NYC Jewish communities told to shelter in place after....

Do you think the Democrats in NYC would tolerate it if thousands of KKKers swarmed in, raising the KKK flag, and threatening blacks? Would their “solution” be to tell blacks to stay in their homes and not go out in public?

Nope. Biden would be on the airwaves condemning the horrific racism and the Democrat leaders would call out the National Guard to clear the streets of the monsters - and give blacks back their freedom to walk the streets of NY, enjoy a restaurant meal, take in a show.

But when the victims are Jews? Lots of tolerance for the antidemites.

Or even thousands of peaceful conservatives wearing MAGA hats. Democrats hallucinate, seeing racists behind every ball cap.

... (not being from New York myself) I have to wonder what New Yawkers would reply if you ask them if they've seen more Israeli flags or more Palestinian flags being flown in NYC over the years.
Huh? I lived in New York during college, and have gone there many tImes sincefor getaways. I don’t ever recall seeing EITHER a Palestinian flag OR an Israeli flag.
You have been a victim of gross deprivation. :( Here's an intro:
Israel x.jpg
Ahhhhh .......

A VERY GOOD response!!! :udaman:
^^^ This is another poster who used to be normal and is now laughing that Muslims and their sympathizers are so threatening to those of the Jewish faith that Jews are being told to hide in their homes.

How much are they paying you?
^^^ This is another poster who used to be normal and is now laughing that Muslims and their sympathizers are so threatening to those of the Jewish faith that Jews are being told to hide in their homes.
FIRST: Jews are being told that "Muslims are so threatening" and if anyone is "laughing" it is because of either a perceived hoax or the fact that Palestinians have been hiding in their homes for more than 70 years but no one cares. So, Jews suddenly hiding in their homes for a change is blackly humorous.
How much are they paying you?
And now ....... SECOND: Are you talking to me?
FIRST: Jews are being told that "Muslims are so threatening" and if anyone is "laughing" it is because of either a perceived hoax or the fact that Palestinians have been hiding in their homes for more than 70 years but no one cares. So, Jews suddenly hiding in their homes for a change is blackly humorous.

And now ....... SECOND: Are you talking to me?
Hamas caused this. PLO before that. Got plenty of freedom to bring in 10s of thousands of rockets huh.

Oh well. This is War. Fuck it.
Why doesn’t the mayor or governor call for the National Guard? Are they so afraid of offending Muslims that Jews have to stay in their homes?
Lisa, do you have any idea how long it takes to have a National Guard to respond to a call-up? These people work for a living outside their Guard duties. To drop everything, get your gear and report to an armory can take quite a while. By the time they would have gotten to the riot scene, the protestors would have been long gone!
Lisa, do you have any idea how long it takes to have a National Guard to respond to a call-up? These people work for a living outside their Guard duties. To drop everything, get your gear and report to an armory can take quite a while. By the time they would have gotten to the riot scene, the protestors would have been long gone!
Why can't the Jewish American citizens go on with their daily business and lives while the Muslims protest?
FIRST: Jews are being told that "Muslims are so threatening" and if anyone is "laughing" it is because of either a perceived hoax or the fact that Palestinians have been hiding in their homes for more than 70 years but no one cares. So, Jews suddenly hiding in their homes for a change is blackly humorous.

And now ....... SECOND: Are you talking to me?

Not a fact. Pure fantasy. There was no IDF in Gaza.
Why can't the Jewish American citizens go on with their daily business and lives while the Muslims protest?
The National Guard would be useless if the protest ended before they got there. You cannot post a Guardsmen on every street corner to protect the Jews. That is law enforcement's job, not the military's.
The National Guard would be useless if the protest ended before they got there. You cannot post a Guardsmen on every street corner to protect the Jews. That is law enforcement's job, not the military's.
You ignored the point. Groups protest all the time. Why do American Jews need to hide in their homes while Muslims protest? Can't you give me an honest answer?

The leftists have finally lost their humanity completely.

I hope someone is prepared to deal with them in a real way when it becomes necessary.

For sure their hatred of the Jews is becoming more obvious every day. Makes you wonder why so many of the Jewish community are gullible to vote Democrat thinking the Democrats care about them more.
How you got that from his post is mind boggling.
I don't know what this comment is in response to ...... plus ........
More evidence that the left is increasingly dysfunctional in reading, reading comprehension or else it is intentional dishonesty.
... what does "the left" (as you chose to call something) have to do with me on this subject? Your coo-coo clock needs to be repaired.

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