NYPD officer in Eric Garner case fired

Sorry, but getting handcuffed for selling loosies and squads of officers or even soldiers going house to house to confiscate firearms aren't even in the same ballpark.

It's so sad that so many here refuse to discuss things honestly. It does explain Trump though.

What happened to Garner and what happened in my scenario are both violations of our right. Our rights are not rated in level of importance. None of them are worth ceding to the government.

Garner had been through the system before, he knew he would be out in a few days. He decided to fight back, and he paid for it.

Fine, we will allow you to go to court to argue why you should get your gun back. OK?

You libs should be happy. The police officer had his life ruined over the event, and it will be a long time before a lot of police officers in New York will ever think about approaching or hassling a sacred cow again.

Enjoy your victory, just don't complain about the pushers, pimps and other non violent criminals invading the hood.
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The police stop honkies all the time. The nation's prisons are full of white MF'ers. At the Shawshank prison, the only black guy was Morgan Freeman. Relatively few black guys served with Burt Lancaster or Clint Eastwood when they were at Alcatraz.
It's so sad that so many here refuse to discuss things honestly. It does explain Trump though.

What happened to Garner and what happened in my scenario are both violations of our right. Our rights are not rated in level of importance. None of them are worth ceding to the government.

Fine, we will allow you to go to court to argue why you should get your gun back. OK?

You libs should be happy. The police officer had his life ruined over the event, and it will be a long time before a lot of police officers in New York will ever think about approaching or hassling a sacred cow again.

Enjoy your victory, just don't complain about the pushers, pimps and other non violent criminals invading the hood.
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The police stop honkies all the time. The nation's prisons are full of white MF'ers. At the Shawshank prison, the only black guy was Morgan Freeman. Relatively few black guys served with Burt Lancaster or Clint Eastwood when they were at Alcatraz.

America's prison are full of more black men than white men, even though, white men commit more crime.
What a typical dumb fucking anti-law enforcement, racist, spew of bullshit. Fuck that cocksucker that died. He was asked to comply and did not. Fuck him.

The cop lost his job and the city had to pay out $6 Million. Sorry, man, I'm sure this kind of racist bullying makes you feel better about your tiny dick, but the rest of us can't afford it.

Well then idiots like you can pay this undeserved settlement. You got your ass kicked all over a Michael Brown thread, now you're here getting smacked around again. Protecting and coddling criminals may make you and your microscopic dick feel better, but we law abiding citizens aren't going to stand for it.
Zimmerman had his life ruined by false charges as well, after capping a Sacred Cow, a black youth. He endured tremendous legal bills, lost his entire hope of becoming a cop or being elected to the Presidency. And he was a quasi-cop,as a sworn member of the Block Watch.
Zimmerman as a employed neighborhood watch leader:
1) Was not supposed to get out of his truck
2) Was not allowed to be armed
3) Failed to Identify himself.

1) Was walking to his father's place on a sidewalk
2) He sees someone stalking him
3) He asks what Zimmerman was doing
4) Upon receiving no answer, he stood his ground & protected himself.

He should be in jail.
Your "facts" are false. Making shit up isnt a winning strategy.
Feel free to point out which statement is false.

Otherwise STFU.
1- Zimmerman was allowed to be armed. If he wasnt, he would have been charged with a crime.

2 - Trayvon was NOT walking on the sidewalk, he was walking in the grass right next to peoples windows (presumably casing apartments to steal more jewelry from).

3 - Trayvon saw Zimmerman and ran, but he made it all the way to his dads house, then decided to go seek out Zimmerman "creepy ass cracka" so he could attack him.

4 - when Trayvon found Zimmerman, he didnt stand his ground, he attacked him, telling Zimmerman "youre going to die tonight". He knocked Zimmerman to the ground, full mounted him, then began punching Zimmerman and slamming his head into the pavement. This all took place in front of a witnesses house who came out and told Trayvon to stop. Trayvon ignored him, so the witness said he was calling the cops as he went back inside, leaving Zimmerman all alone with a violent stranger attempting to kill him.

