choose to add it. That said, it still first shows articles from CNN, Yahoo, MSN, NPR (formerly balanced- a loss) and other left-leaning biased sources. Wonder what’s up with that, I could guess but guessing should be left for state fair carney’s who guess weight and age. Wait…they probably don’t do much of that anymore because some people would be too offended and file lawsuits when they guessed wrong. Lol
I like DuckDuckGo as well. It doesn't filter out conservative thought as much as Google.
Ya know, I still find it to filter out a lot of things, especially if you want to look up past presidential history. Even when I attempt to retrieve specific info to obtain a specific result, it comes up with several links first about current events, current presidential news, but yes, still better choice imo as there is no capturing personal info to turn a profit-huge plus!
Ya know, I still find it to filter out a lot of things, especially if you want to look up past presidential history. Even when I attempt to retrieve specific info to obtain a specific result, it comes up with several links first about current events, current presidential news, but yes, still better choice imo as there is no capturing personal info to turn a profit-huge plus!
That's why I said 'as much.' I also use 'startpage' instead of Google. It says it doesn't collect personal stuff either but I find my searches often defer to Google. Face it, we are literally steeped in far-left news media that calls itself 'objective.' The old journalistic institutions are now all polluted with Marxists who control what they call the 'news.' It becomes quite difficult to gain perspective when everything is slanted left but pretends to be 'objective journalism.'
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