NY Times: Kamala Harris gripes her media coverage would be better if she was White man

Kamala was given the task of dealing with the border crisis. HUGE thing! Could have been a feather in her cap if she'd handled it well. What has she done? Absolutely nothing! Gave some nonsense speech about "root causes" of immigration and then basically ignored it!
Let's be perfectly candid here, Kiddies! Nobody likes Kamala. She treats her staff like shit. She's entitled. She's got this weird habit of giggling like an idiot whenever she gets hit with a tough question. She's only our Vice President because she ticked off the Black Woman box when Joe Biden was trying to get elected. Now she spends most of her time whining about how she's being marginalized. If Biden drops out, Kamala won't be a popular choice to replace him. She THINKS she's got that next in line thing sewn up but she's naive to a fault if she believes that!

Kamala seems to think that if she were a white male she would not be getting negative press like she has been

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I know, the press is picking on her only because she is black female

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Screw it, the press hates her for the same reason everyone else does. That is why she was first out of the DNC Presidential race.

Kamala just sucks and it's time for her to put on her big girl pants for a change and deal with it.
It's not her race or gender, it's her kunt.

As in, the fact that she is one.

A bigger one than even the Cuomos, and that's saying a LOT. :eek:

Kamala seems to think that if she were a white male she would not be getting negative press like she has been

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I know, the press is picking on her only because she is black female

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Screw it, the press hates her for the same reason everyone else does. That is why she was first out of the DNC Presidential race.

Kamala just sucks and it's time for her to put on her big girl pants for a change and deal with it.
Ah yes, the racism comes pouring forth.

There are probably 15 million black women in this country. Apparently, you don't think any of them are qualified.

Accidental honesty.
Just like Biden saying about Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."?

How about Biden being against segregation because he didn’t want his kids “growing up in a racist jungle.”?

Seems Biden has had bouts of accidental honesty, yet you voted for him, but now it’s not okay because the poster doesn’t like left wing Democrats. Using racism for political gain is your style. Thanks for the accidental honesty.
As if the cackling buffoon didn't have enough strikes against her, now this (race & sex card flash) :rolleyes:

This woman has no shortage of ways to make an idiot out of herself.
Yeah she's a women VP, but we don't see her stickin' up for sisterhood, nope.....whatever happened to "my body,my choice"? ..........fact is, she'd get a boatload of press coverage if she did.......

her lack of support threw her own gender under the constitutional bus......so much for the sex thing......


Ah yes, the racism comes pouring forth.

There are probably 15 million black women in this country. Apparently, you don't think any of them are qualified.

Accidental honesty.
Compare Kamala with someone like Condi Rice, Fort Fun! The former is someone who succeeded in politics because of who she slept with...the latter succeeded because she worked her ass off and produced results at every job she ever had! It isn't "racist" to point out that Kamala Harris isn't qualified to be Vice President...it's simply the truth!
And I just replied to my own topic since technically speaking I'm allowed to say this in my second post without it being moved to the badlands. It doesn't matter what breed the bitch is, a bitch is still a bitch. End of story.
Kamala is playing the racist card. It’s what she does.

Even if she were a white male, she’d absolutely STILL be covered the same way:

In the ejaculate of the males from whom she wanted political favors and political positions.

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