NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

Naw, I've had you pegged for lying racist troll for a while now. Thanks for playing.
Playing what? Your stupid magaturd reindeer games? Guilty.

Trolls like you purposely take others out of context (post #314) because you have no actual sources/information/support/experience/balls to confirm your insane political proclamations to rational, thinking adults. Your flat out complete ignorance of the Constitution, democracy and the entire American political process is a pretty telling indication to anyone on the other side of thirteen years old.

I force feed you your own hypocrisy.
Playing what? Your stupid magaturd reindeer games? Guilty.

Trolls like you purposely take others out of context (post #314) because you have no actual sources/information/support/experience/balls to confirm your insane political proclamations to rational, thinking adults. Your flat out complete ignorance of the Constitution, democracy and the entire American political process is a pretty telling indication to anyone on the other side of thirteen years old.

I force feed you your own hypocrisy.
Tsk tsk tsk, that triggered look---not flattering
Playing what? Your stupid magaturd reindeer games? Guilty.

Trolls like you purposely take others out of context (post #314) because you have no actual sources/information/support/experience/balls to confirm your insane political proclamations to rational, thinking adults. Your flat out complete ignorance of the Constitution, democracy and the entire American political process is a pretty telling indication to anyone on the other side of thirteen years old.

I force feed you your own hypocrisy.
MAGATURD! Take a drink!

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