NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

Washington was the Father of the USA. Who cares that he owned slaves? Not me. Not most real Americans. I hope they don't remove any of his statues. If they do, it just shows that they are Low-IQ low-lifes.
You're the one confusing your emotional attachment to Washington for intelligence.... 😄
What happens is that it gets reinforced in little white children that venerating slavers is deplorable.
Wrong. Some of those tiny blue areas might not venerate the Founding Fathers, but the rest of the US will.
Most of those blue areas are Hispanic, not black.

What's racist or hateful about it? Other than hating slavers of course which no decent person would object to.
To be consistent with that line of thinking when it comes to removing statues and/or renaming institutions, The Democrat Party should consider renaming itself given that it was the Party that fought for Slavery, instituted Jim Crowe, and fought many years against Civil Rights legislation.
Fact: George Washington was the Father of the USA. Shove that race card up your ass. You're not getting any "reparations.

Probably grabs stray dogs off the streets and runs one of those taco stands on a beach somewhere. lol
Every human society throughout time has included slavery. It is impossible to exclude that fact from the learning process. If we cannot teach how to integrate historical epochs, we cannot teach integration at all.
Every human society throughout time has included slavery. It is impossible to exclude that fact from the learning process. If we cannot teach how to integrate historical epochs, we cannot teach integration at all.

We just need to ignore these vermin and deport those who don't play well with others.
The positives are that maybe one day little black children won't grow up in a bigoted society that venerates people who used to own and treat their ancestors like property.
There is actually more slavery today than at any time in human history.

But the Left just virtue signals about caring slavery, by focusing on slavery that occurred hundreds of years ago they can do nothing about, verses slavery today they could stop if they really wanted to.
We need to ship them a couple million more 'refugees', same with all the 'sanctuary cities'. They're all here to just work hard and stuff, so NYC should boom and get rich overnight, according to the media shills.
I want to see legal immigrants in my state of Florida. New York City says it is a sanctuary city and that is just fine to me. They can have all the illegals that are in Florida.
Fact: George Washington was the Father of the USA.
That's a metaphor, not a fact you moron. 😄
Shove that race card up your ass. You're not getting any "reparations.
I haven't even said anything about reparations. Whether or not reparations really has little to do with whether or not we should venerate slavers.
That's a metaphor, not a fact you moron.
I haven't even said anything about reparations. Whether or not reparations really has little to do with whether or not we should venerate slavers.
GW was one of the Founding Fathers of the US, that is a HISTORICAL fact, they earned their veneration and statues.
When you start whining about "slavery" your purpose is always reparations....not happening.
We need to divorce ourselves of these sniveling, regressive bed wetters and their "democratic" criminal syndicate. Isolate them in a few moonbat coastal cities, wall them in and let them exterminate themselves.
Wrong. Some of those tiny blue areas might not venerate the Founding Fathers, but the rest of the US will.
Most of those blue areas are Hispanic, not black.

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Of course you'd confuse red and blue districts with people. I'm sure all that red is mighty impressive to you but to me it doesn't mean shit. We have changed the narrative on Confederates from when I was younger, I see no reason why wet can't do the same for Washington and Jefferson.
Washington was the Father of the USA. Who cares that he owned slaves? Not me. Not most real Americans. I hope they don't remove any of his statues. If they do, it just shows that they are Low-IQ low-lifes.
Washington inexplicably turned down the offer of being made the king of America by his troops. Then when he became President, he inexplicably refused to serve more than 2 terms, setting a precedent that was honored until the scumbag FDR decided to be emperor for life, after which Congress forced each succeeding President to only 2 terms.

Washington also freed his slaves when he died.

Knowing human nature and the society he lived in at the time, I find these qualities to be a mystery in Washington. Even King George commented on him turning down the opportunity to be a king by saying if he could do that, he will go down in history as one of the greatest men in history. After all, who in history has ever done that except maybe Jesus himself.

But these qualities is one of the reason the Left despises him. For the Leftist, all that matters is power.

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