Your facts are wrong, retard.
According to the rules of Neighborhood Watch, he was NOT allowed to carry a gun. And I stated. If you can't fucking read, you should shit the fuck up.

Trayvon was walking on the sidewalk until he noticed he was being stalked.

Trayvon attacked his stalker. Standing his ground.

I guess if you came down stairs at night & found someone in your home, and you attacked him, and when he was losing the fight, he shot & killed you, that would be just dandy & no crime. Just how fucking ignorant are you?

When you return to the scene after leaving and attack a man, you are not standing your ground. Trayvon started something his punk ass couldn't finish. Had he not gone back and attacked Zimmereman he wouldn't have been shot. Period. If someone was break into my house, he wouldn't shoot anybody. He'd be pretty close to dead when the ambulance shows up.
You libs should be happy. The police officer had his life ruined over the event, and it will be a long time before a lot of police officers in New York will ever think about approaching or hassling a sacred cow again.

Enjoy your victory, just don't complain about the pushers, pimps and other non violent criminals invading the hood.
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The police stop honkies all the time. The nation's prisons are full of white MF'ers. At the Shawshank prison, the only black guy was Morgan Freeman. Relatively few black guys served with Burt Lancaster or Clint Eastwood when they were at Alcatraz.

America's prison are full of more black men than white men, even though, white men commit more crime.
You need to be more specific then that.
You're because they usually get racist like you on the jury who let them off.

Let me ask you a serious question.

Do you believe that police officers go out on the beat with the idea of shooting America's Sacred Cow, the African American youth?

Police officers know what happened to Officer Wilson in Ferguson, the guys in Baltimore who were involved in the Freddie Gay incident, Zimmerman in Sanford, etc. Even if they were found not guilty, they still lost their jobs, got sued up the wazoo, incurred humongous legal bills, basically their lives were ruined when a Sacred Cow was slain.

They would have to be pretty foolish to go out and shoot black youths , just because they are prejudiced against blacks.
How in the hell does Zimmerman get mentioned in a discussion regarding actual police officers?

Zimmerman had his life ruined by false charges as well, after capping a Sacred Cow, a black youth. He endured tremendous legal bills, lost his entire hope of becoming a cop or being elected to the Presidency. And he was a quasi-cop,as a sworn member of the Block Watch.
Zimmerman as a employed neighborhood watch leader:
1) Was not supposed to get out of his truck
2) Was not allowed to be armed
3) Failed to Identify himself.

1) Was walking to his father's place on a sidewalk
2) He sees someone stalking him
3) He asks what Zimmerman was doing
4) Upon receiving no answer, he stood his ground & protected himself.

He should be in jail.

A jury of his peers determined that Zimmerman was as innocent as a newborn babe.
There is no such verdict as "innocent" in a criminal trial, let alone the type of innocence you're implying, it simply means that the government (the prosecution) failed to meet the burden of proof required to obtain a criminal conviction.

I don't know why they went for murder two when they probably could have prevailed on a manslaughter charge.
Zimmerman as a employed neighborhood watch leader:
1) Was not supposed to get out of his truck
2) Was not allowed to be armed
3) Failed to Identify himself.

1) Was walking to his father's place on a sidewalk
2) He sees someone stalking him
3) He asks what Zimmerman was doing
4) Upon receiving no answer, he stood his ground & protected himself.

He should be in jail.
Your "facts" are false. Making shit up isnt a winning strategy.
Feel free to point out which statement is false.

Otherwise STFU.
1- Zimmerman was allowed to be armed. If he wasnt, he would have been charged with a crime.

2 - Trayvon was NOT walking on the sidewalk, he was walking in the grass right next to peoples windows (presumably casing apartments to steal more jewelry from).

