NYC smoking ban to include ecigs

She said allowing the devices in places where cigarettes are now banned also could "renormalize" smoking and undermine the public perception that the habit is now acceptable only outdoors or in private.

How is that not bigotry?
And it is not smoking. God nanny staters are such controlling fascistic retards
It's bigotry. They hate smokers and anything that appears to be smoking. Imagine treating any other group this way
Brought to you by the people who made large sodas illegal.
It's for your own good comrade....
Should they pass laws to protect gays from the unhealthy lifestyle many live? I would hope you say no. So why do lib fascists do this?
Should they pass laws to protect gays from the unhealthy lifestyle many live? I would hope you say no. So why do lib fascists do this?

Lol the point is you'd say yes. So you're pointing out your own hypocrisy.

For the record I'd say no to both you clown
Ridiculous ordinance and not likely to be enforced...

They are absolute fascists and will try. They have massive fines and will close down places that permit it

Authoritarians always over-reach, especially when they misjudge public mood. Then the pendulum swings the other way- often very quickly!

The Soda ban already blew up in their faces and was thrown out in court. IMHO, this is the last gasp of an old, dying authoritarian uptrend. I believe we are in the midst of a major upswing in libertarianism. People are tired of "authorities" telling them what to do! Witness changes to marijuana laws across the country....:thup:
Yet you laugh at your fellow liberal bigotry. Are you going our to protest?
Ridiculous ordinance and not likely to be enforced...

They are absolute fascists and will try. They have massive fines and will close down places that permit it

Authoritarians always over-reach, especially when they misjudge public mood. Then the pendulum swings the other way- often very quickly!

The Soda ban already blew up in their faces and was thrown out in court. IMHO, this is the last gasp of an old, dying authoritarian uptrend. I believe we are in the midst of a major upswing in libertarianism. Witness changes to marijuana laws across the country....:thup:
Libs don't hate pot smokers
So if there is bigotry against groups you don't favor you will just ignore it
So if there is bigotry against groups you don't favor you will just ignore it

No. On private property smoker's should be allowed to smoke whenever they want. To a restaurant/business's benefit or detriment. As for public property, we all know the harm of secondary smoke. If what you do affects others in harmful ways be prepared to make some concessions.
The rationale for this law is that stupid people might be confused and not know it's a legal e-cig.

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