NY Post reporting CIA and foreign intelligence agencies illegally targeted 26 Trump associates before 2016 Russia collusion claims

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.

This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.

I posted this earlier and it got moved to conspiracy theories,,

lets see if this gets the same treatment,,
I saw that. That's why I'm posting it as well since the New York Post (established 1801) is reporting it now which means it's a legit story and no Conspiracy Theory. Let's see what happens.
I just sent it to the mods and asked for it to be returned to where it belongs,,
This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.

So much for the peaceful transfer of power. Obama should be charged with treason and sedition. Found guilty and hanged.
This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.
If someone "targets" Trump associates it can't be illegal - since it logically, is a matter of State security - therefore LEGAL.
This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.

since it happened even before the 2016 electiuon that means any candidate is open to the same treatment,,
is that the kind of country you want??
If one or a group poses a national security issue - tap and waterboard them. In regards to Trump I would volunteer personally for the waterboarding action.
And the worst of them all - Homeland Security was invented ah... institutionalized by Republicans, way before 2016.

Did Trump abolish DHS during his tenure?
If one or a group poses a national security issue - tap and waterboard them. In regards to Trump I would volunteer personally for the waterboarding action.
And the worst of them all - Homeland Security was invented ah... institutionalized by Republicans, way before 2016.

Did Trump abolish DHS during his tenure?
Who is to decide if it's a security group or issue?
According to Geneva Convention article 3 and laws introduced during the Bush Admin. waterboarding is considered torture and against the law.
Offering to torture a fellow America makes you a racist terrorist.
BTW it is up to the "Legislature" to create agencies and disband them as well not the Executive.
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This is an incredible story. Trump likely has the proof documentation on this which is why the deep state is going after him so hard. Trump should pull the plug on Five Eyes when he returns to office. Brennan needs to be arrested, tried and convicted and then sent to Gitmo.
Increasingly it has recently looked as though the Deep State has suffered important reverses .
They appear so great that I am intrigued to know what next steps they might employ to defend their shrinking power bases .
Yet another huge False Flag ?
But if they crash the US economy and the world markets the consequences are almost worse than nuclear war .
That is , sweet Fuck All might be all that is left over .
Increasingly it has recently looked as though the Deep State has suffered important reverses .
They appear so great that I am intrigued to know what next steps they might employ to defend their shrinking power bases .
Yet another huge False Flag ?
But if they crash the US economy and the world markets the consequences are almost worse than nuclear war .
That is , sweet Fuck All might be all that is left over .
I wouldn't put it past Democrats. They are the worst threat to America and Americans.

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