NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

May I quote you from post #329, Mr. Exterminator Man?

"The unvaccinated should be treated like vermin.
Vermin spreading infectious diseases"

The unvaccinated are like rats carrying disease

Which are you?
You're just another right wing traitor coward making empty threats all day on a message board.

What are you doing for January 6th? Is that your new July 4th? LOL!
Bring your nasty mouth to my house where we can talk about it, chickenshit. Drag Mr. rightwinger with you, although you two might have to drag each other here by the collar.

Make it quick. This will be fun and I'm looking forward to it.

Until you stand up face to face with an adult human being and run your sassy mouth, you are just another kowardly keyboard kommando.

So when can you make it here to southeastern South Dakota? I'll meet you in Sioux Falls.
Revelation 13:17

This meant no one could buy or sell unless they had the mark; that is, the name of the beast or its number.
Bring your nasty mouth to my house where we can talk about it, chickenshit. Drag Mr. rightwinger with you, although you two might have to drag each other here by the collar.

Make it quick. This will be fun and I'm looking forward to it.

Until you stand up face to face with an adult human being and run your sassy mouth, you are just another kowardly keyboard kommando.

So when can you make it here to southeastern South Dakota? I'll meet you in Sioux Falls.
You know nobody is going to trek all the way to SD to meet you. It's why you continue to make these threats.

You know who you sound like though....that right wing psycho that just went on a shooting rampage in Colorado. He blew his top when he couldnt take it online anymore. You're headed for the same thing.
You know nobody is going to trek all the way to SD to meet you. It's why you continue to make these threats.

You know who you sound like though....that right wing psycho that just went on a shooting rampage in Colorado. He blew his top when he couldnt take it online anymore. You're headed for the same thing.

Take it easy on the guy
He pees sitting down

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