NYC mayor writes law granting men right to use female bathrooms

You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.
Is that you, Norman Bates?
what is wrong with the people of New York. they have these little dictators all over the place from Mayors to city councils making up LAWS ON THEM? They might as well get rid of their Representatives in their STATE Government. why pay for the pukes when their dictators runs everything

Out house or porta-potty, why do we need labels if someone has to go?

Just put bathroom on the door and leave it at that? If we are all equal, why do we need separate facilities?

If it has not been a problem elsewhere why should it be a problem in NY?

Pants to the left, dresses to the right? You will get a mix of sexes.

It is a people bathroom.

So then, why not penises go the right, vaginas to the left.

Way to easy

Single fathers take their daughters into the mens rooms. Women their their sons. Transgender are female, with or without a final GRS use the women's room. Transgender men use the mens room.

Why is that so hard for people to grasp.

Half the transgender, you probably don't even know they are or were anything other than what they appear to be, women going to the womens room and men going to the mens room.

I think there would be more problems with a transgender female in the mens room than in the womens room.

I'm glad the laws have changed for transgender, I just wish attitudes had been more accepting of individuals instead of incorrect stereotypes and bigotry from the beginning. Not like transgender is anything new, been around since dawn of civilization, they just did not have the option for surgery back then, except castration.
Warriors if the Ottoman were castrated men. Some found a different life in the harems and hall of government. China also castrated their government official.
Why are transgender so a threat to a few? Most really don't care one way or the others, they are just people.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.
Is that you, Norman Bates?

I don't care if its a man or woman in the shower. Not like they have anything I haven't seen before. I've hospices for both, I've nursed both, I've seen both die, I've seen both massacred, I've seen both fight. Human body was never a mystery, just a body. People are just people.
what is wrong with the people of New York. they have these little dictators all over the place from Mayors to city councils making up LAWS ON THEM? They might as well get rid of their Representatives in their STATE Government. why pay for the pukes when their dictators runs everything

Out house or porta-potty, why do we need labels if someone has to go?

Just put bathroom on the door and leave it at that? If we are all equal, why do we need separate facilities?

If it has not been a problem elsewhere why should it be a problem in NY?

Pants to the left, dresses to the right? You will get a mix of sexes.

It is a people bathroom.

So then, why not penises go the right, vaginas to the left.

Way to easy

Single fathers take their daughters into the mens rooms. Women their their sons. Transgender are female, with or without a final GRS use the women's room. Transgender men use the mens room.

Why is that so hard for people to grasp.

Half the transgender, you probably don't even know they are or were anything other than what they appear to be, women going to the womens room and men going to the mens room.

I think there would be more problems with a transgender female in the mens room than in the womens room.

I'm glad the laws have changed for transgender, I just wish attitudes had been more accepting of individuals instead of incorrect stereotypes and bigotry from the beginning. Not like transgender is anything new, been around since dawn of civilization, they just did not have the option for surgery back then, except castration.
Warriors if the Ottoman were castrated men. Some found a different life in the harems and hall of government. China also castrated their government official.
Why are transgender so a threat to a few? Most really don't care one way or the others, they are just people.

That's right

Only cross dressers have a right to privacy and modesty.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.

Completely twisted logic

I think segregation and separation is twisted. We are all born, live and die. We all have hopes and dreams. We all want to be equal.
Why should having the freedom to be who you are meant to be, who you really feel you are be so strange?

Why do you have to hate people because they are not exactly like you?

Were separate bathrooms for blacks right? of course not. Why should transgender use the wrong bathroom or a separate bathroom? To me that is twisted logic. Transgender females should use a female bathroom. I've never minded unisex bathrooms with or without showers. I don't know what people are shy or self-conscience about their body.

Nudest beaches are no more places for attacks than a topless or regular beach. Why should letting transgender using a bathroom be a "danger". It is all just irrational fear mongering.

If it is not a problem elsewhere, why should it be in the US big cities or even small towns? American's of all types are just people. Why do others have to be put is separate groups as if something is wrong with them? I don't think that is fair or right. You are judging them when they have done nothing wrong.

