NYC Drag Marchers Chant “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for Your Children”

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I find it that way as well, no in between, either one extreme or the other. Most Americans are neither far left or far right, and their attitude alienates most.
Yeah, this forum can give you a distorted perception of the state of politics. Normal people don't typically take to forums to argue about shit they have no control over. They're out living their lives and focusing on things they can control.
Or just simple parents who love their children. Go after their kids and you will find out real quick just how badly you fucked up.
Glad my son is an adult. Saves me from life in prison. But if I ever have a grandchild all bets are off. But I won't have as long to spend in there as I'm old. Lol
Glad my son is an adult. Saves me from life in prison. But if I ever have a grandchild all bets are off. But I won't have as long to spend in there as I'm old. Lol

Yup. I'm pushing 80. I'm still pretty active, but I can feel myself slowing down. I have to work hard at things that once were easy.

But I ain't giving in to old age yet! That being said, my daughter is very well able to take care of herself.
I think part of the problem is that they want to come on our children. Or in.
So we are lead to believe that the children of right wing parents are so fragile that the mere exposure to a trans person will have them questioning their gender to such a degree that their parents will have no control over those children and will be forced to allow them to change genders.

In what world does that make sense?
Not at all you perverts are grooming 8 year olds.
This has to stop. And the way things are going, by any means necessary.
That's the truth. They have a real nasty wake up call coming their way.
My own kids are now adults and more or less on their own. But anyone with any bit of common sense and parental instincts who has young kids has a perfectly fair and reasonable right (and I say “duty”) to keep the sexual deviants away from kids.

As simply a member of society, I say we all should on behalf of all children.

So that “wake up call” won’t prove to be a gentle one for the groomers and pedophiles.
This is what they do. They poke....poke...poke...then when you've had enough and knock them on their ass they scream and whine "Why are you so violent"....
Queers are just brats who never matured emotionally and sexually.
What's to debate? You're a rabid partisan who hates differing opinions. Keep it off the Street and out of the Schools and it's all good. You can't do that though, you NEED to to shove it in everyone's faces.
I do hate people who are of the opinion that LGTBQ people are evil, or less than and don't believe they deserve the same rights as anyone else. Tough tits. 😄
you really are uninformed or ignorant....or just plain deceitful...which is it.......threads all over the forums for your is your friend
Letch and the fraudulent libtards, just like him, on this Board perpetually demand that we provide them with proof and evidence despite the fact that it has been offered endlessly.

They aren’t asking their questions to get info. They don’t even care about the answers. They just seek to derail their opponents’ messages.
You are accusing the wrong side of grooming euphemisms. Parents are fighting to take away the EXPLICIT grooming content in public school libraries which you people deem their action as intolerant.

Like that district that banned the Bible because of all the rape and incest in it? 😄

I'm against all book banning by the way. I think the Bible, as filthy as it is should be available in libraries.
Letch and the fraudulent libtards, just like him, on this Board perpetually demand that we provide them with proof and evidence despite the fact that it has been offered endlessly.

They aren’t asking their questions to get info. They don’t even care about the answers. They just seek to derail their opponents’ messages.
Correct. They're devious nasty creatures. Not an honest bone in 'em. Their entire existence is a lie.
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