NYC Mayor De Blasio denounces ICE and calls for it to be 'abolished'

Much more on the way. Within a generation our borders will barely exist, if they exist at all.
Soooo the future of America is to be a third world country
It's not going to be what it has been. The only question at this point is how far the decay gets. And that has nothing to do with ethnicity.
Well it's easy to observe the countries that they are coming from to predict our future.
Sure, that's part of it. As I say all the time, I'd like to know why those "leaders" are so proud to help their own people escape their own miserable, fucked up countries.

I'd also like to know why both ends of our political spectrum are so light-handed in enforcing laws with employers who hire illegals.

But that's a big part of the problem - we just love lowering standards and pointing the finger. That's why the decay continues.
Never believe republicans when they say they want smaller government, this thread proves that is just bs talk.
The notorious racist demagogue NYC Mayor De Blasio denounces ICE and calls for it to be 'abolished'.
De Balsio is pandering to the over 500,000 illegal aliens who live in NYC.
Have the Democrats ever thought about what would happen to America if they actually did abolished ICE and allowed unlimited immigration?
19 top ICE investigators ask DHS officials to split up the agency
Their request, which was first reported by the Texas Observer, stems from a widespread misunderstanding about the work that ICE investigators do. Special agents with ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) do not investigate immigration infractions or handle deportations —that falls to ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).

ICE investigators instead build criminal cases against international drug smuggling operations, sex trafficking rings, and cross-border gangs (like MS-13). That involves a lot of collaboration with local police, and ICE investigators say their association with the controversial immigration enforcement mission is making it hard for them to do their jobs.

It has become obvious that the Democrats love illegal immigration because it's bad for America

View attachment 201946

Trump borrowed money from Soros for the Chicago building, the rest he got from Kennedy's (the Supreme Court justice) son.
The president has made us less safe by telling ICE, violent illegal immigrants are no longer the priority....but non violent illegal families are their new priority, leaving their previous priority of drug dealers, gangs, sex traffickers....
The president has made us less safe by telling ICE violent illegal immigrants are no longer the priority....but non violent illegal families are their new priority, leaving their previous priority of drug dealers, gangs, sex traffickers....
I don't think so
Stormy Mac exposing his bigotry in 3...2...1....

Sure, that's part of it. As I say all the time, I'd like to know why those "leaders" are so proud to help their own people escape their own miserable, fucked up countries.

Actually, because it's a win-win for them. They get rid of malcontents and they relieve some of the economic pressures of reducing an excess labor force they don't have jobs for. As a bonus, remittances boost their economies.

I'd also like to know why both ends of our political spectrum are so light-handed in enforcing laws with employers who hire illegals.

Um... because they are kind of vital to the economy, dummy. If we didn't have undocumented workers, a lot of those jobs just wouldn't get done.

Heck, the dumb-ass redneck who wears a MAGA hat is the same guy who takes his pickup truck to the Home Depot to pick up some Day Laborers to help him hang his drywall when that DIY Project turned out to not be as easy as HGTV made it look.


But that's a big part of the problem - we just love lowering standards and pointing the finger. That's why the decay continues.

Um, no, guy. The decay continues because that's kind of part of the process.

Just remember, 150 years ago, a bigot like you was saying the same thing about the Irish.

And 100 years ago, he was saying the same thing about the Germans.

And 50 years ago, he was saying the same thing about the Poles. Heck, I'm old enough to still remember when Pollock jokes were still a thing.

So now it's the Mexicans...

In another 20 years, you'll all be going hysterical about the Indians.
The president has made us less safe by telling ICE, violent illegal immigrants are no longer the priority....but non violent illegal families are their new priority, leaving their previous priority of drug dealers, gangs, sex traffickers....

and they do not like it.
Is ICE the same as border patrol? Or different agencies??

They are different agencies.

ICE was formed in 2003 after the major reorganization of Homeland Security after 9/11 by combining the Immigration and Naturalization Service and United States Customs Service. other agencies have also been part of ICE, but separated out again.

ICE is an awful agency because it treats immigration like a criminal matter instead of a civil one. These detention centers in the South are just the latest attrocity.

The Intercept published a report by the DHS Office of Inspector General revealing that 1,224 sexual abuse complaints while in immigration custody were filed between January 2010 and June 2017. Contrary to ICE's claims, only 3% of these complaints were investigated.[41]
Is ICE the same as border patrol? Or different agencies??

They are different agencies.

ICE was formed in 2003 after the major reorganization of Homeland Security after 9/11 by combining the Immigration and Naturalization Service and United States Customs Service. other agencies have also been part of ICE, but separated out again.

ICE is an awful agency because it treats immigration like a criminal matter instead of a civil one. These detention centers in the South are just the latest attrocity.

The Intercept published a report by the DHS Office of Inspector General revealing that 1,224 sexual abuse complaints while in immigration custody were filed between January 2010 and June 2017. Contrary to ICE's claims, only 3% of these complaints were investigated.[41]
Then imo there should be in the least 2 divisions of ICE, one they concentrate on stopping the drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals and gangs from crossing the border and deportation of the ones they catch here in the USA, and the other much smaller division for deportation of any of the illegals who have committed non violent crimes...(but not for things like traffic violations or citations)
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Then imo there should be in the least 2 divisions of ICE, one they concentrate on stopping the drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals and gangs from crossing the border and deportation of the ones they catch here in the USA, and the other much smaller division for deportation of any of the illegals who have committed non violent crimes...(but not for things like traffic violations or citations)

My problem with that is that when you have an agency like that, if often continues on long after it's had a purpose.

Remember the National Helium Reserve? It was established in the 1920's to make sure that when we had an airship war with the Germans, we would have enough helium for them...

Nobody was using airships after the 1930's... but the Helium Reserve is still around.

National Helium Reserve - Wikipedia

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