NYT: ‘Airplanes Took Aim’ on 9/11

“Yes, terrorists did it. Islamic terrorists. That’s what happened. Saying so doesn’t make you a racist, and avoiding it won’t keep Islamic terrorists from striking again.

I’ll never understand the mindset. They know Islamic terrorists did it. Yet their first impulse was to say that the “airplanes took aim.” As if nobody would notice. They had to be publicly shamed into grudgingly admitting even a partial truth about what really happened.

And they still think they’re better than us.”

NYT: ‘Airplanes Took Aim’ on 9/11.

The planes hit the twin towers because Muslim butchers were aiming them.

They brought the towers down. Them and no one else.
And the terrorists are just vacationing in HELL:

The hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon expressed confusion and surprise Monday to find themselves in the lowest plane of Na'ar, Islam's Hell.

"I was promised I would spend eternity in Paradise, being fed honeyed cakes by 67 virgins in a tree-lined garden, if only I would fly the airplane into one of the Twin Towers," said Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11, between attempts to vomit up the wasps, hornets, and live coals infesting his stomach. "But instead, I am fed the boiling feces of traitors by malicious, laughing Ifrit. Is this to be my reward for destroying the enemies of my faith?"

The rest of Atta's words turned to raw-throated shrieks, as a tusked, asp-tongued demon burst his eyeballs and drank the fluid that ran down his face.

According to Hell sources, the 19 eternally damned terrorists have struggled to understand why they have been subjected to soul-withering, infernal torture ever since their Sept. 11 arrival.


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