NYC Drag Marchers Chant “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for Your Children”

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I'm not inherently opposed to them providing Mein Kampf either because I there exists the possibility that there is some legitimate educational value in doing so. If you want to provide context and tell me a librarian is passing out Playboys in order to entice students to sex then obviously I'd be opposed. The problem with you cowards is that all you have is innuendo. When we dive into context and rational discussion your arguments are revealed for the bullshit they always were. Which is why I love these protests. Go ahead and challenge those ladies and give us the real context of what your fighting about.
Okay, got it. You're not inherently opposed to public schools providing pornography to children for "educational" purposes.


And should a parent have any say in this?
Where in the Bible is it grooming (advocating) for adult-child sexual relationships? Then again, you may be OK with those types of relationships.
The Bible is full of sexually explicit stories like Lot offering his virgin daughters up to mob to be raped in order to protect angles and then those daughters getting their father drunk and having sex with him so they could get pregnant.
Okay, got it. You're not inherently opposed to public schools providing pornography to children for "educational" purposes.


And should a parent have any say in this?
What's interesting is the way you completely bitch out in offering up any context. My question to you is, why should I be afraid of coward bitches like you? 😄
The Bible is full of sexually explicit stories like Lot offering his virgin daughters up to mob to be raped in order to protect angles and then those daughters getting their father drunk and having sex with him so they could get pregnant.
Is the Bible glorifying it or presenting it as mainstream and to be accepted practice? There is a difference between telling a story as something to be horrific or something to be welcomed and tolerated; also known as grooming.
What's interesting is the way you completely bitch out in offering up any context. My question to you is, why should I be afraid of coward bitches like you? 😄
I never suggested that you should be afraid of me. I'm just trying to better understand in which type of context it would be appropriate for a public school to expose children to pornography.
Is the Bible glorifying it or presenting it as mainstream and to be accepted practice? There is a difference between telling a story as something to be horrific or something to be welcomed and tolerated; also known as grooming.
Lots family is who was saved from the destruction of Gomorrah, no? Except the wife of course. She committed the horrible sin of looking back. Maybe she should of offered to have her daughters suck the angel Gabriel off?
I never suggested that you should be afraid of me. I'm just trying to better understand in which type of context it would be appropriate for a public school to expose children to pornography.
Perhaps a lesson on the dangers of unrealistic sexual expectations?
What good are those guns of yours if you’re not going to use them?

Get your chickenshit asses to NYC and put a stop to this homo parade.
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My own kids are now adults and more or less on their own. But anyone with any bit of common sense and parental instincts who has young kids has a perfectly fair and reasonable right (and I say “duty”) to keep the sexual deviants away from kids.

As simply a member of society, I say we all should on behalf of all children.

So that “wake up call” won’t prove to be a gentle one for the groomers and pedophiles.

Nor should it be. Gentle, that is.
We absolutely are coming for your children in terms of educating and indoctrinating them to not be hateful bigots. Oooo scary. 😄

You sound like your either from the government or someplace in public education. Oh yeah, to you guys.. parents teaching their kids the idea that a traditional family ( mother and father) is the healthiest and best way to go.... is seen as hatred and bigotry... and it scares the hell out of you all.
The idea that someone who doesn't even have kids.. knows what is good for someone else's kids, and simply assumes the worst about parents trying to do best for their families , is the height of narcisism and arrogance.
So we are lead to believe that the children of right wing parents are so fragile that the mere exposure to a trans person will have them questioning their gender to such a degree that their parents will have no control over those children and will be forced to allow them to change genders.

In what world does that make sense?

You are lead to believe whatever the DNC wants you to believe.
"Hate" is when we say "no" to your need to flaunt it in our faces. I don't care HOW you live your life just act like decent human beings.

These people are the true haters, they decide when and where your kids will learn about sex and what they will learn.... if you question any of that? they would love to lock you up and take your kids away,
calling YOU intolerant.
Perhaps a lesson on the dangers of unrealistic sexual expectations?
You think that lesson requires pornography?

"Here class, look how perfect the vulva is on this porn actress. This is an unrealistic beauty standard. Those large breasts and curves too."

We going to show giant unrealistic porn dicks to kids too?

I don't know dude.
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