3 - Trayvon saw Zimmerman and ran, but he made it all the way to his dads house, then decided to go seek out Zimmerman "creepy ass cracka" so he could attack him.

4 - when Trayvon found Zimmerman, he didnt stand his ground, he attacked him, telling Zimmerman "youre going to die tonight". He knocked Zimmerman to the ground, full mounted him, then began punching Zimmerman and slamming his head into the pavement. This all took place in front of a witnesses house who came out and told Trayvon to stop. Trayvon ignored him, so the witness said he was calling the cops as he went back inside, leaving Zimmerman all alone with a violent stranger attempting to kill him.

Your facts are wrong, retard.
According to the rules of Neighborhood Watch, he was NOT allowed to carry a gun. And I stated. If you can't fucking read, you should shit the fuck up.

Trayvon was walking on the sidewalk until he noticed he was being stalked.

Trayvon attacked his stalker. Standing his ground.

I guess if you came down stairs at night & found someone in your home, and you attacked him, and when he was losing the fight, he shot & killed you, that would be just dandy & no crime. Just how fucking ignorant are you?

When you return to the scene after leaving and attack a man, you are not standing your ground. Trayvon started something his punk ass couldn't finish. Had he not gone back and attacked Zimmereman he wouldn't have been shot. Period. If someone was break into my house, he wouldn't shoot anybody. He'd be pretty close to dead when the ambulance shows up.
my God, you are Still lying about this.

What scene was left? There was not a "scene" until the confrontation.

So I get it. The black kid is a punk./ It seems your racism is starting to show through here.
What a typical dumb fucking anti-law enforcement, racist, spew of bullshit. Fuck that cocksucker that died. He was asked to comply and did not. Fuck him.

The cop lost his job and the city had to pay out $6 Million. Sorry, man, I'm sure this kind of racist bullying makes you feel better about your tiny dick, but the rest of us can't afford it.

Well then idiots like you can pay this undeserved settlement. You got your ass kicked all over a Michael Brown thread, now you're here getting smacked around again. Protecting and coddling criminals may make you and your microscopic dick feel better, but we law abiding citizens aren't going to stand for it.

And it is really good police work to approach a man standing outside a store that suspect of the HUGE HUGE HUGE crime of selling loose cigarettes & you end up killing the guy.
I don't know why they went for murder two when they probably could have prevailed on a manslaughter charge.

The prosecutors went for Murder charges because the Mob demanded it and wouldn't have stood for a manslaughter charge.

Remember that the Black Panther Party put a million dollar bounty on Zimmerman's head.
You libs should be happy. The police officer had his life ruined over the event, and it will be a long time before a lot of police officers in New York will ever think about approaching or hassling a sacred cow again.

Enjoy your victory, just don't complain about the pushers, pimps and other non violent criminals invading the hood.
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The police stop honkies all the time. The nation's prisons are full of white MF'ers. At the Shawshank prison, the only black guy was Morgan Freeman. Relatively few black guys served with Burt Lancaster or Clint Eastwood when they were at Alcatraz.

America's prison are full of more black men than white men, even though, white men commit more crime.
It is a white country
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The police stop honkies all the time. The nation's prisons are full of white MF'ers. At the Shawshank prison, the only black guy was Morgan Freeman. Relatively few black guys served with Burt Lancaster or Clint Eastwood when they were at Alcatraz.

America's prison are full of more black men than white men, even though, white men commit more crime.
It is a white country

Which one was Eric Garner again? The violent black thug or the black guy with a long rap sheet?
The police hassle Honkies all the time, that's what their job is. The difference is that young blacks are considered sacred cows who object to it.

A honky friend of mine got framed for DUI in Ohio, the judge didn't even want to hear it and he was sentenced either 30 days in jail or 30 AA meetings , he chose the latter.

But when reviewing his case, the cop lied and said that he was driving a maroon Pontiac. My friend proved that the police officer perjured himself and he owned a burgundy automobile. This would not have been allowed if the man was a black guy.

