NY Times Title of Article.The Constitution is Sacred, but is it also DANGEROUS?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

It is insane. Radical Democrat party are about as un-American as it gets. It started with removing statues and of course the ultimate transformation would be "reimagining" the founding documents this country was built on.
Hey man, if the leftard scum doesn't like this country they can GTFO.

12 million illegal "asylum seekers" liked this country enough to come here, and the leftards welcomed them with open arms (and open borders).

Now they're gonna bait and switch and change the rules?

That's exactly the kind of hypocritical scumbags the leftards are. They do this shit ALL THE TIME.

Today it's "come here, we're a sanctuary city, make yourself at home".

Tomorrow it's "you can't stay here, here's a hundred bucks, go get the first bus outta here".

Leftards are complete scum. We should deport them. Send their sorry ungrateful asses to Venezuela.
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It is insane. Radical Democrat party are about as un-American as it gets. It started with removing statues and of course the ultimate transformation would be "reimagining" the founding documents this country was built on.

The Electoral College is definitely dangerous.

It's affirmative action for imbecile Republican candidates like Trump and Bush who can't win a presidential election any other way.
Hey man, if the leftard scum doesn't like this country they can GTFO.

12 million illegal "asylum seekers" liked this country enough to come here, and the leftards welcomed them with open arms (and open borders).

Now they're gonna bait and switch and change the rules?

That's exactly the kind of hypocritical scumbags the leftards are. They do this shit ALL THE TIME.

Today it's "come here, we're a sanctuary city, make yourself at home".

Tomorrow it's "you can't stay here, here's a hundred bucks, go get the first bus outta here".

Leftards are complete scum. We should deport them. Send their sorry ungrateful asses to Venezuela.
The Democrats, along with MAGA Senator James Lankford, proposed the strongest border protection bill in 40 years back in January.

Trump and the traitor Republicans in the House blocked the bill. All you MAGAts have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump and the MAGA Republican Party are not serious about protecting the border, as they proved in January.
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The Democrats, along with MAGA Senator James Lankford, proposed the strongest border protection bill in 40 years back in January.

Trump and the traitor Republicans in the House blocked the bill. You MAGAts all have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump and the MAGA Republican Party are not serious about protecting the border, as they proved in January.

We already have border laws, why do we need new laws?

The Electoral College is definitely dangerous.

It's affirmative action for imbecile Republican candidates like Trump and Bush who can't win a presidential election any other way.
You are nothing but a loser. You advocate for mob rule and dissolving the power of the states. Which is what the electoral college is there for. You are too blind and arrogant and bamboozled by those who've deceived you. You are beyond ignorant. The only moment a contaminated ignorant fool like you will get it will be the day you are being rounded up yourself.

Ignorant buffoon.
You are nothing but a loser. You advocate for mob rule and dissolving the power of the states. Which is what the electoral college is there for. You are too blind and arrogant and bamboozled by those who've deceived you. You are beyond ignorant. The only moment a contaminated ignorant fool like you will get it will be the day you are being rounded up yourself.

Ignorant buffoon.
Like you did on Jan 6???
Who the hell is Jennifer Szalai? Apparently she was never elected to a public office. Why should her opinion be more important than anybody else?
Reflects what the schools are teaching the kids. Many guilty of high treason and the country right now is a barely a shell of what it was ever supposed to be.

The power of propaganda, group think, and the realities of humans needing to conform. Go along to get along. We called it peer pressure and that never dies. It's always there. Takes real courage to stand up to the immense tide.
The Electoral College is the ONLY way. What the hell is wrong with you people?
And that's the problem. Republican candidates can no longer win the popular vote....because Repug policies are fucking crazy and nobody but racists and fascists want them.

You all hate government and don't believe it can do anything good. Therefore, why do you all want to run the government? Just get out of the way and let people who believe in government do the job.

The only reason you all want power is to "own the libs".
The Democrats, along with MAGA Senator James Lankford, proposed the strongest border protection bill in 40 years back in January.

Trump and the traitor Republicans in the House blocked the bill. All you MAGAts have no one to blame but yourselves. Trump and the MAGA Republican Party are not serious about protecting the border, as they proved in January.
5000 illegals a month is NOT protecting the border, doofus

Nor is it a "strong bill"

Try again.

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