NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

Do you do stand-up.
I cannot confirm nor deny.
Study up Karen, you can't sue anyone.
Individuals can literally sue anybody for any particular reason. You're wrong, flapjack, not to mention dumb as a sheet of plywood.

The statutes that you are looking for relate to libel and slander.
Defamation covers both, dipshit.
Read up, but I can tell you if you use wikipedia, they'll laugh you out of court on two counts--racist bigot.
You're an idiot.
sue me then Einstein.
I'm not a litigious little turd. Like you. I use the laws with discretion.
Correct, but one is verbal and the other is print--you guess which when you sue me moron.
In your pathetic attempt to sound intelligent and assertive, you overlooked the fact that there is no when. There is no U vs. I. I'm not a character in whatever fantasy conflict porn you call your argument.
Did you get that response from wikipedia too?
All me, baby. :04:
In your pathetic attempt to sound intelligent and assertive, you overlooked the fact that there is no when. There is no U vs. I. I'm not a character in whatever fantasy conflict porn you call your argument.
Exactly dumb fuck, you should have thought about that before you vomited out the line about suing me for defamation. Keep talking, you're too stupid to keep your own posts straight.
This is obviously what the majority of New Yorkers wanted as they voted for the politicians who implemented these rules. Why are we blaming the politicians?
And I have the right to refuse to be refused service because I won’t provide a medical info card. Let’s see where the twains meet.
From YOUR post #298 I could sue the ever loving shit out of you for defamation. Lie again you leftist asshole. Typical lying democrat.
Full context, magaturd. You're like Fox News, but on meth. Do you even comprehend what you read here, or has the 'ol noggin gone full cruise control?
My quote, full context:

"Thus, if I was a Karen like you, I could sue the ever loving shit out of you for defamation. But, I'm not, so the buck-oh-five that is your life savings is safe."

So who's the liar now, magaturd?
Full context, magaturd. You're like Fox News, but on meth. Do you even comprehend what you read here, or has the 'ol noggin gone full cruise control?
My quote, full context:

"Thus, if I was a Karen like you, I could sue the ever loving shit out of you for defamation. But, I'm not, so the buck-oh-five that is your life savings is safe."

So who's the liar now, magaturd?
Thank you for admitting that you wrote it. Lying fuck. You puked the words out, introducing the thought of a lawsuit where none previously existed. You continued to push the thought throughout multiple post attempting to appear as an internet einstein. And then in YOUR post #310 you had the gall to falsely say it did not happen. Thats two for two, a racist bigot AND a liar
Thank you for admitting that you wrote it. Lying fuck. You puked the words out, introducing the thought of a lawsuit where none previously existed. You continued to push the thought throughout multiple post attempting to appear as an internet einstein. And then in YOUR post #310 you had the gall to falsely say it did not happen. Thats two for two, a racist bigot AND a liar
That didn't happen either.

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