NYC Drag Marchers Chant “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for Your Children”

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Letch and the fraudulent libtards, just like him, on this Board perpetually demand that we provide them with proof and evidence despite the fact that it has been offered endlessly.

They aren’t asking their questions to get info. They don’t even care about the answers. They just seek to derail their opponents’ messages.
And if you provide it they will deny it, claiming it's all a big lie, which is why I don't tell the POS anything.
The point flew over your head at mach speed, like I knew it would. You see any and all opposition to your narrative as coming from the same place. It doesn't all come from the same place. It doesn't all come from the same people. You're too stupid to see nuance so you paint in black and white.
I don't care where your bigotry stems from. I know Democratic voters who are bigoted against the LGTBQ community. Bigotry isn't inherent in a particular political side you Snowflake. 😄
Like that district that banned the Bible because of all the rape and incest in it? 😄

I'm against all book banning by the way. I think the Bible, as filthy as it is should be available in libraries.
Just for clarification, where should the line be in school? Should they put Playboys on the shelf and let kids check them out? At what point is it inappropriate?
I don't care where your bigotry stems from. I know Democratic voters who are bigoted against the LGTBQ community. Bigotry isn't inherent in a particular political side you Snowflake. 😄
I'm indifferent to the existence of gay people, but I guess to some that's the same as bigotry. When any and all opinions that differ from yours are bigotry in your mind, you can find the true bigot in the mirror.
Like that district that banned the Bible because of all the rape and incest in it? 😄

I'm against all book banning by the way. I think the Bible, as filthy as it is should be available in libraries.
Where in the Bible is it grooming (advocating) for adult-child sexual relationships? Then again, you may be OK with those types of relationships.
Just for clarification, where should the line be in school? Should they put Playboys on the shelf and let kids check them out? At what point is it inappropriate?
I think Playboys are probably tame by today's high-school boys and girls standards. They have access to the internet after all. Appropriateness is subjective. I think it's a waste of time to worry about them seeing breasts or sexually explicit acts and a much better use of time educating them on respecting themselves and their bodies and their peers. If you educate and talk to your children, then you don't have to worry about what sort of information they might stumble on to on their own or from others. That said, we have a pretty good system and committee of librarians that determines what sorts of books serve educational and social value to these students. I doubt you'll find many librarians providing Playboys to young kids.
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I think Playboys are probably tame by today's high-school boys and girls standards. They have access to the internet after all. Appropriateness is subjective. I think it's a waste of time to worry about them seeing breasts or sexually acts and a much better use of time educating them on respecting themselves and their bodies and the peers. If you educate and talk to your children then you don't have to worry about what sort of information they might stumble on to on their own or from others. That said we have a pretty good system and committee of librarians that determines what sorts of books serve educational and social value to these students. I doubt you'll find many librarians providing Playboys to young kids.

I won't find many librarians providing Playboys (pornography) to kids, but you don't seem particularly opposed to it. Have I misrepresented you in that statement?
I'm indifferent to the existence of gay people, but I guess to some that's the same as bigotry. When any and all opinions that differ from yours are bigotry in your mind, you can find the true bigot in the mirror.
Yes. To me your indifference to the plight of the LGBTQ community is the same as bigotry. As I said. Feel free to cry about it. 😄
So recruiting children and screaming about it is somehow gay rights?
I think they just want attention anymore. As activist groups run out of things to fight for their grievances become more and more unhinged. Just look at modern feminism.
I won't find many librarians providing Playboys (pornography) to kids, but you don't seem particularly opposed to it. Have I misrepresented you in that statement?
I'm not inherently opposed to them providing Mein Kampf either because I there exists the possibility that there is some legitimate educational value in doing so. If you want to provide context and tell me a librarian is passing out Playboys in order to entice students to sex then obviously I'd be opposed. The problem with you cowards is that all you have is innuendo. When we dive into context and rational discussion your arguments are revealed for the bullshit they always were. Which is why I love these protests. Go ahead and challenge those ladies and give us the real context of what your fighting about.
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