If he were a black guy, he probably would have gotten shot for mouthing off to the officer.

Wow, so this was the cops argument, they couldn't tell the difference between "Maroon" and "Burgundy".

Sounds like your friend could afford a lawyer who knew what he was doing.

Check your privilege... when any Pollack off the boat can have more privilege than a black person, there's a problem.
Sorry, but getting handcuffed for selling loosies and squads of officers or even soldiers going house to house to confiscate firearms aren't even in the same ballpark.

Garner had been through the system before, he knew he would be out in a few days. He decided to fight back, and he paid for it.

Yeah, there's be a good reason for the former.

Yes, he had been through the system. He had a whole history of the police harrassing him for nothing, and he got fed up.

That didn't call for a cop to use a fatal choke hold on him.
Well then idiots like you can pay this undeserved settlement. You got your ass kicked all over a Michael Brown thread, now you're here getting smacked around again. Protecting and coddling criminals may make you and your microscopic dick feel better, but we law abiding citizens aren't going to stand for it.

Law abiding citizens are paying huge fines and we are finally putting the rogue cops in jail.
The police hassle Honkies all the time, that's what their job is. The difference is that young blacks are considered sacred cows who object to it.

A honky friend of mine got framed for DUI in Ohio, the judge didn't even want to hear it and he was sentenced either 30 days in jail or 30 AA meetings , he chose the latter.

But when reviewing his case, the cop lied and said that he was driving a maroon Pontiac. My friend proved that the police officer perjured himself and he owned a burgundy automobile. This would not have been allowed if the man was a black guy.

If he were a black guy, he probably would have gotten shot for mouthing off to the officer.

Wow, so this was the cops argument, they couldn't tell the difference between "Maroon" and "Burgundy".

Sounds like your friend could afford a lawyer who knew what he was doing.

Check your privilege... when any Pollack off the boat can have more privilege than a black person, there's a problem.

My friend didn't "mouth off" to the officer at all. Just confronted him IN COURT, which is the right of all Americans.

And the judge took the side of the police, in spite of the incredible perjury , my friend had the book thrown at him, getting a sentence of 30 AA meetings. I suppose he could have received more, but still that's a lot you'd agree.

If he was a young black guy, the judge would have found the cop guilty of perjury IMHO.
Your "facts" are false. Making shit up isnt a winning strategy.
Feel free to point out which statement is false.

Otherwise STFU.
1- Zimmerman was allowed to be armed. If he wasnt, he would have been charged with a crime.

2 - Trayvon was NOT walking on the sidewalk, he was walking in the grass right next to peoples windows (presumably casing apartments to steal more jewelry from).

3 - Trayvon saw Zimmerman and ran, but he made it all the way to his dads house, then decided to go seek out Zimmerman "creepy ass cracka" so he could attack him.

4 - when Trayvon found Zimmerman, he didnt stand his ground, he attacked him, telling Zimmerman "youre going to die tonight". He knocked Zimmerman to the ground, full mounted him, then began punching Zimmerman and slamming his head into the pavement. This all took place in front of a witnesses house who came out and told Trayvon to stop. Trayvon ignored him, so the witness said he was calling the cops as he went back inside, leaving Zimmerman all alone with a violent stranger attempting to kill him.

Your facts are wrong, retard.
According to the rules of Neighborhood Watch, he was NOT allowed to carry a gun. And I stated. If you can't fucking read, you should shit the fuck up.

Trayvon was walking on the sidewalk until he noticed he was being stalked.

Trayvon attacked his stalker. Standing his ground.

I guess if you came down stairs at night & found someone in your home, and you attacked him, and when he was losing the fight, he shot & killed you, that would be just dandy & no crime. Just how fucking ignorant are you?

