NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

I agree mandates are not laws and I do not support government telling businesses they must require vaccine. But I also 100% support any company that choses to do so on their own.
Normal libertarian stance. Not making a difference on anything. Kinda like your vote..........That person never wins. You do support it when businesses can fire you for refusing to get injected.

Then as you failed to answer in another post of mine..........about AIDS............You are not allowed to discriminate or spread to other people that they have aids..........and they have the right to work...............Why is it different from COVID......and a vaccine........They are making it out as the UNVACCINATED ARE THE DEVIL........But the vaccinated can give you covid as well.......

IT'S ALL POLITICL BS .......ABOUT POWER AND CONTROL. Changing the narrative........and changing the rules..........BS
Man but you are full of yourself. First, concerning CAB. It is not just Angus, and I doubt any of your local producers are selling it directly to you. Yes, most farmers producing CAB are small family operations. One out of three Angus cows meet the quality standards of CAB beef. And here is the thing, one out of six steaks graded select end up tough. One out of 13 within the choice grade will be tough. One out of 24 in the Prime grade will be tough. One out of 50 CAB steaks will be tough, regardless of the grade. The reason, the grades of Prime and Choice are based on marbling, specifically, the reading between the third and fourth rib of the ribeye steak. The ten standards of CAB include marbling, but also texture, a maximum carcass size, appearance, and tenderness, and a specific age range.

And then there is Wagyu. It is not a Japanese cow, it is a Japanese breed. If it was a Japanese cow, and one of the four Wagyu breeds, it would be called Kobe, not Wagyu. And Kobe beef is off the chain, and yes, it is mostly about how it is raised. I mean hell, in Japan they massage the damn cows every day. But you can get Wagyu, raised in both Australia and American, pretty reasonable. And in that case, it is about the breed. The Japanese black dominates, and within that breed is the Tajima, which I prefer, especially Australian Tajima.

The reason that Japanese breeds are superior has to do with their heritage and their history. Japan was pretty much cut off from the world from 1635 to 1864. During that time the Japanese did not eat beef. Cows were draught animals, and very expensive. They didn't even have dairy cows. Those cows were breed for strength. After 1864 they were crossbred with European stocks, including the Holstein, which coming from a family of dairy farmers, I know a little bit about.

But I am about done with your amateur foolish ass. My son is grilling some nice CAB certified Prime grade ribeyes from Walmart. Yep, Walmart. It doesn't come from one of the four major producers. Walmart controls the source from the farm to the table. Which kind of indicates what a damn fool you are. If one of your local producers could produce CAB certified Prime beef, they ain't selling it to your stupid ass, they are selling to someone like Walmart, or me and my little local shop that sells over five million dollars worth of beef a year in a high-income, high net worth area north of Charlotte. And I am going to pair it with a nice red wine, from Biltmore, poured into some nice wine glasses provided by a local CAB beef provider that was presented to me, because, well, I buy a lot of beef from them.
Run your bullshit past all of your city slicker buddies. We don't buy your crap. Run along yapper, spend you millions on another internet message board. ROFLMFAO.
Not true in any way. The worst annual death toll for polio was 3,000.
850,000 dead and many with permanent incapacity in two years is many magnitudes worse.
Hey Einstein, if covid is so deadly and so many millions have died from it, why is there no corresponding increase in the world mortality rate? Why was there no flu? Don't tell me because of masking, because if it made the flu non-existent it just makes sense that it should have made covid non-existent as well.

I do. That is the right of the business. I will go get a different job. Since I was 15 I have gone a total of 4.5 months without a job. Jobs are not hard to find impressive........Same here.........should we say...........PAT OURSELVES on our backs at 10 paces.............Say when
Run along troll.
Nah. I'm watching your shit show logic of threatening to sue when you don't get your way. :auiqs.jpg: Typical Karen behavior. Did you learn this from your Orange Lard and Savior? You should learn more about standing, and why most frivolous lawsuits are thrown out right away. Your own Orange Lard and Savior knows quite a bit about this too.
No, the unvaccinated should be treated like rats
Rats who are guilty of spreading disease.

Rats are not welcome in our society, neither should the unvaccinated
The “vaccinated” ones are carrying and spreading the disease. That’s a proven fact. Up to 90% of infected are vaccinated people. So the “rats” are you vaccinated ones.
The “vaccinated” ones are carrying and spreading the disease. That’s a proven fact. Up to 90% of infected are vaccinated people. So the “rats” are you vaccinated ones.
Think of the unvaccinated as Vermin
Vermin spreading death and disease
Run your bullshit past all of your city slicker buddies. We don't buy your crap. Run along yapper, spend you millions on another internet message board. ROFLMFAO.
I just provided you with some good information concerning beef. And you are right, I sell to a bunch of city slickers, including last year's NASACAR champion, the highest earning bull rider in PBR history, a host on speed network, several NBA and NFL players, and quite frankly, some of the wealthiest people in the country. My place is a destination location. I draw clientele from a huge area, and they come for one thing, the highest quality beef, and seafood, which we haven't even discussed, in the area.

So sorry, but I don't give two shits about some dumbass that thinks he is getting quality beef, directly from a supplier, with no FDA inspector, no grade stamp, and is probably getting some dairy cow that is too old to produce injected with so much shit that you can't hardly call it beef. Someone who has no idea what CAB means, who thinks Wagyu is a Japanese cow. You eat shit beef, I am sure of it, while I just finished a melt in your mouth Prime grade Ribeye paired with a top flight Cabernet. Peace out fool, if anything, your support of Trump demonstrates your intelligence level.
Linkie? Run along troll.
Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting white women who use their privilege to demand their own way. Depictions may include demanding to "speak to the manager", being racist, such as calling the police on Black people simply because of their race, or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle. A notable example was the Central Park birdwatching incident.

Hmm, no political affiliation, just as I said. Perfection.
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