NYC mayor writes law granting men right to use female bathrooms

Why should a woman be worried about protection from a transgender female?
They are Not females.......they are just a mentally ill man wearing women's clothes. ...... :cool:

Sadly you are so wrong. It is not a mental illness, it is a body deformity they are born with and that many try to change/fix so the outside matches in the inside.

Sure, that's justifies perversion. That makes progressive sleep better at night and that's all that matters.

NY is doomed under idiots like that de Blasio under the helm.
Why the NY mayor can not open a little cubicle.....a bathroom so to speak.....apart from women or men or beast that the transgenders can do their necessities in peace?

He should.
Maybe a good idea, but have you ever tried to navigate in NYC?


The same would be with the special potty and if someone walked by mistake they may get an unhappy surprise.
I watched a New York Nights tv short showing the difference between ladies' and mens' public toilets in some movie theaters after a day of use. The ladies' rooms were essentially clean and showed very little signs of use. The mens' rooms were a horror: Graffiti on the walls of stalls, towels pulled completely out of the dispenser, all sorts of things tossed in the urinals and sinks, toilet bowls not flushed, toilet paper all over the floor, mirror cracked or completely broken.

I'm ashamed to report that most men seem to be natural slobs.
Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. .

HAHAHA. You are an idiot. Most people are evil. In this country, if you ain't paranoid, you're crazy.

Killers and Rapists are perverts. What's not to understand?

Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?
Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. .

HAHAHA. You are an idiot. Most people are evil. In this country, if you ain't paranoid, you're crazy.

Killers and Rapists are perverts. What's not to understand?

Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?
Why would you assume that every man taking advantage of this law is transgendered?
I watched a New York Nights tv short showing the difference between ladies' and mens' public toilets in some movie theaters after a day of use. The ladies' rooms were essentially clean and showed very little signs of use. The mens' rooms were a horror: Graffiti on the walls of stalls, towels pulled completely out of the dispenser, all sorts of things tossed in the urinals and sinks, toilet bowls not flushed, toilet paper all over the floor, mirror cracked or completely broken.

I'm ashamed to report that most men seem to be natural slobs.
You have never seen a ladies room in a store in a hispanic neighborhood.
I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.
If my wife went into the "Ladies" room and I saw one of those transgendered freakazoids trying to enter....... I would beat the crap out of the pervert. ..... :cool:

Freakazoid? A female in a woman's bathroom.
Sorry you sound more like a freak for not understanding their need to be a female.
I expect you are more hateful than your wife would be.
I lady walks in and enters a stall, comes out and washes her hands and maybe fixes her hair or makeup before leaving........ how scary.
That woman walks into a mens rooms and it would be far more uncomfortable possibly.
If she is legally a transgender female she has a right to use a woman's bathroom. I don't why it took so long or why it needed a mayor to sign approval. It would never cross my mind to tell a transgender she couldn't use the bathroom.

I don't see transgender as freak, they are people who were born with the wrong organs. If it was syncephalic twins, would you forbid them from using either bathroom? If it was ambiguous or intersex, are you going to inspect and judge which bathroom they should use? Do judge if a boy/man has not testicle, are you going to say he can't use the mens room?

Let them make the choice on their own.

Freaks are those who find cause to hate everyone that is different in any way.
You have no moral standing to preach to the rest of us until you stop believing that a woman should have the right to murder the child in her womb.
Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. .

HAHAHA. You are an idiot. Most people are evil. In this country, if you ain't paranoid, you're crazy.

Killers and Rapists are perverts. What's not to understand?

Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?

Because they are warped perverts.

So it appears you think the percentage of rapists is too low? Rape is a crime of opportunity. This law and its supporters just increased opportunity.

Streets, businesses, schools, government building have unisex bathrooms over seas and now here for quite awhile.
This fuss
Move "overseas" and get yourself ass-raped then. We protect our women and children here.

Was there for many years, no problem. Its the bigots on this side of the pond that are the problem.
Unisex and transgender using the bathrooms and locker rooms of their identified gender are not new even in the US. I'm amazed people still would be making an issue of such things.

Transgenders are no the problem, bigots are.

