NYC Fire Commissioner Speech on New 9/11 Investigation


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.

You so love to blame it on the Muslims, after all that was what the War on Terror was about, US, Iran, and Iraq.

Why was Bibi not to be found for 3 years?? Answer that, he knew all about terror attacks, wrote the books on it.
No matter where this low traffic website puts this the truth cannot be suppressed.
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.

fantasys from you as always that the fires caused the towers to fall and that muslims were behind the attacks you fall flat on your face as always in your outright lies:abgg2q.jpg: because bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup that you, like the government,have FAILED miserably to debunk that explosives brought the towers down since there were NO planes that hit bld 7 and yet same as the towers,it collapsed in its own footprint.

you need to give it up with your lies that the fires caused the towers to collapse and muslims were behind it all in the fact there were other buildings that were MUCH closer to the towers and had FAR MORE serious and extensive fires than bld 7 yet THOSE buildings remained standing.:rolleyes: and as far as your rant about muslims you also evade the evidence that there were Israel's arrested by the police suspected for their role in it because they were seen on the top of another building cheering when the towers came down AND Bibi said 9/11 was good for Israel and that the FBI found many of the alleged highjackers to be alive doofus.

the only one here posting with conspiracy theories is you with your outright lies that muslims were behind the attacks and the fires caused the planes to collapse and that BS DEBWUNKER show you saw same as the government,has never been able to debunk david ray griffins book DEBUNKING THE 91// DEBUNKING,Griffin has challenged congress to debate him in the open on 9/11 and those cowards wont do it cause they know they cant counter the evidence in his book and in these two videos of mine that 9/11 was a CIA/MOSSAD operation

as always,when the OP presents evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP did,you did this like you ALWAYS do in 9/11 debates or the corruption of Israel.

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This belongs in the "conspiracy theories" section, not politics.

the explanation given by the government that 9/11 was caused by muslims and that the fires brought down the towers does indeed belong in conspiracy THEORIES.:abgg2q.jpg:
No, YOU belong in conspiracy theories.

as always,like clockwork,you cowards always throw insults when you cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP proved.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

you cant stand toe to toe in a debate so you throw insults in defeat.:dance:
this little fact the Bush dupes like claudette and that other one cant address.LOL

Dick Cheney orchestrated it, or at least allowed it to happen.
"Does the order still stand sir ?"
"Of course the order still stands.:2up:
This belongs in the "conspiracy theories" section, not politics.

the explanation given by the government that 9/11 was caused by muslims and that the fires brought down the towers does indeed belong in conspiracy THEORIES.:abgg2q.jpg:
No, YOU belong in conspiracy theories.

as always,like clockwork,you cowards always throw insults when you cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP proved.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

you cant stand toe to toe in a debate so you throw insults in defeat.:dance:
No need to debate your arguments, since they've been punched full of so many holes that they look like a lawn sprinkler...
This belongs in the "conspiracy theories" section, not politics.

the explanation given by the government that 9/11 was caused by muslims and that the fires brought down the towers does indeed belong in conspiracy THEORIES.:abgg2q.jpg:
No, YOU belong in conspiracy theories.

as always,like clockwork,you cowards always throw insults when you cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP proved.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

you cant stand toe to toe in a debate so you throw insults in defeat.:dance:
No need to debate your arguments, since they've been punched full of so many holes that they look like a lawn sprinkler...

greatest lie ever told by you. You STILL have not tried to address his evidence in the OP coward and these kind of cowardly posts dont punch holes in the evidence he gave in the OP or what i gave stupid fuck coward.:abgg2q.jpg:
This belongs in the "conspiracy theories" section, not politics.

the explanation given by the government that 9/11 was caused by muslims and that the fires brought down the towers does indeed belong in conspiracy THEORIES.:abgg2q.jpg:
No, YOU belong in conspiracy theories.

as always,like clockwork,you cowards always throw insults when you cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP proved.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

you cant stand toe to toe in a debate so you throw insults in defeat.:dance:
No need to debate your arguments, since they've been punched full of so many holes that they look like a lawn sprinkler...

greatest lie ever told by you. You STILL have not tried to address his evidence in the OP coward and these kind of cowardly posts dont punch holes in the evidence he gave in the OP or what i gave stupid fuck coward.:abgg2q.jpg:
No need to address lies. No go play in traffic.
the explanation given by the government that 9/11 was caused by muslims and that the fires brought down the towers does indeed belong in conspiracy THEORIES.:abgg2q.jpg:
No, YOU belong in conspiracy theories.

as always,like clockwork,you cowards always throw insults when you cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job as the OP proved.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

you cant stand toe to toe in a debate so you throw insults in defeat.:dance:
No need to debate your arguments, since they've been punched full of so many holes that they look like a lawn sprinkler...

greatest lie ever told by you. You STILL have not tried to address his evidence in the OP coward and these kind of cowardly posts dont punch holes in the evidence he gave in the OP or what i gave stupid fuck coward.:abgg2q.jpg:
No need to address lies. No go play in traffic.

