NYC Drag Marchers Chant “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for Your Children”

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You sound like your either from the government or someplace in public education. Oh yeah, to you guys.. parents teaching their kids the idea that a traditional family ( mother and father) is the healthiest and best way to go.... is seen as hatred and bigotry... and it scares the hell out of you all.
It doesn't scare me at all. Some people are bigots and are going to try and pass their bigotry on to their children. This fact and inevitability is simply a part of life. 😄
The idea that someone who doesn't even have kids.. knows what is good for someone else's kids, and simply assumes the worst about parents trying to do best for their families , is the height of narcisism and arrogance.
I have a daughter and grandchild and yes, I know empathy and respect for diverse family structures and attraction is better for them than bigotry and hate.
The chant was "We're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping."
The person filming said "and we're coming for your children", for one verse instead of "and we're not going shopping", and too many of you believed the deception.
I have to ask the question, when someone successfully manipulates you like this, do you even get upset?
Then chant something along the lines of “educate tolerance, not hate”. I don’t care what your political agenda is, right wing or left wing issue, you don’t chant that you are “coming for peoples’ children.” That is a threatening statement.
Only the person making the video said "and we're coming for your children", because he knew enough people would be easily duped into thinking that was the actual chant.
You think that lesson requires pornography?
It's a hypothetical, it can require whatever we make up.
"Here class, look how perfect the vulva is on this porn actress. This is an unrealistic beauty standard. Those large breasts and curves too."
That doesn't seem a very inspired lesson plan to me but maybe the nude pictures will keep them engaged?
We going to show giant unrealistic porn dicks to kids too?

I don't know dude.
Admitting your ignorance is a good first step.
It's a hypothetical, it can require whatever we make up.

That doesn't seem a very inspired lesson plan to me but maybe the nude pictures will keep them engaged?

Admitting your ignorance is a good first step.
I think your position is weak. There's no reason to expose children to pornography in school. I find it strange that this is a debate topic.
I think your position is weak. There's no reason to expose children to pornography in school. I find it strange that this is a debate topic.
You're the one who wanted to debate it. You're the one who first mentioned Playboy, and now you find this debate strange? 😄 I'm playing along with your hypothetical guy, maybe look in the mirror. My problem is that I prefer accuracy over generalities. I can't fathom many good reasons why a Playboy might make for a good lesson, but I must allow for the possibility, as small as it may be. You on the other hand argue in innuendos and without accuracy or context because you have no good argument.
You're the one who wanted to debate it. You're the one who first mentioned Playboy, and now you find this debate strange? 😄 I'm playing along with your hypothetical guy, maybe look in the mirror. My problem is that I prefer accuracy over generalities. I can't fathom many good reasons why a Playboy might make for a good lesson, but I must allow for the possibility, as small as it may be. You on the other hand argue in innuendos and without accuracy or context because you have no good argument.
I wanted to discuss it as rhetoric. I was trying to use an extreme example to draw some kind of baseline. I actually didn't expect you to entertain porn in schools and debate it with me. That shocked me a little. What about Pornhub streams? Might those potentially be acceptable to show to children in schools? Is there maybe a context where it would be acceptable to show a cumshot compilation to kids too? Maybe a lesson on semen expulsion?
They're intentionally throwing gasoline on the fire. Stuff like this is what pushes reprobates to do crazy shit.

That's what they want, then they can cry 'waaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I'm a Victim!!!!!!!!' and some ambulance chasing pedo lawyers will arrive and swarm out of clown cars and Kamala will start a fund raiser for the vermin.
I wanted to discuss it as rhetoric. I was trying to use an extreme example to draw some kind of baseline. I actually didn't expect you to entertain porn in schools and debate it with me. That shocked me a little. What about Pornhub streams? Might those potentially be acceptable to show to children in schools? Is there maybe a context where it would be acceptable to show a cumshot compilation to kids too? Maybe a lesson on semen expulsion?
The problem is that you're not discussing an extreme example. These aren't examples of any real life lesson plan. No teacher is showing pornhub to their students with good intent or otherwise. I'm entertaining your wild ass hypothetical and refusing to make the inaccurate claim that there is no possible way for these to be good lesson plans. It's extremely unlikely, but how could I know for sure without examining every possible lesson plan? This isn't a real world extreme, it's a straight up fantasy.
The problem is that you're not discussing an extreme example. These aren't examples of any real life lesson plan. No teacher is showing pornhub to their students with good intent or otherwise. I'm entertaining your wild ass hypothetical and refusing to make the inaccurate claim that there is no possible way for these to be good lesson plans. It's extremely unlikely, but how could I know for sure without examining every possible lesson plan? This isn't a real world extreme, it's a straight up fantasy.
Well, in any case I think I got what I wanted out of that.

The chant was "We're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping."
The person filming said "and we're coming for your children", for one verse instead of "and we're not going shopping", and too many of you believed the deception.
I have to ask the question, when someone successfully manipulates you like this, do you even get upset?

LOL, are you asking the people in the thread the defending the queers?

Oh but they don't really mean it......

What good are those guns of yours if you’re not going to use them?

Get your chickenshit asses to NYC and put a stop to this homo parade.
Parading doesn't hurt. What hurts is taking action toward children. Stop suggesting illegal activities.
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