NYC mayor writes law granting men right to use female bathrooms

This is the real "War on Women." We're going to see more rapes, sexual assaults, voyeurism, videotaping, and the Democrats are ok with that to placate the tiny group of transsexuals that are pushing for this.

Only in your twists bigoted mind.
If it as not be a problem in the last hundred years, why should it be now?
Maybe because the last hundred years we didn't have idiots like deblasio changing normal to stupid.
This is the real "War on Women." We're going to see more rapes, sexual assaults, voyeurism, videotaping, and the Democrats are ok with that to placate the tiny group of transsexuals that are pushing for this.

Only in your twists bigoted mind.
If it as not be a problem in the last hundred years, why should it be now?
Maybe because the last hundred years we didn't have idiots like deblasio changing normal to stupid.

Streets, businesses, schools, government building have unisex bathrooms over seas and now here for quite awhile.
This fuss is much a do about nothing.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

This is so wrong on every level. Also it's bound to attract perverts who just want excuse to enter female bathroom, thus being potentially very dangerous to women and young girls.

Just wait until there is an attack on a female and a multi million dollar lawsuit.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

This is so wrong on every level. Also it's bound to attract perverts who just want excuse to enter female bathroom, thus being potentially very dangerous to women and young girls.

Just wait until there is an attack on a female and a multi million dollar lawsuit.
It was a problem for Sherrice Iverson. A man followed this 7 year old girl into the ladies room in a Nevada hotel and left her dead body on a toilet. Now, he wouldn't have to sneak in hoping no one saw him.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
I thought you cared about women's rights.

Guess I was wrong.

The only thing you care about is abortion.

Otherwise, you don't give a damn about women.
Same with all feminists.
No wonder the lady identified herself as a bicycle so she could ride on the cities buses.......... yep, on the bike rack thus avoiding paying the fare.
Liberals require us to accommodate the insane. No wonder Trump is doing so well.
Streets, businesses, schools, government building have unisex bathrooms over seas and now here for quite awhile.
This fuss
Move "overseas" and get yourself ass-raped then. We protect our women and children here.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

This is so wrong on every level. Also it's bound to attract perverts who just want excuse to enter female bathroom, thus being potentially very dangerous to women and young girls.

Just wait until there is an attack on a female and a multi million dollar lawsuit.

Why would a transgender woman attack a woman? Do you go in and attack other woman? You don't think they would be too worried about pulling up their pantyhose or fixing heir make up?

Do men end up in a fight with other men at the urinals? To transgender men attack other men without reason?

Such hate is uncalled for. How do people become so ignorant and bigoted?

Maybe you should consider what you are doing that would make another person want to harm you for any reason. For all intents and purposes and transgender female is a female, just born with some wrong parts. If it was a hermaphrodites, would you be upset if she chose to use a female bathroom?

Do you get up set when a mother brings her son into the bathroom with her instead of standing alone outside?

People like you are the problem, not the transgender. No wonder so many are afraid to come out and be themselves.

Minimally, they are innocent till "proven" guilty of anything other than being transgender.

You are prejudice without reason, shame on you.

If you are so worried, hold it till you get home. One less person in line.

What do you do at unisex bathrooms? Wait till it is empty?

You don't want to use public bathrooms, wear depends
Streets, businesses, schools, government building have unisex bathrooms over seas and now here for quite awhile.
This fuss
Move "overseas" and get yourself ass-raped then. We protect our women and children here.

Was there for many years, no problem. Its the bigots on this side of the pond that are the problem.
Unisex and transgender using the bathrooms and locker rooms of their identified gender are not new even in the US. I'm amazed people still would be making an issue of such things.

Transgenders are no the problem, bigots are.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

A woman just won $55 million because a peeping tom took nude pictures of her in her hotel room, but guys get to look free in NYC.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.
what is wrong with the people of New York. they have these little dictators all over the place from Mayors to city councils making up LAWS ON THEM? They might as well get rid of their Representatives in their STATE Government. why pay for the pukes when their dictators runs everything

Out house or porta-potty, why do we need labels if someone has to go?

Just put bathroom on the door and leave it at that? If we are all equal, why do we need separate facilities?

If it has not been a problem elsewhere why should it be a problem in NY?

Pants to the left, dresses to the right? You will get a mix of sexes.

It is a people bathroom.

So then, why not penises go the right, vaginas to the left.

Way to easy
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.

Completely twisted logic
...This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside...
Oh, dear God, somebody get me a barf-bag.

...I really don't understand why this should upset anyone...
Yes... it is understood, that you do not understand....

Consequently, there is no point in trying to explain it to you...

If you do not feel it in your bones, intuitively, the most folks do, you never will...
...This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside...
Oh, dear God, somebody get me a barf-bag.

...I really don't understand why this should upset anyone...
Yes... it is understood, that you do not understand....

Consequently, there is no point in trying to explain it to you...

If you do not feel it in your bones, intuitively, the most folks do, you never will...

It's about pants and skirts, not penises and vaginas.

Let's just make it all equal? A clothing optional world. Why should that offend anyone? Right?

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