Take your "bigot" talking point and shove it up your ass. It's about protecting women and children, not satisfying your sick urge. If you have a package hanging between your legs then you use then men's room. If not, then go female. It's really that simple, except for the simple minded like yourself. Gay men use the same restroom as heterosexual men. Transgenders should get no special exceptions.
Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?
Where did you get these absurd numbers? ..... :dunno:

10% of all men aren't rapists. :cuckoo:

And a transgender fruitcake isn't killed every 29 hours. (although I wish that were true).

You really need to get a grip on reality. ..... :cool:
Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. .

HAHAHA. You are an idiot. Most people are evil. In this country, if you ain't paranoid, you're crazy.

Killers and Rapists are perverts. What's not to understand?

Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?
Why would you assume that every man taking advantage of this law is transgendered?

Why would you assume every transgender is not? Why assume a bathroom is safe and walk in if you thing every woman who walks in a bathroom will be victim to something?

You seems to speak like all bathrooms are traps now of some kind. Do you know that transgender are not and have not been use the woman' bathroom for years.

You are inciting a problem where none exists and blaming transgender for the problem.

If you are that scared of public bathrooms now, don't use them. If some man walks in to spy, he is doing it now, why blame transgender?

You assume someone guilty of something they did not do or than has not happened.

If you have an issue with public bathrooms, don't use them, but don't blame transgender for you issues.

You don't like transgender and looking for an excuse to justify your hate. Sorry but you don't get to tell a transgender female she can't use the bathroom

20% of women will be victims, mostly by men they know, but you want to blame transgender instead.

Deal with actual problems rather than make up ones in your mind because you hate this or that group.
Why would you assume transgender are either?
10% of men will be rapists
2/3 of one percent will identify as transgender.
72% of transgender will be victims of abuse.
A transgender is killed every 29 hours.
They are in more danger than dangerous, but you are afraid of them?
Where did you get these absurd numbers? ..... :dunno:

10% of all men aren't rapists. :cuckoo:

And a transgender fruitcake isn't killed every 29 hours. (although I wish that were true).

You really need to get a grip on reality. ..... :cool:

you prefer 31.7% of men who would rape instead?
Trannies are nutballs. Like people who think they're dogs. Why do liberals encourage this sort of lunacy?
I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.
If my wife went into the "Ladies" room and I saw one of those transgendered freakazoids trying to enter....... I would beat the crap out of the pervert. ..... :cool:

Freakazoid? A female in a woman's bathroom.
Sorry you sound more like a freak for not understanding their need to be a female.
I expect you are more hateful than your wife would be.
I lady walks in and enters a stall, comes out and washes her hands and maybe fixes her hair or makeup before leaving........ how scary.
That woman walks into a mens rooms and it would be far more uncomfortable possibly.
If she is legally a transgender female she has a right to use a woman's bathroom. I don't why it took so long or why it needed a mayor to sign approval. It would never cross my mind to tell a transgender she couldn't use the bathroom.

I don't see transgender as freak, they are people who were born with the wrong organs. If it was syncephalic twins, would you forbid them from using either bathroom? If it was ambiguous or intersex, are you going to inspect and judge which bathroom they should use? Do judge if a boy/man has not testicle, are you going to say he can't use the mens room?

Let them make the choice on their own.

Freaks are those who find cause to hate everyone that is different in any way.
You have no moral standing to preach to the rest of us until you stop believing that a woman should have the right to murder the child in her womb.

Women have a right to control their body. The right to choose what is right for them.
Till 24 weeks they have a right to terminate a pregnancy if they think that is best.
Her medical condition or choices are not your business and you have no right to know.
I support a woman's right to choose. What she chooses is up to her. She has right to live her life the way she wants, not the way you expect or force her to live it.

You don't get to tell a woman or a transgender what they can and cannot do. They have a right to do what is best for them.

I support freedom not slavery and submission.

I think children should be loved and dearly wanted, not dumped on the taxpayer garbage heap.
I think a woman makes a better mother when she is ready to and wanting a child

We all have to find our inner happiness, that is what freedom is about.

Their life does not conform to what "you say", but for what makes them happy.

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