I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.

Completely twisted logic

I think segregation and separation is twisted. We are all born, live and die. We all have hopes and dreams. We all want to be equal.
Why should having the freedom to be who you are meant to be, who you really feel you are be so strange?

Why do you have to hate people because they are not exactly like you?

Were separate bathrooms for blacks right? of course not. Why should transgender use the wrong bathroom or a separate bathroom? To me that is twisted logic. Transgender females should use a female bathroom. I've never minded unisex bathrooms with or without showers. I don't know what people are shy or self-conscience about their body.

Nudest beaches are no more places for attacks than a topless or regular beach. Why should letting transgender using a bathroom be a "danger". It is all just irrational fear mongering.

If it is not a problem elsewhere, why should it be in the US big cities or even small towns? American's of all types are just people. Why do others have to be put is separate groups as if something is wrong with them? I don't think that is fair or right. You are judging them when they have done nothing wrong.

I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.

The rapists often say.......

I feel like a woman today

Support your local pervert.

Good lord
I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.
If my wife went into the "Ladies" room and I saw one of those transgendered freakazoids trying to enter....... I would beat the crap out of the pervert. ..... :cool:
This is why women should be armed and willing to defend themselves,

Why should a woman be worried about protection from a transgender female?
Do men have to protect themselves from transgender males?
This whole fear and treated them different is wrong, they don't deserve to be treated like that.
We all should learn to treat people like people, not freaks, oddballs, vial or insane. Even the clinically insane deserve to be treated with compassion and respect, not as animals.

Over all these decades I still don't understand why there is so much hate and bias. War made more sense, but I was always trying to end that as well.

I will always hope that reason will over come hates.

I will always hope that people will be treated as both unique and equal in all ways
You just say "i identify as female" and no one can stop you. This is not only a crazy law, but it was NOT written by the legislature. Like obozo, de blasio writes laws and calls them executive orders.

march 8 2016 Transgender individuals will get to choose whether to use male or female bathrooms and locker rooms in city facilities under an executive order signed Monday by Mayor de Blasio.

The city’s estimated 25,000 transgender residents can freely use the facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender,” the order says.

“They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them,” de Blasio said before at a Parks Department recreation center in Chelsea.
No one can stop me anyhow. Another foolish law meant to neuter society.
If you see a transgender in the bathroom, wait till she leaves. Like woman have not had to use the mens room ever (pew, not the nicest, but when you have to go you don't care)?
In the military, no one cared about bathroom labels. Most siblings in the house don't care.

Or wait and find another bathroom without a transgender female.
The limp-wristed approach.

Why is it so hard to just see others as people, not by types or labels. Just as themselves.

Why does everything have to involve some type of fear mongering? Us vs them

They are people, why do other care what gender they identify as? You have to use the bathroom, what name is on the door does not matter. You would think girls never see a man's bathroom or the other way around.

This whole issue is nonsense. Transgenders should and by do have a right to use the bathroom of the sex they identify as. Time the world get used to treating them as their gender they are supposed to be, what they are inside.

I really don't understand why this should upset anyone. I'd just as soon all bathrooms were unisex, everyone equal, one for all. I am so glad my children are not prejudice. Hope for the next generation.

I grew up with segregation and separation and never understood it. To me it was always wrong. Over there, over here, it is still wrong.

Completely twisted logic

I think segregation and separation is twisted. We are all born, live and die. We all have hopes and dreams. We all want to be equal.
Why should having the freedom to be who you are meant to be, who you really feel you are be so strange?

Why do you have to hate people because they are not exactly like you?

Were separate bathrooms for blacks right? of course not. Why should transgender use the wrong bathroom or a separate bathroom? To me that is twisted logic. Transgender females should use a female bathroom. I've never minded unisex bathrooms with or without showers. I don't know what people are shy or self-conscience about their body.

Nudest beaches are no more places for attacks than a topless or regular beach. Why should letting transgender using a bathroom be a "danger". It is all just irrational fear mongering.