then nobody should ever read the posts of you and claudettes since LYING is the specialty of you two.:2up:
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.

dont you EVER get tired od me proving you wrong all the time on this and having to take you to school over and over and over again?:abgg2q.jpg:

New University of Alaska Study Discredits Official 9/11 Narrative | Gaia
NIST’s Faulty Evaluation
So, what was the official evaluation given by NIST that was supposed to definitively end any speculation as to why WTC 7 collapsed? According to their report, a thermal expansion of floor beams pushed an adjoining girder off its seat, which led to a subsequent collapse of eight floors. An additional failure of other girders from the same thermal expansion caused a nine-story column to collapse, followed by the collapse of the rest of the interior and then the exterior.

One of the flaws and obvious biases of NIST’s report is that it was started with a predetermined conclusion. Given the nature of the building’s collapse, it would obviously make sense to at least entertain the idea of a controlled demolition, considering that all of the tell-tale signs were there. A report published in Europhysics News, by a group of engineers and physicists, details the flaws in NIST’s report and the apparent bias in its process.

Not to mention that despite the urging that evidence be preserved in the form of debris from the tower’s collapse, the city had it all removed and destroyed in the weeks immediately after the tower collapsed.

Steven Jones, one of the authors of the report who has gained notoriety in his research, even pointed out a flaw in NIST’s data that led them to change their original evaluation. Jones says this flaw was more along the lines of ignored evidence. NIST’s report ignored the fact that the building, upon collapse, went into free fall.


Dr. Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator on NIST’s evaluation said that free fall wasn’t possible because of the structural resistance of the floors below. After Jones contended this issue, based on video of the collapse, NIST conceded that it did in fact go into free fall for 2.25 seconds – a clear characteristic of a controlled demolition.

Dr. Sunder is also quoted as saying, “Truthfully, I don’t really know. We’ve had trouble getting a handle on building No. 7.” FEMA’s conclusion is equally as inconclusive…

“The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence.”

Metallic Evidence
But aside from the debate over the physics of what happened in the collapse of the towers, there is another piece of evidence of a controlled demolition that is hard to deny, namely the presence of thermite. Thermite is a powdered amalgam of iron oxide and other alloys that can be described as the metal equivalent to kindling. This powder works as an ignitor generating extremely high temperatures. Nano-thermite is a more highly advanced version developed by the military for its customizable reaction rates and incredibly small particulate size. It releases energy much quicker than regular thermite and can be ignited by unconventional means such as laser pulses.

The presence of nano-thermite in dust from the wreckage of the towers was brought to the attention of NIST by Jones. The investigators questioned the provenance of his samples and when he invited them to look for samples of their own, they unsurprisingly declined. A stream of molten metal was also recorded pouring out of the towers before they collapsed, an indication of nano-thermite at work.

Although an increasing amount of evidence continues to be uncovered, the push back from government agencies continues with their refusal to investigate this evidence. Could WTC 7 actually have collapsed from fires and a weakening of steel girders, being the first to fall, in this nature, in the history of steel-enforced structures?

And what about the BBC’s reporting that the tower collapsed, before it actually had? Why would they predict a completely unprecedented event to occur before it actually happened without having been given that information? Will the government or any major government agencies respond to Hulsey’s latest report? Or have too many years elapsed since that day, that the public no longer has the patience needed to continue challenging the implausible narrative we’ve been fed?
"So, the incentive for Mr Trump as opposed to others to waive is not very great. But still, it may be in the year 2020 that the US population in general is not going to be sympathetic to Mr Trump running and seeking their vote if it looks like he's taking the side of Saudi Arabia over the victims of 9/11."

The US Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Accused 9/11 mastermind open to testimony against Saudi Arabia

and if you do not believe Aljazeera:
Trump Administration Asks to Delay Release of 9/11-Related Documents
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.

You so love to blame it on the Muslims, after all that was what the War on Terror was about, US, Iran, and Iraq.

Why was Bibi not to be found for 3 years?? Answer that, he knew all about terror attacks, wrote the books on it.

Oh and you love to blame everyone BUT the Muslims who actually killed three thousand people on 9-11.

Your one disgusting POS.
Watched a show on this years ago. They debunked everything the conspiracy theorists were shouting about.

9-11 happened because death cult member flew planes loaded with jet fuel into the twin towers. The fire burned so hot it melted the steel in the building causing them to fall.

That was 9-11 and the only ones to blame are the assholes that flew the planes.

The death cult caused 9-11 and no one else.

You so love to blame it on the Muslims, after all that was what the War on Terror was about, US, Iran, and Iraq.

Why was Bibi not to be found for 3 years?? Answer that, he knew all about terror attacks, wrote the books on it.

Oh and you love to blame everyone BUT the Muslims who actually killed three thousand people on 9-11.

Your one disgusting POS.
Trump Administration Asks to Delay Release of 9/11-Related Documents

What do you think of this, tramp supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia!!

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