NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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So Rudi, a prosecutor, doesn't know what he's talking about, despite the fact that you just said prosecutors know what they are talking about. What you really meant to say is that "anyone who agrees with me knows what he is talking about."
He isn’t prosecuting Biden. He’s campaigning against him.

There’s a huge difference.
None of the 50 assholes who signed your letter are prosecuting him either, dumbass.
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I do not disagree with you. What I disagree with is that if it were Don Jr not Hunter then FB and Twitter would not block the story and everyone would be up in arms. It’s called Hypocrisy. Look it up. And no I do not have proof as it is a hypothetical situation but based on what I am seeing it is a very logical assumption. This is where your debate skills suck. You have zero critical thinking skills. The Biden story may be true or may not be but the bigger story is that we can no longer trust our media and the censorship by social media giants. Duh....
Except you don’t even know why Facebook and Twitter blocked the story, do you. The NY Post published the personal details without redacting names or email addresses on the emails they published.

They take a pretty strong stance against doxxing, which is what this story was doing.

Real journalists redact email addresses and phone numbers before publishing.

Email addresses? Are you fucking serious? HUNTER.BIDEN@ ROSEMONTSENECA.COM

WOW. I just doxxed hunter. GTFO.

Biden is a crook. The entire Dem Party knew it. Now we know why Nancy was so quick to impeach Trump. He was right over the target. Pretty brazen of the Dems to put Joe up as the candidate.

There is no doubt in my mind the Dems nominated him to 25th A his ass should he win.

People, what the fuck are we talking about here. This is our country. We cant have President Biden. It cant happen. My grandparents didnt flee Nazi and thrn Russia occupied Latvia to have President fucking Biden.
My husband did not receive wounds on Omaha Beach ,go on through to Germany to liberate the Camps, or my Dad, an Engineer build bridges for the Military through Europe to have a fascist like Trump in the White House!
So there!

So you're telling us that your alleged husband allegedly went through all of that to have Biden use the White House to sell influence to foreign powers so he can support his drug addict, pedophile son? I mean, far be it from me to tell anyone what his motivations should be. If your alleged husband really thought Biden's influence-peddling was worth dying for, who am I to say different?
Well said
And to clear that up, sitting in your basement for four days looks even worse. I do not know if Joe is guilty but he is acting like a guilty person.
He’s preparing for a debate. Their strategy is clearly not bring attention to it since this story existed on the fringes of the media. That appears to be changing.
Hunter has nude Child photos on his computer and was walking around naked in front of his niece while he was fucking her mother.

All, while paying Daddy Joe tribute -

The fucking Mob has nothing compared to this family.


If you submitted this as a screenplay for a TV show or movie, the producers would tell you to get the fuck out of the room with this insane stuff.
The DNI, FBI, and DOJ have all declared the server, the e-mails - all of it - is NOT Russian Dis-Information.

The signature on the computer repair receipt has been declared authentically Hunter Biden's.

Hunter Biden's business partner has released 26,000 of his e-mails (and laptop), proving the e-mails Hunter is included in - those from Hunter Biden's laptop - are identical / authentic. He has also testified against Hunter Biden, and he is working with investigators.

Other Burisma members have testified under oath during a recent trial and have confirmed much of what is on Hunter's laptop / in his e-mils. They have also testified they BRIBED the Bidens.

The United States State Department have testified that Joe Biden ignored their legal advice and did meet with Burisma members who showed up in DV wanting a meeting, using Hunter's name as leverage, BEFORE Biden's trip to the Ukraine during which he extorted the former PM into firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma and his son.
- Joe gave a video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The United States Treasury Department has verified information regarding money laundering by Hunter Biden and Burisma for the wife of a Russian Mayor / Oligarch for the amount of $3.5 MILLION to secure an account for the woman with J.P. Morgan.

Despite Joe claiming NOT to have known about Hunter's activities and claiming he never met with Burisma Members, Several Photos of Joe Biden have been released showing Joe, Hunter, and Burisma Reps playing Golf. Photos have been released showing Biden posing for a photo with a Burisma Rep in his office. Photos have also been released showing Biden posing with Hunter and his Kurdistan business clients.

The Bidens have NOT come out and denied ANY of this. Biden's campaign first claimed that no such meeting with Burisma happened....then retracted that claim by stating the meeting 'could' have happened.

Hunter Biden's own personal lawyer sent a letter to the computer repair business that had the laptop and asked for HUNTER'S laptop back.

The computer identity number/geolocation/date/time stamp information on the e-mails and on the photos retrieved from the laptop are like a 'fingerprint' and trace the products directly back to Hunter Biden., confirmed by the FBI and DOJ.

The FBI's child porn / trafficking / pedo / predator investigator is working on the case - as is state investigators - regarding the photos found on the laptop which include child porn, pedophilia, and possibly incest with a young female cousin ... that, e-mails reveal, Joe Biden KNEW about.

Despite the Left Wing Fake News refusal to cover the story, despite Big Tech Social Media Censoring and blacking out any attempt to report share the story, there is no denying, spinning, justifying, or defending the now exposed corrupt, criminal, treasonous Biden family.

Joe Biden should not be allowed to run for President due to the fact that Joe did not sell Influence to Soros, Russia, and China, among others, He sold HIMSELF, this nation and our national security to them.

Blackmail potential? Russia, China, and others do not need to blackmail Joe Biden - irrefutable evidence proved they OWN Joe Biden.

I guess Biden could lift The Lid on his campaign with -
Hey I can't be blackmailed - all the stories are already out there.
What could they possibly have on me that is worse than this?
I'm bulletproof now - But that Trump guy -

Well, that would be the question: what COULD they have that's worse? Because it's very doubtful this is all there is to it.
And to clear that up, sitting in your basement for four days looks even worse. I do not know if Joe is guilty but he is acting like a guilty person.
He’s preparing for a debate. Their strategy is clearly not bring attention to it since this story existed on the fringes of the media. That appears to be changing.
Yeah, because the New York Post is "the fringes of the media." What a feral baboon.
And to clear that up, sitting in your basement for four days looks even worse. I do not know if Joe is guilty but he is acting like a guilty person.
He’s preparing for a debate. Their strategy is clearly not bring attention to it since this story existed on the fringes of the media. That appears to be changing.
I always put myself in peoples' shoes, rightly or wrongly. So I would be yelling and screaming that it is a lie if it were me and it was a lie. But thats just me. Maybe Joe has a different strategy. Do you think he is the "Big Guy" in the email? If he is, he has some explaining to do.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
let me put it into plain english for the vile scum demonrats---NYT---lets get real...fake news paper all the way
the New York Post is a tabloid. Giuliani said he gave it to them instead of a legitimate News Paper, because a legitimate news paper would have to verify the content before they could publish the story, and THAT would be too late and defeat his purpose of his October surprise..... :rolleyes-41:
The New York Post has a better reputation than the New York times.
I bet you believe that you can't be black unless you vote for Biden.
I always put myself in peoples' shoes, rightly or wrongly. So I would be yelling and screaming that it is a lie if it were me and it was a lie. But thats just me. Maybe Joe has a different strategy. Do you think he is the "Big Guy" in the email? If he is, he has some explaining to do.
The more yelling and screaming about "it's a lie" the more you draw attention to it. Then every headline is "Joe Biden denies being corrupt" and that doesn't seem like a winning strategy. Little chance he avoids this topic during the debate, so let's see how he handles it.

I doubt he's the "big guy". Joe Biden has had a stellar record of public service. You don't change your spots that late in life.
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