If it is not a problem elsewhere, why should it be in the US big cities or even small towns? American's of all types are just people. Why do others have to be put is separate groups as if something is wrong with them? I don't think that is fair or right. You are judging them when they have done nothing wrong.

I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.

The rapists often say.......

I feel like a woman today

Support your local pervert.

Good lord

Transgender females are more likely to be the victims of rape and abuse.
There are a few cases where transgender have been found guilty of rape, but very few compared to male rapists. There are women rapists, but men and other women are not cowering in fear. Maybe transgender should be afraid of women, rather than the other way around.

You can't see every person as a potential threat, you will never know life if you do.

Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. They are people and deserve to be treated as such. We fortunate don't live in a nazi germany where the innocent were presumed guilty and killed without cause just because they were slightly different in culture, faith, looks or habits.

Colour of skin, religion, sex, it should not matter, people are just people.

No one should be afraid without cause of others.
This is what the people of New York voted for, so I'm sure they'll be just fine with it.
Democrats are evil scumbags. I predict that by next election, this one issue is going to send millions more women into voting for Republicans.

It really does seem like a dumb strategy for democrats to support trannies since there are so few of them.
Why should a woman be worried about protection from a transgender female?

Hey stupid - don't you know what a trans female is?. It's a man, with the strength of a man, and naturally women should fear them. I'm just a slightly bigger than average man, but i could rip to shreds 99% of the women in america. THINK, hater
I don't, I can agree with treating others that way. There is far too much hate in the world to knowingly add to it without cause.

Transgender have a right to be treated as their identified gender. That is who they are.
If my wife went into the "Ladies" room and I saw one of those transgendered freakazoids trying to enter....... I would beat the crap out of the pervert. ..... :cool:

Freakazoid? A female in a woman's bathroom.
Sorry you sound more like a freak for not understanding their need to be a female.
I expect you are more hateful than your wife would be.
I lady walks in and enters a stall, comes out and washes her hands and maybe fixes her hair or makeup before leaving........ how scary.
That woman walks into a mens rooms and it would be far more uncomfortable possibly.
If she is legally a transgender female she has a right to use a woman's bathroom. I don't why it took so long or why it needed a mayor to sign approval. It would never cross my mind to tell a transgender she couldn't use the bathroom.

I don't see transgender as freak, they are people who were born with the wrong organs. If it was syncephalic twins, would you forbid them from using either bathroom? If it was ambiguous or intersex, are you going to inspect and judge which bathroom they should use? Do judge if a boy/man has not testicle, are you going to say he can't use the mens room?

Let them make the choice on their own.

Freaks are those who find cause to hate everyone that is different in any way.
Freakazoid? A female in a woman's bathroom.
A transgendered freakazoid male wearing a dress is still genetically a male.

And thus, has no business being in the Woman's restroom.

Why do you defend these mentally ill perverts?

You sound just as sick as them. ....... :cuckoo:
Despite the few bad people, you can't treat everyone as killers and rapists. .

HAHAHA. You are an idiot. Most people are evil. In this country, if you ain't paranoid, you're crazy.

In war maybe you have reason to be paranoid. I am not in war any more and I am not paranoid, nor am I crazy. Mad at bigots, mad at the amount of hate, but not crazy.

With all the variety of people, cultures, religion, ideas, beauty and wonder in the world, I don't understand how people in the US can be so filled with hate. Life liberty freedom, etc. and people choose to hate, it is such a waste of energy and life. They talk of religion and walk out and hate those who don't see the world exactly as they do. People who look different, speak different, have different likes and tastes, but they are all just people. You thump your bibles but you are filled with hate instead of love, you hate those who don't believe in god, those who believe in a different god, those who pray to the same god in a different way, those who believe in many gods, you hate them.
They have caused you no personal harm but you hate them because because they don't agree with you.
How does this make sense? Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, religion, likes and dislikes, but when your hate leads to verbal or physical abuse or harm, segregation to others, you are wrong.
Why the NY mayor can not open a little cubicle.....a bathroom so to speak.....apart from women or men or beast that the transgenders can do their necessities in peace?

He should.

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