NYC precinct told me that their gun confiscatiosn letters are REAL

You have issued quite a challenge. Can I pick up the phone? The drama!
You've made it quite clear that you're afraid to find out you might be wrong.

Of course, you're the kind of person who believes you're right simply because you hear yourself saying it.

Run along now.

Yes. I am afraid! You nailed it.

I wonder how many of those letters were sent out? How many guns have been confiscated?
Is this the letter being sent out?

You nuts seem suitably frightened. It is a good time to reach out to you about that NRA donation....or perhaps a targeted ad from Amazon regarding the latest RW douchebag book and coffee mug set.

TD. May I suggest you get some friends with better bullshit filters?

The demand came in the form of some 500 letters mailed out to owners of registered long guns that are in violation of a 2010 city ordinance. The first option for the letter's recipient is to, "Immediately surrender your Rifle and/or Shotgun to your local police precinct, and notify this office of the invoice number. The firearm may be sold or permanently removed from the City of New York thereafter."

NYPD cracks down on long guns that hold more than five rounds | Fox News

No w in before you do the predicted Fox lies rhetoric If this is just another false claim that Fox is lying you should be able to march your happy ass right over two Media Maters and find their story this was just another Fox lie

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