When you return to the scene after leaving and attack a man, you are not standing your ground. Trayvon started something his punk ass couldn't finish. Had he not gone back and attacked Zimmereman he wouldn't have been shot. Period. If someone was break into my house, he wouldn't shoot anybody. He'd be pretty close to dead when the ambulance shows up.
my God, you are Still lying about this.

What scene was left? There was not a "scene" until the confrontation.

So I get it. The black kid is a punk./ It seems your racism is starting to show through here.
Trayvon made it to his dad's house, but he wanted to go fuck up a "creepy ass cracker", so he went looking for Zimmerman. Why are you defending a violent racist who hunted down an innocent man and assaulted him?
Feel free to point out which statement is false.

Otherwise STFU.
1- Zimmerman was allowed to be armed. If he wasnt, he would have been charged with a crime.

2 - Trayvon was NOT walking on the sidewalk, he was walking in the grass right next to peoples windows (presumably casing apartments to steal more jewelry from).

3 - Trayvon saw Zimmerman and ran, but he made it all the way to his dads house, then decided to go seek out Zimmerman "creepy ass cracka" so he could attack him.

4 - when Trayvon found Zimmerman, he didnt stand his ground, he attacked him, telling Zimmerman "youre going to die tonight". He knocked Zimmerman to the ground, full mounted him, then began punching Zimmerman and slamming his head into the pavement. This all took place in front of a witnesses house who came out and told Trayvon to stop. Trayvon ignored him, so the witness said he was calling the cops as he went back inside, leaving Zimmerman all alone with a violent stranger attempting to kill him.

Your facts are wrong, retard.
According to the rules of Neighborhood Watch, he was NOT allowed to carry a gun. And I stated. If you can't fucking read, you should shit the fuck up.

Trayvon was walking on the sidewalk until he noticed he was being stalked.

Trayvon attacked his stalker. Standing his ground.

I guess if you came down stairs at night & found someone in your home, and you attacked him, and when he was losing the fight, he shot & killed you, that would be just dandy & no crime. Just how fucking ignorant are you?

When you return to the scene after leaving and attack a man, you are not standing your ground. Trayvon started something his punk ass couldn't finish. Had he not gone back and attacked Zimmereman he wouldn't have been shot. Period. If someone was break into my house, he wouldn't shoot anybody. He'd be pretty close to dead when the ambulance shows up.
my God, you are Still lying about this.

What scene was left? There was not a "scene" until the confrontation.

So I get it. The black kid is a punk./ It seems your racism is starting to show through here.
Trayvon made it to his dad's house, but he wanted to go fuck up a "creepy ass cracker", so he went looking for Zimmerman. Why are you defending a violent racist who hunted down an innocent man and assaulted him?

Trayvon just wasn't a Racist, but also a Homophobe with his "Ass Cracker" slur. And an anti-semite as well,the media initially thought Zimmerman was Jewish and Trayvon may have misidentified him too.
Sorry, but getting handcuffed for selling loosies and squads of officers or even soldiers going house to house to confiscate firearms aren't even in the same ballpark.

It's so sad that so many here refuse to discuss things honestly. It does explain Trump though.

What happened to Garner and what happened in my scenario are both violations of our right. Our rights are not rated in level of importance. None of them are worth ceding to the government.

Garner had been through the system before, he knew he would be out in a few days. He decided to fight back, and he paid for it.

Fine, we will allow you to go to court to argue why you should get your gun back. OK?

You libs should be happy. The police officer had his life ruined over the event, and it will be a long time before a lot of police officers in New York will ever think about approaching or hassling a sacred cow again.

Enjoy your victory, just don't complain about the pushers, pimps and other non violent criminals invading the hood.
His life is not ruined
He was just not very good at being a police officer......someone died because of it

If Mr. Garner was a Honky, the officer would have never been fired.

If Mr. Garner would have been white, he would have never been stopped in the first place.

The crazy white guy smashing car windows I dropped a dime on last month would beg to differ. He go the cuffs.

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